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Just now, Sorana said:

Out formating was destroyed due to copiing, so the ooc comments aren't in italics anymore. But they are few and usually they are moved in (and honestly I don't think anybody will really read through all of that). The words Sorana/Cyanic used to be bolded.

To be clear, to anyone going to read this, the OOC comments (the ones that were in quotes) are indented. Or you could just click the google docs link, it's easier XD

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Sorry for the delay.

Mr Amber stood still, looking out over the mountains. "Illusions are difficult to make, you must keep the image or sound in your mind very clearly otherwise it will not take affect. This is why being an artist usually helps lightweavers create illusions, as it gives them experience with putting a mental image into the real world." He fell silent again, thinking. "The fact that your illusions are tied to memories is interesting. My guess would be that either you just don't have enough practice, or that something about those memories needs to be resolved. Practice will help, but I suggest visiting the people or locations that those memories hold, and finishing what unfinished business you have."

Turning, Mr Amber opened his briefcase and pulled out a small ring. "You said you wanted to know about epic technology correct?" He said, addressing Araha. "This is one such piece. A relatively weak power, but fun to play with anyway. It can change the color of any object for 3.5 minutes." He tossed the ring to her. "Practice with that, and then we can move on to bigger technology. It takes practice to learn how to even activate these powers."

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Araha caught the small ring. The effect did sound weak, but it was fascinating, being able to change such an abstract thing as color, and slightly different than what she'd learned about BioChroma too. Did that mean that if an Awakener were to have this ring they could awaken indefinitely given they had enough Breaths? This was all fascinating to her that she almost forgot to actually practice with it.

She put on the ring and started practicing with hit, putting the hand by a tree and willing it to change color. Nothing happened. Maybe it was intent-based like Cosmere Investiture? She intended for the tree to change color, any color. A shade of brown flashed in her mind and something did happen this time, the tree grew just a shade paler, if she blinked, she might've missed it.

"Wow!" she cheered enthusiastically, slightly disproportionate to the results of her color change, she turned back to Mr. Amber, "and this doesn't require any sort of fuel, like stormlight or metals?" @Life&Death

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Damaya nodded quietly.

"All right. Then I'll put that topic off until I ... solved the problems."

She was quiet for a while, her face clearly showing a deep sitting, bone shaking fear and yet, somewhere below, determination. He was right. She needed to solve her problems. And yet, if training could help.

She walked over, grabbed a few spheres and breathed in. She needed to create a clear image in her mind. And so she closed her eyes. A book, she knew how a book looked like, how it smelled like. A book was safe. When she was sure, that she had it, when it almost felt real she breathed out, let the stormlight flow.

// A book appeared before her, held by herself a few years ago. She had liked that book a lot. There were poems written in there.

"Here you are."

Damaya shrank back and almost dropped the book. The man stared down at her, glowing spheres in his hand. The other was raised, to hit her should she try to flee, or tell him no.

"Breathe in." //

Damaya felt  the moment she lost control over her illusion, felt the darkness in herself wake up and its claws in her soul. It yanked at the memory, brought it forward, hurled it into the bright light of the sun. Strength before weakness. She had talked to Araha, she had remembered her oath. She could be strong, could she not? With a scream she flung out a hand in the general direction of the illusion.


It disappeared, evaporated, another one taking its place.

//Damaya and Araha were sitting on the grass. They talked. Araha had one arm around her friend, smiling at her,while she told a story.//

She felt her stormlight run out, and the illusion disappeared. Shaking she pressed her hands to her knees to steady herself. She had stopped the illusion, had displaced it. That was a first. Maybe she could learn how to do that.

Taking a deep breath she turned back to Mr Amber:

"Do you have any advice how to soulcast?"

She asked, her voice carefully calm. Maybe that would help, when she faced the man. Maybe it would stop him from beating her.


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“No, the ring does not require any fuel source. It doesn’t follow any cosmere rules which makes it powerful in that regard. Unfortunately, technology that grant more dangerous abilities are much more complex and harder to make.”


”Soulcasting is the more dangerous ability of Lightweavers. You must offer objects Stormlight and give them a reason to change. It requires practice, and it is easiest to practice in Shadesmar.”


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"So I can't practice it?"

Damaya asked disheartened. That sounded even worse than the whole illusion part. She had no idea how to get into shadesmar, and if she couldn't practice it here, well - maybe it was time to really learn how to use her staff and draw a final line behind all that knight radiant stuff. At least as long as the man was still alive.



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Araha saw Damaya completely change her illusion before dissipating it, one of the earlier memories where she was happy. Three emotions followed in rapid succession: First, Araha was surprised, then she was happy, and finally she was proud of her friend, that wasn't complete control, not even slightly, but she was still gaining more control over Illumination.

She went over to Damaya, and whispered with a smile: "You did it,"


"I see!" Even this item in itself had a lot of use, thoughts were racing through her mind on how to use this as creatively as she could. She could try to practice a bit more, step by step, inch by inch, but she could also just dive into it. She walked over to the same tree. The minutes had passed and it was already back to its regular color, though it was hard to really notice. She leaned her arm by the tree, BECOME BROWN! she yelled at her hand in her mind. The hand did so, and only the hand, though the brown was more of a pale change of shading than true brown, still the change was obvious enough to actually look different than just the one shade she did earlier.

"This is great! Umm..." She turned to Mr. Amber, "I realize this may be a big request, but, can I keep this?" she chuckled a bit awkwardly.

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3 hours ago, Sorana said:

"So I can't practice it?"

"No you can practice it, in fact, I might be able to help you reach Shadesmar to help." Turning back to Araha he spoke. "Yes, feel free to keep that. practice with it and then I can show you some of my few bigger pieces of technology."


Nothing too powerful of course. Just some interesting epic powers I've thought of. And some blood forged lenses.


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17 hours ago, Sorana said:

Can we interact with Pry again?


Definitely at some point, but I will be offline most of tomorrow, all of Monday, and probably all of Tuesday because of the annual Jewish hut holiday. So yes, she’s open for interaction, except I can’t promise a response until Wednesday.


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8 hours ago, Life&Death said:

"No you can practice it, in fact, I might be able to help you reach Shadesmar to help." Turning back to Araha he spoke. "Yes, feel free to keep that. practice with it and then I can show you some of my few bigger pieces of technology."

"Thank you."

Damaya grabbed some spheres and looked at him expectantly.

"What do I have to do?"



Sry I still need the point of time for a moment. And going into shadesmar right now is a really bad idea... ;)

The text is from Grey Knight and myself.

Unbeknownst to the Homeless, the simultaneous assaults on the Waystop hadn't been a coincidence. Someone had slipped information of a powerful bioweapon in the Waystop to the Iron Warriors, knowing that the callous sons of Pertuabo couldn't resist the temptation to go after it. At the same time, the Thousand Sons had found out that they key to prophesied apocalypse, a human being known as Damayaken Vulken, was hiding among a group of Homeless in Roshar.

They were betrayed, both of them. The Iron Warriors had been fed false information about the Waystop's defensive capabilities, and were slaughtered to a man. The Thousand Sons, driven by what little nobility remained in their twisted souls, had hastily teleported into the middle of the Homeless. But they had been lied to, given an archaic version of the human's true name, and were outnumbered and out-gunned the moment they materialized.

The psychic force of this betrayal lingered on. Like an unholy whirlwind it remained in the spritual realm, capturing everything in its way. The souls of the betrayed were drawn into it, and from the sheer might of the force ripped apart. Their agony, the echo of their soundless screams mixed with the force, straining the veil between the Realms.

Close, so close, but still in another realm. The malstrom of the force continued to grow, to change, still straining the veil. And then without a sign of warning the veil broke.

The spren here were swept away, their minds caught in the maelstrom, breaking almost instantly. Some started screaming until their voices were lost, their hands like claws, ripping out their own eyes. Their forms streamed into the red light and again the force was fed by souls so that it strained against another veil. It was weaker this time, but a betrayal is a mighty scheme and this betrayal had been bigger than anyone had realized. The veil ripped apart, showing the Waystop, and those outside and everything froze.

For an instant, a Chaos Perpendicularity had been formed. A direct pathway between the Physical Realm and the storm of corrupted Investiture in the Spiritual. A way for beings of made of pure Chaos to materialize.

The tree in front of the Waystop burst as a column of red light shot from the air. A shape, its aura  practically screaming THIS SHOULD NOT EXIST, stepped out of the baleful energy, forming into a huge, red-skinned devil with bone axes in its hands.
It beat its chest once, then with a mighty roar, charged the Homeless.

@Grey Knight


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Waystop defences are basically NPC's, so anyone can control them

also 3rd person omniscient POV for clarity:

The turrets on the Waystop immediately came to life, firing almost instantly at the daemon that came out and the perpendicularity itself, the statue that Atticus had built (@Ark1002) started to open up and join in on the barrage. Its Epic based technology, that of Deathpoint, should make short work of the daemon, and should turn anything else that comes through the perpendicularity directly into ash, even with whatever they have resistance to psykers. Epics were not psykers.

@Sorana @Grey Knight

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Just now, Ark1002 said:

That is correct, except for two turrets that aren't automated, that can only be run by Atticus, Yzabet, and Mr. Amber. I forgot, did I say what the statue was of? If not, it's a statue of Hellbent.


You should take control of the defenses later also since I think there's gonna be more stuff happening when Grey Knight posts (in around 5-6 hours), even if Atticus is somewhere else, you could probably just RP as the defenses themselves


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4 hours ago, Grey Knight said:

tomorrow morning


nnnnnooooooooooooo D:

that's like 8-12 hours from now, welp, time to get waiting XD

Ran returned as Araha saw the creature materializing, then in the next moment, the defenses of the Waystop started firing, which made her instinctively duck. Why do these sparking things keep happening?! She yelled in her mind.

She turned to Damaya and Mr. Amber, "we need to get back inside the Waystop, I don't wanna risk getting hit by a stray bullet," she said to both of them.

@Sorana @Life&Death


Deras was about to charge at the thing, a single furyspren materializing, then he held back for now as the defenses did their work as intended, he didn't want to get caught in the crossfire. He did however help the defenses out. Summoning his shardblade, he threw it at the thing with both hands, the sword tumbling through the air rapidly, helped by his immense strength, and straight toward the creature's thighs.

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On 9/23/2018 at 2:17 AM, Cyanic said:

The turrets on the Waystop immediately came to life, firing almost instantly at the daemon that came out and the perpendicularity itself, the statue that Atticus had built (@Ark1002) started to open up and join in on the barrage. Its Epic based technology, that of Deathpoint, should make short work of the daemon, and should turn anything else that comes through the perpendicularity directly into ash, even with whatever they have resistance to psykers. Epics were not psykers.

The massive demon shuddered under the barrage of fire, stumbling back with a roar of anger. Deras's Shardblade went into its leg, dropping it to its knees. The devile raised its bat-like wings, using them to cover itself from further attacks.

The column of light shuddered again, and disgorged another shape in a burst of baleful energy. This one turned into a withered, blue-skinned humanoid with avian features, carrying a twisted staff made of unidentifiable bones. 

The avian demon launched into the air, borne on withered wings sprouting from its back, and pointed the twisted staff at the turrets. Lightning burst from the bone tip, smashing the turrets to pieces with a thunderous boom. 

The red-skinned devil lowered its wings, no longer pinned down, and stood up. The Shardblade was gone from its leg, leaving no noticeable wound. It roared at the small group of Homeless, then turned to Deras as it unlimbered its axes.

"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" it said, charging the Lifeless.

@Cyanic, @Sorana, @Ark1002


Also, my wifi inconsistently blocks this site, so my replies are going to be a little erratic.


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