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@Life&Death @Sorana

"It's alright to be nervous." Araha smiled at Damaya, hoping to reassure her. She turned to Mr. Amber, "as for me, I can use Gravitation and Adhesion, but not well enough yet, it feels just like when I started out learning the combat basics. What really interests me though are those machines that you said could harness Epic powers. Could I have a look at those?" And maybe try them out. She thought.

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Tena furtively looked around, then shadowed into the kitchen and stole a chocolate. It was delicious, and she appreciated it more for the fact that she’d lived half her life on the streets, eating soldier’s rations. 

Strolling outside, she Steelpushed against a misplaced hemalurgic spike, starting her morning routine. She flew parallel to the ground and Slicked her knees so that she slid at high speed across the ground. She rolled forward and launched herself into the air with her arms, flicking one of her ankles to send a coin flying from the pouch there. A strong Steelpush sent her flying into the air, pine branches whipping across her face and cutting little stinging lines on her face that were immediately healed by her stormlight. 

She burst out above the trees and cancelled her Steelpush, momentum carrying up her a few more feet. “Grab things that are not me,” she commanded her mistcloak, beginning to fall. The command stole most of her BioChromatic Breath away, the forest below becoming more dull to her life sense and the colors losing much of their luster. She felt a little pang of loss right away, but constant Awakening had taught her to ignore that. The mistcloak caught the branches of two evergreen trees and held her between them, suspended in the upper branches. She nodded with satisfaction, then took her Breath back from the cloak, sighing with pleasure. She nearly to the ground, then Pushed against the coin she’d used earlier, sending herself whirling back into the air, faster this time, and tapping her steelmind for good measure. 

Tena gracefully landed at the door of the Waystop and Pushed it open by the hinges.

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You can show Damaya whatever you want to. I'm fine with everything, she can evolved in every direction.

And if you don't want to, you don't need to write down a long explanation of the surges, I know that stuff irl. A simple "he explains" is enough for me, of course I am open for a longer conversation. Just do this like you want to ;)


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Ioc stood still for a second, then sighed. It would just bring the sorcerer along. It had stuff to do, and the sorcerer would just have to cope.

"First things first," Ioc said, walking towards the fallen sorcerer. "I gotta know your name. Sometime in the next couple hours or so, you gotta tell me your name,"

Right. Bring the sorcerer. Got it.

"Well, sir," Ioc said, "I have made it my mission to retrieve something that was lost. Something that will bring someone great happiness and joy. And, well, might help people not kill us. What do you say?"


@Grey Knight have you seen or heard of the movie 'Castaway,'?


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7 minutes ago, Gancho Libre said:

Ioc stood still for a second, then sighed. It would just bring the sorcerer along. It had stuff to do, and the sorcerer would just have to cope.

"First things first," Ioc said, walking towards the fallen sorcerer. "I gotta know your name. Sometime in the next couple hours or so, you gotta tell me your name,"

Right. Bring the sorcerer. Got it.

"Well, sir," Ioc said, "I have made it my mission to retrieve something that was lost. Something that will bring someone great happiness and joy. And, well, might help people not kill us. What do you say?"

The sorcerer rolled over, looking at Ioc. For some reason, he flinched, staring in horror at something just above it.

"Just call me Bob, O Great Changer of Ways," he said, pushing himself to his feet quickly. "What is this artifact you speak of?


"Cast Away" is the movie with the volley ball, right?


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Yes, the poor volleyball that floated away...

"Okay, Bob, O Great Changer of Ways," Ioc said, then paused. "No, that's too long. An acronym, maybe?" Ioc hesitated, which is another word for paused, which it also did. "Okay, BOGCOW, the artifact is, in this case, a volleyball covered in blood with little tufts of grass sticking out of it. It is of great sentimental value to me and countless others. And right now it is floating in Earth's ocean. We are going to retrieve it,"

 Ioc stopped, which is another word for hesitated, which is another word for paused, even though 'stopped' has multiple meanings. In this case, that particular words acts as a synonym for the others. "Are you OK with me calling you Bogcow? Or is that too weird?"

@Grey Knight

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"My name is just Bob," the sorcerer said, sounding confused. "Are you not a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch?"

There was definitely something off about this being, but the sorcerer couldn't put his finger on it. He'd taken the massive cloud of beige protruding from the human's back, visible only to his psychic eye, as a sign that Ioc was a daemonhost of some kind. The aura of sheer chaos radiating from it was almost identical to the God of Change's, if overwhelmingly strong. What was going on?

@Gancho Libre

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Pry yawned and rubbed her eyes.

Storms! She thought thinking back to the previous night. Did all that really happen?

Looking around confirmed her suspicions. Yep. She’d used the random woman’s bed. 

That was awkward.

 She slid off the bed and changed into clean clothing she had with her. Probably wasn’t actually clean, but at least they were fresh. Then she remade the sheets. Being neat wouldn’t kill her. 

Tying back her hair, she exited the room and headed down the hall.


Only a few hours have passed, right? I’m assuming it’s morning.


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@Silva yeah around 8am

As Araha left, Deras had an idea. He got up and walked outside to where he'd killed the Chaos Marines. The corpses were still there.

They were beginning to smell, so he had to remedy that. Using his shardblade, as Araha had called it, he carved the bodies out of the armor, careful not to ruin the armor itself. Apparently, shardblade cut through non-alive things well, but greyed things out when they were alive? He'd have to ask Araha again. It was difficult, so he set out finding ways to disassemble the armor itself. He spent a few minutes on it, then got better, helped by his keener mind.

He took out the corpses then threw them outside to take care of later. After a while, he had the weapons and armor in a pile inside the building and was taking the corpses (and other parts) of it outside.

He cut a hole in the ground with his shardblade and put the corpses in that hole. Going back into the building, he cleaned the pieces of armor and weapons with a cloth, going back to periodically wash it. After a while, he was done with the cleaning, and had the armor and weapons in a pile to the side as to not obstruct the halls.

He emerged and looked at the battlefield. There were corpses everywhere. This was going to take a while, so he set off to work.


If anyone wants to help out and can stomach corpses, feel free!


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The Iron Warrior stuff is fine because they're not in with Chaos that much, the tzeentch marines (probably Thousand Sons) not so much

@MacThorstenson a lot of armor is still usable, and pretty much all the weapons are still functional, just out of ammo. There's also two vindicators that are still operational outside, but I have plans for one of them.


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"A..." Ioc was conbamboozled. Which was a feeling that was a cross between confusion and bamboozlement, which share the same meaning, so yeah. "A Grater Demon of Teench? I don't know what that is. However, i don't know much about my own personal nature, so I might be one. However, I doubt it,"

Ioc eyed the sorcerer. "Will you join me in my quest?

@Grey Knight

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Tena, upon seeing what the Lifeless dude was doing, joined him in separating bodies and armor. She called Fang down, and the dog easily ripped the armor off with his Pushes and Pulls. She slid the corpses into a freshly-cut hole in the ground with her Abrasion. With the teamwork she and Fang provided, Tena managed to get quite a few stacks of armor separated from their former hosts. 

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Deras brought the pile of armor that was inside to the outside. He also noticed some differences from the enemies that just appeared inside to the ones that attacked from outside, the coloration, the patterns, the ornamenting, so he set out to putting them on separate piles. It didn't take long to separate the piles since there was significantly less on one pile than the other.

There were a few other people helping now, so the task was getting done much more quickly, they might still have to wash it later though, good thing there were some springs around, though it was probably a good idea to bring the water onto the armor instead of dipping the armor in the springs since he didn't want to contaminate them.

There were about some three dozen bodies left out of the original 100 something. They might be done before lunch time, not that he needed lunch anyway.

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Atticus and his  assistant walked in. "Don't worry about the corpses. We will take care of the rest. He sent out his assistant to look for salvageable armor that wasn't demonic, and then pulled out a flamethrower. Once she came back, dragging a few corpses, he started it, with the frostbringers lense ready on his eye. They burned. They all burned. And he enjoyed watching it. They had killed many of his friends in the Long War, especially in the Winter Siege. They deserved their fate. He smiled grimly.

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Damaya and Araha sat down on a nice patch of gras and started talking while they waited for Mr Amber to finish his preparations. They would start with the training whenever he was ready. Their conversation was interrupted by laughter and blushing, or poiting at things in the sky.



Take your time. And have fun this weekend!


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