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Long Game 49/Anonymous Game 3: Window to the Past

little wilson

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Ivory gritted his teeth as the message was read out. Someone was trying to start trouble, and whoever it was knew things that these humans seemed to have forgotten. He shuddered at the thought of the diseased mind necessary to start this trouble knowing whit it would lead to. It had to have been one of the former Heralds, as there was no way one of the Alethi could be sane enough to learn these secrets, and insane enough to try and start a war that was only all too likely to end in Desolation.

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Aesudan raised an eyebrow as she saw one of the Parshendi with beards reading the note. Could Parshendi males read? That was a crazy thought.

She wondered who had written such a thing. She doubted the Parshendi were familiar enough with the Alethi tongue, and Parshmen were obviously incapable of writing anything. Probably one of the Alethi or foreign visitors trying to stir up trouble. Or another one of Wit’s pranks, perhaps.

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I walked back in, munching on a pastry from the long tables full of food. "Welcome back Adolin. Did the girls outside finally throw rocks at you? I figured it was only a matter of time, given how those ones got broken off with. Also, look at all the chulls! They've gotten rid of most of the chulls in here, but the one in the bathroom is still stuck in there!" 

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Adolin grinned at Wit, pleased to hear their prank had been mostly successful. “Great to see you, too,” he remarked drily. “No girls on the outside of the palace, actually, just a few darkeyes mingling with some of the Parshendi that didn’t make it in. Did they ever translate that message, by the way?”

I’m back! I know you all dearly missed me, but you probably want information on the outside of the palace. I won’t spill all the secrets, because that wouldn’t be fun, but I can say that they’ve got an entirely separate set of actions that have a few subtle impacts. Not giving anything else away. If you want to find out more, we can always throw you out there. :D 

I am also slightly displeased that you threw out Liss. She seemed to genuinely have made a few errors that spiraled out of her control, and despite my initial outrage at my manipulation, I do not think she merited removal, and believe she was not trying to act dishonestly. That said, it is time to move on from the fireworks of the second cycle. Does anyone have anything else to say publicly, or should I retreat back into my PMs? :P 

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Though Beggar strained to hear the sounds of a search party barging into the rafters, he managed to stuff all forty bottles of wine into his cloak without being interrupted by anyone. The cloak was now rather unsuited for wearing, and the weight of the wine would undoubtedly cause the tears to widen, but Beggar was confident the garment could carry the bottles long enough to find a new hiding place. He wasn't quite sure where that would be, so he attempted to prolong his cloak's lifespan by supporting the bottom of the makeshift back with his right hand. He climbed down the stairs and waited by the fake wall for a distraction that would enable him to make his escape. The commotion of Adolin's return provided a perfect opportunity. Beggar pushed open the wall and began to walk calmly out of the feast hall, just a lowly darkeyed beggar and his definitely-not-suspicious-at-all sack of wine.

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Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar, wore white as he stooped down and swept the chull dung from the floor. White to be bold. White to show where the bottom of his robes had brushed against the dung he was sweeping.

Despite his attempt to keep his emotions off his face, as was befitting of a Truthless, his nose kept on wrinkling in utter revolt -- the air smelled as if somebody had injected horse waste with a wet, fishy flavor. Szeth slowly scanned the area, using the same grid pattern he'd use to find an assassin to search for the source of the offending smell. There, besides the table leg! He wiped his watering eyes with his sleeve and reached out with his broom clumsily. It knocked against a cylindrical piece of poop, causing it to roll under the table.

Szeth stooped under the table to fish it out with his broom. Had he not been Truthless, he would've let out a loud groan. His younger self would've demanded to throw the Wit who'd unleashed all these chulls into a heap of chull dung until he learned his lesson. But Szeth was Truthless, and as Truthless he had to follow his masters' orders to help the Alethi servants in any way he could, including cleaning up any messes that might occur.

Szeth sighed. Only a few more hallways to go... 

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39 minutes ago, SE_Meridas_Amaram said:

“This maybe the only time I ever do this, but I agree with @SE_Wit @SE_Aesudan_Kholin you are brilliant with words.”

“I am, in fact, equally brilliant without words. But your willingness to agree with Wit is nothing short of flattering.”

25 minutes ago, SE_Wit said:

"Heh, I got that a while back. Got that and perfect pitch." 

“Perfect at pitching insults, yes.”

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Torol sat, somewhat horrified by what was happening around him. Men... singing? Would they begin reading and writing too? Madness. That's just not the Alethi way. Where were the duels? Leave the music, book and arts to the women.

Edited by SE_Torol_Sadeas
Spelling. Autocorrect can't accept 'were' as a word...
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