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Greetings all, 

Not having grown up with sooo much technology - I never considered that other people *ON THE INTERWEBS* might be as obsessed with Brandon Sanderson as I am! I'm avidreader, as any Sanderson fan must be. I'm excited to find this little piece of nerdom! Any advice is welcome. I have several questions about different books, the Mistborn board game, fan fiction....and stuff. I haven't realllly done the forum thing - so I have no manners. Hi!!!!!!


Edited by avidreader
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3 hours ago, avidreader said:

I haven't realllly done the forum thing - so I have no manners. Hi!!!!!!

What are these "manners" ? I don't think i've heard of that from the internet. xD

Oh btw welcome ! 


Who is your favorite and least-favorite WoT and Cosmere character ? 

Edited by goody153
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 @Dragonspren Chocolate. There is no debate and anyone who disagrees should be suspected a dark friend. Do you ask this of everyone for fun or are you tracking this for official purposes? :) 

@goody153 Ohhhh that is such a hard question. In WoT my favorite would have to be Matt, I adore his character's complexity and Luck is the best power. Slayer is the worst in my mind, no one should hurt puppies.  It is crazy hard to decide on Cosmere characters, let's say Lift is my favorite because food is also my fuel. And I was not a fan of Elend Venture when he was introduced, he was so idealistic it came off as naive. What are yours? 

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1 hour ago, avidreader said:

Chocolate. There is no debate and anyone who disagrees should be suspected a dark friend. Do you ask this of everyone for fun or are you tracking this for official purposes? :) 

I totally agree with you there. Yes I ask it of everyone. Totally not for official government records tracking who can be trusted and who must be watched closely.:ph34r:

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Hi and welcome to the shard!

If you're new to this whole forum thing you can take a look at this page. It is a sum up, of the core rules of this community.
A welcome to the 17th shard and the rules

And I also support the notion to read Alcatraz next. It's really funny and if you read between the lines you can find a lot of references to other books, which is something I always adore.

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