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Welllll...hi. I'm never quite sure what to say in these things...

Hi, my name is Syborae (well not really but I don't know y'all well enough to throw about the real name yet!) and I'm a Sanderson fangirl (I'm also a Rothfuss fangirl, just sayin'). Except I haven't finished reading Way of Kings yet and I preordered it...oops. Well I'll just throw out random things so y'all can get to know me a bit...that's the point of an introduction right? Also check out my interests and about me page I'm wonderfully succinct there as well *coughs*

Right, focus brain...

I used to be able to stay up until 4 am in the morning before my sister had kids and needed my help. Now I find myself getting sleepy by 11...how lame! I'm a bit delirious because it's OHMYGOSH 1 am. I'm so going to regret this in the morning but I can't help checking out a site throughly when I join it and I knew I'd forget to join by morning.

So I joined because Brandon commented about moving his official forums here. I actually used to belong to another fansite that was started a wee bit before or just at the same time as this one and didn't join on purpose, other than checking it out. But as I do my attention eventually flitted away to another interest and eventually it closed down.

Um...I've met Brandon twice. Once when I wasn't able to attend a signing of his over in California (my car got a flat, I went the wrong way on the highway for an hour because I didn't bring directions) but ran into him when a few friends and I went to a restaurant and he was there too. I was really nervous and just shook his hand. He asked if I had any questions but I didn't really because I'd been reading everything on his website and around the 'net.

I also met him this previous March when I went to an Annual party for the Wheel of Time forum I'm on and he was attending. It was pretty awesome. I got to tour RJ's house and sit in his chair. I actually like Sanderson's writing much better but it was still really cool!

I live about 40 minutes from where WorldCon just took place but I was down in Vegas visiting my brother and some WoT friends and I missed it. It was worth seeing my brother but OMG Sanderson and Rothfuss in one place! Oiy oiy oy.

I like to read as I'm sure others do. Last year I had a goal of 100 and beat it at 111 (seriously, urban fantasy novels are so easy and quick to get through!). This year I decided to be all complicated and such (re: INFJ) and attached different genres I read to each month of the year and then plan out books from those genres from my huge to-read list as well as the books from the Women of Science Fiction, Women of Fantasy and Alphabet Soup reading groups. I have some serious catching up to do!

I play WoW, I started to spend time with my brother and Dad but I've really gotten into it lately. I'm also super interested in GW2 and can't wait to check it out.

I would try to list out favorite shows and movies but oh my gosh I know I would forget things and it would take forever. It's like asking for favorite books, eek! Or favorite music! My brain would overload. And now I just need to shut up since this is already long so...

TL;DR: Hi, I am a huge geek with a short attention span who loves almost everything! Especially exclamation points!

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Hey there Syb (may I call you that? XD) that's quite an intro :D,

Geeks are awesome! XD we are pretty much all geeks here. 111 books? wow... I'm struggling to get to 50 XD and I always thought I was an avid reader *sigh*

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Syb is fine! I hadn't really thought of nicknames when I chose a display name so it's all good.

I know I know, I can be so long winded and all over the place. I'm not always though, promise! I'm sure I'll get to lurking soon enough.

It's only been recent that I started counting my books (yay Goodreads!) and I know in highschool I read a lot less so it's a rather recent phenomenon for me :D There is so much out there I want to read though! I'll never get to it all!

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hah I see you like Oglaf, its so terribly funny isnt it :D.... I really do want a system wherein I can webcomics a chapter at a time (when they are chaptered) and somewhere with a nice clean interface maybe with a fullscreen mode or something. lol getting off topic :\

well you've got nothing on me, I go to bed around 9pm usually. though if I'm in a good book I end up reading until silly-o'clock :wacko: lol.

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* Wall of Text crits darniil for 9999!

Ugh! Wow. I'll read that in a bit. Gotta see what else was posted since last night, but I'll read it. I will.

(In all seriousness, it's not a true Wall of Text. The paragraphing is wonderful. <3)

Welcome to the forums, and be excellent to each other. :)

Edit: Okay, finally read it. That was pretty darn detailed.

And WoW, eh? I can't imagine that anyone else here plays that. Nope. >_>

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Heh, no, it's not. I actually threw this name together back in high school for a character I was going to play in an Amber game that one of my friends decided to run. (Holy run-on sentences, Batman!) I've used the name online ever since. (Which was why I was surprised and amused when I did some ego surfing a few months back and found the name in an ebook. o.O )

Forsaken shadow priest on Gorefiend, here.

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Well I'm a wee bit of an Alt-oholic but my main is a Night Elf Hunter on Draka. My Dad, brother and I have a Guild called the Bridgeburners. My main alt atm is a Dwarf Paladin, also on Draka. Um um, I also have alts on Turalyon, Bloodhoof and Silvermoon. My main is named Syborae and she's only level 58 or so and is my highest. I just recently started doing some PvP and loved it! I also rolled my first DK (a gnome because I couldn't resist) but other than playing through the first few levels I haven't touched it since, I'd rather do it when I have time to focus and learn and all that jazz. I would love to get involved in a Guild where I could learn from more experienced players and get to know people but no luck yet.

Thank you for the welcomes! :D

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Briefly but I didn't know anyone else playing and I'm too shy to try getting to know random people and so I didn't get into the game as much. WoW sucked me in because my brother and Dad played and it was the only way I got to spend time with them for most of the year. Don't get me wrong, I love computer/video games but I tend to play RPGs like the Heroes games when I was growing up and recently Dragonage and Fable. I just started playing Fable III on my mom's Xbox 360 actually. The new GW just looks so amazing that I can't wait to play. That combined with SWTOR and whenever Diablo III comes out in the future and I feel like I'm going to be a hermit!

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Well, I always liked Guild Wars because you could sort of play it as a single player game if you wanted to.

SWTOR looks cool, but GW2's combat looks more innovative. TOR looks like the same MMORPG you've played before, but with the Bioware story, plus Star Wars. As much as I love Bioware, I don't know if it's enough to get me to pay a subscription, especially since I don't have much time to game.

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