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Poetic Description of Endowment


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So, this was kind of inspired by the Endowment podcast, where Ian was wondering how to describe Endowment's infinity.  And they concluded we didn't know enough, but I still decided to give it a try.  It's supposed to be reminiscent of the poetic descriptions Brandon provides for Ruin and Preservation in SH, and then for Odium in Oathbringer.  Hopefully I didn't mimic his layout too much.  Anyways, here goes.


Before her spread a radiance, brilliant and all-engulfing.  The light touched everything, and it left each thing it touched changed.  For even when the light had gone, whatever it had touched began to shine with a life of its own, as the power of the light entered what had once been dark.  In this way, each thing gave of itself to everything else, and so the brilliance came from everywhere at once.

Though the light was not striated and divided as the beams of a rainbow are, it was comprised of every color at once, distinct and yet merged seamlessly into a whole.  It was the wisdom of a teacher imparted to a student, the water of the heavens sent to nourish the earth, the spark of life a mother breathes into her child.  But it was also the fear the hunter instills his prey with, the darkness left when a flash of lightning blinds the eyes, the pain of a knife as a torturer disfigures their victim.  

The light was the interchange between all aspects of the universe.  Nothing can exist without affecting what is around it, as each object imparts a piece of itself to everything it touches.  The light was the essence of giving, bereft of intent or effect. 

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