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Alright. Here they are: 


Letter 1 (A  fancy piece of vellum, with neat handwriting and an official wax seal.)

My Lord,

I write to you with sorrow on my heart. I know, that your offer to look after our young Mistress was made with the purest heart, and yet I feel heavy, because telling you where she is, means treason to my master.

But- the Almighty save us all- your theories were right. He has the markings, and sometimes I hear the most gruesome noises out of his room. I expect they must belong to the demons you mentioned.

Our young mistress is at the Waystop, located in the horneater peaks.

I can only beg you to care for her.


Alrik Miller

  • Head Servant of the house Vulken

Letter 2 (appears to be a printed transcript of a digital record.)

Information about target

  • Name: Damayaken Vulken, known as Damaya to those close to her

  • Blond hair, small and light build

  • Aged around 23

  • Possessed Knowledge: Only partially aware of Vulken’s true nature; after capturing, burn her mind clean. We only need her genetic code, not her annoyingly stubborn nature.

  • Place in plans of Head Sorcerer Vulken (hah!): unknown. We theorize, that he knows about her potential

  • Possible surgebinder, abilities: First Ideal Radiant, but refuses to progress. Make sure to capture the spren- Without the abomination, the Elysium Gate won’t open.

  • Do not fail, Shrike. Corax ymg' ilyaa, uh'enah.

(The transcript ends with the image of a blood-soaked raven. It’s eyes seem to stare at the reader, and its wings shudder in silent agony.)


Letter 3

(A crumpled sheet of paper, stained with foul-smelling blood at the bottom. The only writing is the words, “CORAX IS COMING”, in an unsteady scrawl across the page. THe words are repeated until the very last line on the back, where it changes to “corax is here”, in much smaller, neater handwriting- so different, in fact, as to almost be by a different hand…)


Letter 4

(Looks like a ripped out page)

My companions were killed, but I proved that the target is at the Waystop. I was saved by a crazy man, but managed to avoid his search of a volleyball. I need to make a new plan and finally grab her. I deem it possible, that she was the young woman, who avoided the fight and offered herself up. Could fit, as she also left after I mentioned who I was looking for and the threatened one obviously tried to protect a friend. Maybe it was her. I need some support, then I’ll go

(The letter abruptly ends. A drop of black blood has stained the lower-left corner.)





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Are you all done yet?

A single craftsman holding a clip board appeared in a flash of light about 10 feet up, then fell and landed on the ground with an Omph!

"Ugh, they need to re calibrate those sensors." Groaning he sat up, and looked around to find araha. Seeing her across the field, he jogged over and raised the clipboard.

"Hey are you araha? I need you to sign this before we can deliver the suit."

As he spoke, a bunch of craftsmen appeared in the air with what looked like a sound system and a few other special effects. They began to set them up.


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Nice, thanks

Deras was the first to react, as if in slow motion, he saw one of the enemy materialize in front of one of the women from the Waystop, Araha's friend, though he didn't know her name. He ran forward, as fast as he could, but as he reached them, the enemy disappeared along with the woman.

His eyes widened. He'd failed.

For the first time that he could remember, he'd failed. He panted, an instinctive response even though he didn't need air.

He had failed.

He stood there. Still acknowledging what just happened.


Araha saw the column dissipate,

then Deras suddenly reacted, in the next moment, he was a few feet from his original position, almost disappearing. "Whoa!" Araha reacted and flinched, instinctively putting up her hands in a combat stance, "what's wrong, Deras?" she asked, but he didn't answer.

He always answered.

She saw him staring long into nothing, "what are you...?" She looked around, noticing Damaya was gone, "wait... where's Damaya?" No one answered, Ran turned into her larger woman form.

"WHERE'S DAMAYA?" Araha asked again, shouting. No answer still.

Then she saw what Deras was staring at.

On the ground, were footprints, where someone was standing just a moment ago, on them were a stack of paper. Araha rushed forward, pushing past Deras' still standing form and kneeling to look at the papers, her kneel so quick that she skidded on the ground. No... no, please, she pleaded in her mind, where was Damaya? What had happened? Questions ran through her head as panic started to set in, she read the contents.

Her mind kicked into overdrive: The first letter seemed to belong to the abusive people that adopted Damaya or at least their house, the second, she wasn't sure, perhaps another of the Chaos forces. This one was clear that they were targeting Damaya, the mentions of 'burning her mind clean,' sent chills down her spine, as fear and worry gripped, her. She read on though, needing more answers.

the third letter was useless save for the mention of a name, and the fourth was from the bastard she should have killed him. He should have died. If only that sparking man-creature didn't intervene, they could've taken the fight to THEM.

She wasn't sure how to really decode this, her mind was in turmoil, she didn't know if she wanted to push the emotions down or let them surge, tears begun streaming from her eyes as one fact stood above all, Damaya was taken.

She wanted to burn these pages, bring her back that way, call upon the Nightwatcher maybe, an Aon somewhere? Master Soren? Something, somehow, someway, just to bring her friend back. She was hyperventilating now. Once again she was helpless.

Helpless. The night of her parent's death flashed in her eyes, their corpses, the red.

Her breathing quickened even more, she tried to find her center, good memories, Master Soren... Damaya...

Her friend was gone.

She screamed, panic setting in. She kept yelping as she curled into a ball.


Ran in her woman form noticed that Araha was having a panic attack, and she tried as hard as she could to help her, but it seemed as if she didn't even feel the spren's comforting hands. "Araha! Araha, I'm here. Please!" She pleaded, trying as hard as she could to solidify and give her sister a hug. "Araha, I'm here."

She was still hyperventilating,

Araha slumped, Ran's slight solidity couldn't stop her from falling over. She was unconscious.

Ran was worried, and felt horrible for Araha. She was probably having the worst nightmare. She hoped she could still snap out of it even after the nightmare.

She cared for Damaya too, at least in respects to her friendship with Araha. Losing her permanently was not an option.


Deras snapped out of it. He was reading the letters too. The woman could still be rescued.

Araha was taking it much harder than he was, and she fainted. A glowing woman, the same feeling as the one he got from Ida's companion when he helped her, was visible to him, this must be Araha's own companion.

She looked up at Deras, "help her,"

He nodded at the translucent woman and carried Araha, the woman lead her back to her room.



Here, I'm gonna move the Waystop time to a few days forward since Mac's posted already


during this time, Araha would have talked and trained with Deras as well as practiced with the Epic tech. I'm gonna put those in CDS


The woman walked up, "yes, that's me," she took the pen and signed. "Thank you." she said, expressionless as ever.

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Looking around at the wreckage, The craftsman realizes the he must've stepped into a warzone. Dang, wonder what happened here. Hope it doesn't come back. He grabbed the clip board and walked over to the guys setting up the special FX. Leaning down he whispered into their ears, making sure everything was good and ready to go. Once they gave the thumbs up, he pulled out a spanreed, and gave base the ok. Then he went over to the control station, and flipped a switch turning on the smoke machines.

Back at the base, a team of hemalurgic automatons began to lift a oblong shape into an Aon Tia. Then a craftsman pushed a few buttons, so that it would appear right above the waystop, then sent it on its way with a flash of light. The Pod appeared in space above the waystop, and began to fall. 

A few seconds later, if anyone was looking, they would've noticed a bright light in the atmosphere appear, like a meteor coming down to roshar. As the pod got closer, the craftsmen on the ground flipped a switch to the speakers, turning on Black Sabbaths Iron Man.

The craftsmen giggled "I love this part of the job," Looking around at everyone's confused faces, he pointed upward and yelled, "Look at the Meteor!"

Suddenly, it smashed into the ground, blowing the smoke and a fair amount of dirt away in a ring. When the dust cleared, There was a metal pod with its nose buried in the ground, a door right above ground level. The song still playing in the background, the door opened, revealing a misty room, with a suit of what appeared to be aluminum armor in the middle. MK 1, was written on the left shoulder. The craftsman stood up. 

"Araha, Here's your suit! How do you like it?" The other guys began to disassemble the speakers and smoke machine, and load it into the pod. They also removed the suit from the pod, and maneuvered it up to where araha was.


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it's alright, that part of the plot's over now, and we're in the timeskip to 2-3 days later, the main thing is that Damaya's been kidnapped,

if either Mr. Amber or Ski wants to join in on the campaign, feel free. By this point, Araha would have talked it over with everyone in that two days, practicing and recruiting, though, if you want, you could also say that Mr. Amber gave Araha some more Epic tech,



The theatrics that the Craftsmen did were unnecessary, and she couldn't really be impressed what with her current state. She nodded at the Craftsman that addressed her, "this is up to standards that we talked about?" She asked, then continued: "If so, you can start collecting the Chaos tech, they're in a pile over there." She gestured to a pile.

Deras walked up, wearing a tunic and non-worn pants, he looked like a regular man, just extremely grey. "This we spoke of?" He asked Araha.

"Yes, this is it," She turned back to the suit, "this is our army," she concluded.

"Can you disembark please?" she addressed the craftsmen wearing it, "we'd want to use it as soon as possible."

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Giddy with the beautiful theatrics of his entrance, the Main guy motioned for the craftsman to get out of the machine, and to go collect the chaos gear and began loading it into the bottom compartment of the pod. 

Once that was done, he loaded everyone inside and tapped a Aon Tia on the wall, taking the entire rig and all of the contents away in a flash of light.



For context, none of the craftsmen care about what other people think about their theatrics or stuff, so long as they get paid. They do stuff for the fun of doing it, so this guy loves to make really theatrical deliveries for the fun of it. 


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Araha glanced at Deras, who glanced back and walked inside the armor. The craftsmen said it was going to be worn like regular shardplate, but regular shardplate does not stand on its own, so this was a pleasant surprise.

Deras fitted the armor onto himself, sliding his hands into the gauntlets, and the feet. Araha walked over and analyzed the armor itself, there was a thick layer that she spotted on the opened piece, with different materials, which was exactly what she asked for. There were also a few gemstones powering the fabrials, they were surprisingly efficient, not even visibly leaking stormlight. Everything seemed to be in place, even the pumps were there. She motioned to close the hatch, then hesitated.

"Deras, can you close it automatically?"

"How?" He asked.

"I think the machine responds to intention, you just need to want to close it."

"Understood." The man nodded, and the machine closed itself. Then locked into place, the pumps injecting into Deras, like an augmented circulatory system. It was a wonder how the craftsman managed to pilot this thing without suffocating since it didn't have any face openings.

"Right. Now activate the fog-cloak." Araha stepped to the side, looking the thing over. Deras did so and his back started streaming with grey fog indiscriminately. She nodded, satisfied that this worked, a bit of excitement leaked from within the currently frozen depths of her mind. "How do you feel?" Araha asked.

"Stronger." He responded.

"Good. Try to lift different things." She told him.

Deras went over to the Vindicator that the craftsmen left... and lifted it. The tracks clear off the ground. Araha's eyes widened, this was much better than what she was hoping for. He put the tank back down.

She walked over to him, "activate your HUD, just intend to, and I think it will."

"Done." He confirmed.

"What do you see?" She asked, and Deras turned to her,

"You're highlighted red," Deras turned to the tank, "so is tank, and building," he said, referring to the Waystop.

"Can you turn those green?"

He paused, then turned back to Araha, "you are green, so is building, left tank as red," he paused again, "tank is green now."

"Un-highlight the tank, and keep me as green." She said, then walked behind the tank.

"Can still see outline," he said in a loud voice so she could hear.

She returned. "Good," she said. "Right. Speed test." She told him, and he nodded. He raised to one side of the Waystop almost in an eyeblink, then to the other, just as fast. "Perfect." She commented, then took something from her pack, the spanreed that was attached to the bracer, the one without a reed. "Here it is," she said as she attached it to Deras' forearm, the side facing him. "Just remember the plan." She also gave him the advanced spanreeds and one of the radios, keeping one on her person.

They couldn't afford to waste time, but if anyone wanted to go with them, she had left something inside the Waystop.

A note inside the Waystop had the address of Damaya's house and where Araha and Deras were heading to. Allowing anyone from inside to follow them. It also had another, smaller note attached to it: "Please destroy after reading."

Araha prepared herself, wearing her bracers over the reedglove that she'd made, then wore her hooded cloak over her outfit, but left her head uncovered. Then they walked toward the perpendicularity to the AlleyCity. Araha thought about her friend. She needed to be saved, to be protected.

She muttered to herself, closing her eyes: "I will protect those who cannot protect themselves." The words came naturally, and sincerely. This was what they meant.

Ran was surprised, looking at Araha with wide eyes, then she smiled, proud of her sister.

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Just now, Silva said:



Major events:
*A chaos portal perpendicularity thing opened and deposited some daemons (they're dead)
*Damaya was kidnapped
*timeskip with Araha, Ran, and Deras planning her rescue and them getting new skills and equipment
*They left the Waystop but left a note on where they were going/where Damaya was located


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3 minutes ago, Silva said:


Damaya got abducted by some chaos guys, (finally) starting a side quest by Grey and myself. But an adress was left behind, if you want to move your character to the side quest and kick a few chaos guys into oblivion ;) The rest was fighting the Chaos guys/ demons and a bit of training.

Edit: ninja'd :ph34r:

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Okay. Got it. Thanks.

Pry had missed the attack on the Waystop - she's gone inside to work on her embroidery. On her way back out she noticed a note with an address. Glancing around for something better to do, she decided to head to wherever this place was.

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Just now, MacThorstenson said:

So is there currently anyone at the Waystop?

And i forget, what kind of defenses are there?

And is the entire thing made of stone? or is the floor inside made of wood?


Yzabet, Mr. Amber, and Ski, their users don't come online much though

The defenses are tons of turrets that target Chaos and Hemalurgic stuff, as well as one statue (that's been severely, but temporarily, nerfed for plot reasons in the earlier fight) that will target Chaos and will instantly kill them because of Deathpoint Epic powers, it also has like really sturdy material that Ark can tell you the specifics of

Some stuff are made of wood some are made of stone, everything's reinforced by armor also by Ark/Atticus


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