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Damaya grabbed another handful of spheres and breathed in, careful not to exhaust them all at once.

Fill the object with stormlight and convince it to change. It couldn't be that difficult? Careful to keep herself between the demon and Mr Amber she watched the creature for a moment. It was her fault that it was here, and although she didn't knew why, she felt responsible. This needed to stop. Nobody here should die because the man made some enemies.


She adressed her spren quietly.

"How do I convince something to be something else?"

Coru, still on her arm was silent for a moment.

"It's dangerous."

He answered and she nodded, but he already continued before she could reply.

"Just let a bit stormlight flow and try to get a feeling. Think about what you want it become before you do anything. You need to connect yourself to the object and then convince it."

Damaya looked back at Mr Amber and his cane, at Araha. She was supposed to be able to do something usefull. That's what Knights Radiant where there. To be useful, to help. Kneeling down she pressed her hand on the ground and breathed out. At first there was nothing, then she felt the earth. It was slow and content. It didn't like the Demon standing  on it, the Demon was wrong. She closed her eyes concentrated on this feeling,  on the steadiness there. Using the dislike of the demon, she tried to stir a part of the earth, using more stormlight when it felt neccessary. The earth was stubborn, but so was she. She pressed against the steadiness, using her memories of Araha and Mr Amber to fuel her. She had survived the man. She would not back down from a piece of earth. And finally something gave way, changed.

Exhaustion swapped over her and she steadied herself, before opening her eyes again. The demon stood in a small, shallow, puddle of water. Frustrated she hit the ground with her hand.

"I'm a catastrophy."

She announced more to herself. Araha had spoked her oath yesterday and was flying around. And she, she could make a puddle of water.

"What did you plan to do?"

Coru asked cautiously while she stood up again.

"A swamp."

Damaya announced grumpily.

"Earth to swamp. I thought that's close."

Coru sighed, but she thought she heard a laugh in this sigh.

"You have absolutely no idea what you just attempted."

Damaya grabbed more spheres and stuffed them in her pocket, then she held her staff in front of herself. She felt strange, like something was watching her. But there was nothing around, only the Demons and the red rift pulsing behind them.


She answered Coru belately.


@Grey Knight


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A tzeentch daemon working together with a khorne daemon?


Ah well it's not canon so it's fine XD

 (@Ark1002 I'll leave you the honor of turning either daemon to ash with your statue thing, eveb the one I'm fighting )

Deras met the challenge with a flare of furyspren. Coating him in a red aura. He summoned back his shardblade which disappeared fron wherever it was and reappeared in his hands.

The battlefield was cleared for engagement as some turrets were destroyed and the rest were focused on the bird. The stock of weapons they'd piled earlier was a ways off so he had to dispatch of the threat in melee.

Fine. He needed to protect those behind him anyway.

The demon was suddenly in a puddle of water, though that didn't really impede him, only tripping the demon at least.

He used this opportunity to rest the shardblade against his shoulder and slam into the demon, breaking a few bones in it from the sheer force of the boost with the shardblade in the middle.

It was another enemy. Much worse this time, but much easier to dissociate. He didn't let up, hacking and slashing with enhanced strength and speed, cleaving through one of the axe handles and greying out its other arm.

No rest. No mercy.

He continued slicing, greying out its wing and leg. He blocked a slash from the creature as he stepped close. He put a hand on its shoulder and kicked its leg to pieces. 

He took the shardblade and hacked even more. He hit some of the greyed out limbs as well which cut them clean off. It tried to be with fervor, but Deras responded by jumping on its back and ripping one of its still attached wings off.

He jumped off.

No. It will die.

Shardblade in hand, he stabbed the now pathetic creature through the chest and dragged the blade up and out of its head. Greying it out completely from its chest up. It fell to the ground and Deras stepped forward, putting a hand around its neck and the base on the chest.

It took some effort, not as much as freeing the man from the dreadnought yesterday, but he managed to pull the head free of the body, spine still in tact, which also pulled from the body. 

He then threw the head still connected to the spine at the bird.


Araha saw Damaya soulcast, but it wasn't enough, she breathed in stormlight as she stepped forward in a stance, about to face the daemon, then Deras dispatched of it. The man making extremely short work of it.

There was still the bird thing to worry about.

She turned back to Mr. Amber and Damaya, but she wasn't sure if going back inside would even be safe, she resolved to continue standing in her stance and walked near Damaya. "You did alright," she told her friend, wanting to reassure her that what she did did help.

@Sorana @Grey Knight 


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A dragon from the Free Kingdoms lumbered out of the woods and started eating the body parts. Stupid man, enslaving me for clean up duty. He hated hi job, but he did it. Only 4,983,100 years left. He then jumped up and ate the bird-like creature. At least there is good food.

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whoa alright, not turned to ash I guess XDDD

so uhh, that settlies that apparently

Araha saw another dragon eat the parts on the ground then the creature in the air. Was this the same dragon as before? She wasn't sure but it didn't seem like it.

Deras had helped her again, she wasn't sure if she could even take the creature that was charging towards them head on, so she was thankful he was there. The way he dispatched the creature seemed ruthless and brutal, but she could recognize that he was trying to kill it as efficiently as he could, his form told her that he wasn't proficient at combat, though he seemed to have the basics down, he'd ask him if he wanted to be trained later. Besides that though, she made sure to check if she felt anything toward him as she thought this.

Not much, though the way he dispatched the creature without so much as a grunt, but also showing a brutal efficiency was kinda cool, she nodded to herself that's for later. Right now there were still more pressing matters. She turned to Mr. Amber and Damaya, "do either of you know how to close that thing?" (@Sorana @Life&Death) she asked, pointing at the column. Then she had an idea, something about counter-forces and equal reactions, that Master Soren had taught her about before.

She walked to the dragon that just ate the creatures, slightly questioning why she wasn't afraid of the beast, "I'm sorry for disturbing you," she begun, addressing the creature, she wasn't even sure if the dragon could understand english, "could you regurgitate those parts back into the portal?" @Ark1002

Deras stepped close, a while ago, he had an aura of red, she was sure it wasn't her imagination either, now he didn't. Deras interjected, "not need, have part," he raised the daemon's head and spine that he ripped off, slightly startling her. He must have retrieved it while she was looking at the situation.

"Perfect," she begun, "throw it into the column as hard as you can, things going back inside should counter act its energy or something. I dunno," she turned back to the dragon @Ark1002 "nevermind, mister dragon, sorry for bothering you."

Deras began winding up,

"WAIT, NO!" Araha exclaimed, which made Deras hesitate.

"Throw a piece of spine into the thing, just one. I can observe the reaction from here." She wasn't really sure what to look for though, "and keep your shardblade up, I don't know how strong this creature is, looking at the head, but I want to make sure it stays dead."

Deras nodded then tore a piece of the spine off, he stepped forward and threw the piece into the column, the piece emitting a small 'snap' as it broke the sound barrier and straight into the column. @Grey Knight "Not problem," Deras added, then he used the shardblade to mince the head into pieces, if it was still alive, the blade would phase through it, so it was definitely dead, being minced only reassured her. This man was definitely efficient, which she liked.

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Deras saw the claw burped out and adopted Araha's caution. He walked over to the claw and back to where the pile of mince daemon-head were, then he also minced the claw, gathering them into a pile beside the minced daemon-head. If Araha needed more parts to be thrown, these would still work anyway.

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25 minutes ago, Cyanic said:

Araha saw another dragon eat the parts on the ground then the creature in the air. Was this the same dragon as before? She wasn't sure but it didn't seem like it.

Deras had helped her again, she wasn't sure if she could even take the creature that was charging towards them head on, so she was thankful he was there. The way he dispatched the creature seemed ruthless and brutal, but she could recognize that he was trying to kill it as efficiently as he could, his form told her that he wasn't proficient at combat, though he seemed to have the basics down, he'd ask him if he wanted to be trained later. Besides that though, she made sure to check if she felt anything toward him as she thought this.

Not much, though the way he dispatched the creature without so much as a grunt, but also showing a brutal efficiency was kinda cool, she nodded to herself that's for later. Right now there were still more pressing matters. She turned to Mr. Amber and Damaya, "do either of you know how to close that thing?" (@Sorana @Life&Death) she asked, pointing at the column. Then she had an idea, something about counter-forces and equal reactions, that Master Soren had taught her about before.

She walked to the dragon that just ate the creatures, slightly questioning why she wasn't afraid of the beast, "I'm sorry for disturbing you," she begun, addressing the creature, she wasn't even sure if the dragon could understand english, "could you regurgitate those parts back into the portal?" @Ark1002

Deras stepped close, a while ago, he had an aura of red, she was sure it wasn't her imagination either, now he didn't. Deras interjected, "not need, have part," he raised the daemon's head and spine that he ripped off, slightly startling her. He must have retrieved it while she was looking at the situation.

"Perfect," she begun, "throw it into the column as hard as you can, things going back inside should counter act its energy or something. I dunno," she turned back to the dragon @Ark1002 "nevermind, mister dragon, sorry for bothering you."

Deras began winding up,

"WAIT, NO!" Araha exclaimed, which made Deras hesitate.

"Throw a piece of spine into the thing, just one. I can observe the reaction from here." She wasn't really sure what to look for though, "and keep your shardblade up, I don't know how strong this creature is, looking at the head, but I want to make sure it stays dead."

Deras nodded then tore a piece of the spine off, he stepped forward and threw the piece into the column, the piece emitting a small 'snap' as it broke the sound barrier and straight into the column. @Grey Knight "Not problem," Deras added, then he used the shardblade to mince the head into pieces, if it was still alive, the blade would phase through it, so it was definitely dead, being minced only reassured her. This man was definitely efficient, which she liked.


Huh. Pretty good idea, using the piece of a demon to close a demon portal.

It's a good thing the Warp doesn't care about Cosmere rules. BWAHAHAHA!

The broken body of the devil suddenly shifted into mist, streaming around the dragon towards the Perpendicularity. A beam of psychic light lanced out of the column, hitting the dragon right in the head.

The pillar of light shuddered again, and another shape began coalescing inside of it. The misty remains of the devil flowed into the Perpendicularity, somehow restoring the energy it had been steadily loosing ever since it manifested.

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Just now, Grey Knight said:

Yeah, exactly. Everything that wasn't A) thrown into the portal, or B) eaten by the dragon turned into mist.


oh okay, that makes sense

"Seriously?!" Araha reacted as she was observing the reactions, she turned to Deras again, getting another idea, if it just feeds off its own energy, let's see it reacting to external Investiture and material. She thought. "Deras, cut out a piece of the ground, make it big," she said, putting her hands up to demonstrate the size.

Deras nodded and cut a piece of the ground, it wasn't neat by any means but that doesn't matter. She went to the spheres, and gathered as much as she could, breathing in only some of them. She used Adhesion on on about two non-dun spheres and stuck them to the chunk of ground. She lashed the ground toward the column a few times, flinging it quickly and into the column and toward the shape.


Deras followed Araha's lead, running toward a nearby tree and chopping it down with two passes of his shardblade. The tree was large and tall, and it took the most effort Deras had ever needed to lift the tree. Then, pointing the tree parallel to the ground and toward the column, he used it as a lance, running full forward at the column of light, then releasing it, the momentum carrying it the way through toward the column.


The chunk of dirt went inside first, the one with the stormlight, then the non-Investiture'd tree.

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3 minutes ago, Cyanic said:

"Seriously?!" Araha reacted as she was observing the reactions, she turned to Deras again, getting another idea, if it just feeds off its own energy, let's see it reacting to external Investiture and material. She thought. "Deras, cut out a piece of the ground, make it big," she said, putting her hands up to demonstrate the size.

Deras nodded and cut a piece of the ground, it wasn't neat by any means but that doesn't matter. She went to the spheres, and gathered as much as she could, breathing in only some of them. She used Adhesion on on about two non-dun spheres and stuck them to the chunk of ground. She lashed the ground toward the column a few times, flinging it quickly and into the column and toward the shape.


Deras followed Araha's lead, running toward a nearby tree and chopping it down with two passes of his shardblade. The tree was large and tall, and it took the most effort Deras had ever needed to lift the tree. Then, pointing the tree parallel to the ground and toward the column, he used it as a lance, running full forward at the column of light, then releasing it, the momentum carrying it the way through toward the column.


The chunk of dirt went inside first, the one with the stormlight, then the non-Investiture'd tree.


Hmm. Alright, here's what I think happens:

The Invested dirt feeds the corrupted Perpendicularity, conveniently allowing the Slaaneshi demon prince to materialize. :D

As for the tree- you'll see in a moment.

The shape finally coalesced, a huge, repulsively beautiful being stepping from the pillar of red light. It was pale, almost purple, with exquisitely sculpted muscles and an ornate broadsword. Its head didn't have eyes or a nose, only a smooth, glossy surface where they should have been. It licked its delicate incisors with a long, lashing tongue, and stepped forward-

Only to be hit by the tree Deras had thrown and sent flying to the side with an incoherent shriek of rage. It rolled to its feet, hissing at the Lifeless that had dared strike it.


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Right, it assimilates different energy. Fine. Araha looked on, the supposed allure of the daemon not affecting her for some reason, (and there is a reason). Ran sighed, flying forward at blinding speeds and Adhesing a large area of the ground around the daemon without the aid of stormlight. She flitted back to Araha. "Plans?" Ran asked Araha,

The daemon would be stuck for a while, "I'm thinking!" Araha ran different ideas through her head.

Then an idea hit her.


Deras didn't give it time to react beyond the hissing, in a moment, he was at the beast's feet, leaping above the zones of Adhesion on the ground then slashing both legs with the shardblade. It got a strike in, but it was slow enough and Deras was fast enough that he blocked the broadsword with his shardblade. The sword being sheared in half with little resistance, the front blade sliding off uselessly.

The fact that it was stuck made it an easier target. It fell over from its non-moving feet and got even more stuck on the Adhesion zones, Deras slashed its arms first, greying them out without severing them. Then he stepped back, their corpses would be re-absorbed by the column and get stronger, so he made sure to not kill this thing yet.

The Adhesion zones dissipated.


As Deras fought the creature Araha enacted her plan. She breathed in as much stormlight as she could then half-lashed herself forward straight to the daemon.

"What are you doing?!" Ran exclaimed, concerned and confused, this was a first.

Araha didn't answer and burst forward, she was still on the ground, but it was like running down a hill, it was hard but she kept her footing. "DERAS! KILL IT!" She yelled while running, prompting the Lifeless to do as she said, the man greyed the daemon's head out, killing it.

She placed a hand on the daemon prince's fallen form and poured everything into it. Absorbing stormlight? It didn't matter as she converted all the stormlight into the surge of Gravitation almost as quickly, lashing it upward as much as the stormlight would allow.

Just like the bomb from earlier. "Checkmate," she whispered.

The daemon was flung upward at a speed a bit faster than even the bomb from before. Even if it was going to stream back into the column, it would be far, far in space, and the column would already be closed before the absorption could even travel the distance.

She collapsed, but was caught on one arm by Deras. She was about to faint but willed herself as much as she could to stay awake. There was still the problem of the column itself and she needed to be awake for that.

Deras jogged back to the group of the dragon, Damaya, and Mr. Amber, Araha being carried, "we still need... to close that..." she rasped in a weak voice.

@Grey Knight @Sorana @Life&Death


I'd prefer if we can finish this soon so Mac can deliver the thing already before like next week again.


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Damaya grabbed Araha and helped her sit down.

"That was brilliant."

She said quietly.


Handing over some spheres she turned around, stepping a bit farther from the group. It felt better now, or was that simply her imagination playing with her senses? She closed her eyes and concentrated, but it didn't help. She still felt uneasy, better but still uneasy. Probably it was the rift in the sky. Keeping her back to the group she stood watch.


It's over soon, and then you have lots of time ;)


@Grey Knight

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"Thanks," Araha said weakly as she breathed the stormlight in, just a bit, enough to properly heal her fatigue. In the next moment she was already standing up, she was still a bit tired, but she could feel the stormlight invigorating her, she took another small gasp, to really patch the fatigue up. @Sorana

She turned to Mr. Amber. "Mr. Amber? What do you think we should do to close the thing?" she asked. @Life&Death

As Araha stood, a small Ran bumped into her cheek, "that was reckless," she said, relief in her voice.

"Yeah, but I'm a windrunner, that's what I do, right? Protect people and stuff." She asked her spren, grinning, though it was sincere, it wasn't a full grin, as there was still the problem of the column.

Ran sighed, "just be careful," she said, returning to her air of maturity.



you could also fire the Deathpoint powered statue at the column


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48 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Damaya grabbed Araha and helped her sit down.

"That was brilliant."

She said quietly.


Handing over some spheres she turned around, stepping a bit farther from the group. It felt better now, or was that simply her imagination playing with her senses? She closed her eyes and concentrated, but it didn't help. She still felt uneasy, better but still uneasy. Probably it was the rift in the sky. Keeping her back to the group she stood watch.

A black-armored Chaos marine flashed in and of existence in front of Damaya, disappearing faster than a human eye could see.

Damaya disappeared with it. Where the woman had once stood, only silence was left- that, and a small pile of paper, neatly stacked in the dust of her footprints.



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Just now, Grey Knight said:

After that, I'm just gonna disappear for a few hours. Good luck to you all.


WAIT! BEFORE YOU LEAVE, what do the papers say?

just post them in OOC, so you don't have to write a whole thing


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