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Your Personal Shard


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Okay people, let's go. You're a Shard. What's your Intent, and what have you invested yourself in?




I'm gonna call myself as Charisma.


As Charisma, I would be invested in clothes. The people who would be invested would be tailors, and the clothes they made would grant the wearer special powers. The strength of the clothes would depend upon how trendy the style was at the time - cognitive consensus. You'd have fashion factions going around, trying to improve the trendiness of their style in order to increase their power. You'd have subculture fashions, occupying specific niches like goth-emo or victorian and keeping those niches alive by virtue of the usefulness of their abilities. The cognitive attachment of royalty to ball gowns and suits would make royal clothes exceptionally powerful. Military uniforms, and uniforms in general would have strong abilities based off their common and prevalent cognitive associations.

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I am Challenge.  I'd invest the abused, the downtrodden, the forgotten, the left out, the wanting ... with the senses of self-awareness, self-importance, self-esteem, and self-forgiveness.  These investitures are difficult to embrace amongst many within our culture (including myself, for many years).  Therefore, my Radiants would be Individuals first and foremost, confident in themselves, and attired in whatever they each chose as definitive of each their Challenge.

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@Tempus: Now I have "The World ends with you" flashbacks, which in my book is pretty awesome.


For my own Shard I think something along the lines of defiance.

I suppose that the meat of the magic-system would be to either stop something from happening or keep yourself going under pressure. I´m thinking some kind forcefields here.

As for the magic-useres there should be a very harsh snapping, where they have to pull through some severe situations before the intend deems them "worthy".


Plus with an intend like defiance I might be able to preserve my own personality.

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Monotony. As you live, your innate Investiture continues to grow, becoming much like a divine Breath, sans life-extension. Disturbances you cause to Shadesmar drain a proportionate amount of your Investiture. In essence, enacting change inhibits your growth. The very act of eating weakens you on a trivial level, while firing someone has a noticeable effect, and starting a war is essentially self-sacrifice.

Old and decrepit monks harbor Elantrian-like power, but never use it.

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As for the magic-useres there should be a very harsh snapping, where they have to pull through some severe situations before the intend deems them "worthy".


Anytime you had a rebellion, the rebels would turn into a bunch of powerful magic users! Geopolitical instability all over.




Monotony. As you live, your innate Investiture continues to grow, becoming much like a divine Breath, sans life-extension. Disturbances you cause to Shadesmar drain a proportionate amount of your Investiture. In essence, enacting change inhibits your growth. The very act of eating weakens you on a trivial level, while firing someone has a noticeable effect, and starting a war is essentially self-sacrifice.

Old and decrepit monks harbor Elantrian-like power, but never use it.


That's great. You'd have whole orders of people who would live their lives doing nothing just so that they could sacrifice a sufficiently large amount of investiture on one big thing at the end. You'd probably have government sponsored welfare houses in exchange for performing great feats and other major socialist systems to take best advantage of supporting an entire class of people that attempt to do nothing for the longest time possible.

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The shard of Narration (or storytelling).


This shouldn't surprise the people who have interacted with me much here.


Telling and creating stories gives you power, the more engaged your audience is the more powerful you become. Initially the powers granted would essentially be lightweaving, though the detail and size of the illusions you could create would increase the more (and better) stories you told. Extremely skilled and experienced Narrators would even be able to give their ideas a tangible physical form. Like, say, Brandon with this shard around ;)

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Hmm... My Intent would be Unity.


The Magic system involves becoming part of a hivemind, The only time they use their magic is when they are all in consensus, resulting in huge, reality manipulating magical bursts, for brief periods of time and constand mental argument the other half of the time. Side affects include enhanced brain power, strength and agelessness, when connected to the Hive.


It is impossible to severe the connection, once implemented, without the influence of another shard. The Shards Intent is to one day unify the entire cosmere. In a kind of hyrbid between "Spread Peace, Widsom, Hope and Democracy" and "We Are the Borg".


Hmm... Actually... this is an interesting system. I might use this.

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Knowledge, probably.


Given my... affinity for books and reading (and not just literature), I would most likely choose the written word(s) as my focus. I'll need to think some more about what the Investiture actually does and who can use it.

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Argent, it would be pretty interesting if books were invested objects, and acted sort of like essence stamps. Reading a book carefully would allow you to temporarily utilize the knowledge to it's fullest. Read a book on plumbing and for the next few days you would be a plumber (skill equivalent to the contents of the book). Read a book on martial arts, you'd become a trained martial artist for a bit, muscles and all. Like essence stamps, the books could yield knowledge, physique, memories, emotions, etc. Read a piece of specific fiction, though, and you could gain magical abilities. Read a book about self-healing and you'd self heal. Read a book about instant transportation to a place and you would be there.


Read the Mistborn trilogy and end up as an Allomancer. ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shard of Logic.

in my mind I see having a duality with a Shard of Passion, where one require the user to be as clear-minded, passionless and knowledgeable as possible, enabling him to manipulate the way the world work around him (maybe like changing physical and chemical properties of objects, or the very essence of the object [kinda like soulcasting]), but every little emotion (including pain, hunger, etc.) can harm the process (which takes time), and either prevent the magic from working or even changing the results (so you wanted to make the guards weapons too heavy for them to lift, but instead they became magnetic, sticking to their armors). On the other hand the Passion magic can be the opposite, quick unexpected changes, directly related to the user's mood (a depressed user might start a rain storm, an angry one might start setting things on fire, etc.).

I think it can result in an interesting world where some places are safer and more static, with a strong Logic influence, while the rest of the world is an ever changing wilderness inhabited by Passion influenced beasts and humans.

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I'm not two rivers mule-headed, but I'm far from wishy washy.

I think that I'd have a snapping disease like Preservation, but you have to go around having a normal day even though I'm cursing you :)

My magic would be musical, and what you have to do is convince me using the music to grant you the power. I'm not thinking incantations or anything, I just love music so what you have to do is use music to stop change the stubbornness.

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Shard of Annoyance.

I'd Invest people under decent pain... So torturing your enemies for information would give them the power to kill you and escape.

I'd also invest things like table legs and chair legs so they pull those little toes towards them...

And muddle with the electromagnetic system so people hear things wrong...

And wait...

Actually, I'd be like the Shard of Dedication or something. The more time and effort you put towards a task, the easier it becomes.

EDIT: Oh my goodness... *facepalm* just realized there's already a Shard of Devotion...

Edited by Stroniax
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