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(crypitc spoilers) Making up Death Rattles.


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So there have been many attempts to get information out of the Death Rattles. Something that became very clear is how, when the right event is found, they fit rather perfectly. So I thought: Hey I have never seen a topic for making up some for events that already happend, so lets make thread for that and have people guess which event is meant.


My first contestant.

From the corpse slain by a truth lie seven giants raise to devour the land.

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"I face the mechanical man who killed my father. He has claimed my hand, and I am beaten. Now I face his truth. He is my father."

-Jed-eyed man, 5 seconds pre-death.


Hey, you never said it had to be Stormlight Archive related.

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My first contestant.

From the corpse slain by a truth lie seven giants raise to devour the land.


Jah Keved, I assume.


'Third strike wins all.'


'A man prays before betrayal, listening to cheers, before seeking the betrayer.'

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  • 3 weeks later...

To quote the Elder Scrolls:


"But at the same time, all of it is true.  Even the falsehoods.  Especially the falsehoods."


-Shin bookshop owner, 4 seconds before death




"Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"


-Female darkeyes nurse, 13 seconds before death

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"He of all worlds and none comes! Kingdoms rise and fall in his wake, his tongue seers the masses."

- Alethi Ardent, 16 Seconds Pre-Death


"Oh Almighty, the Everstorm comes and the Voidbringers with it! Listen- courage will bring a change, and those who know it will be free."

- Bridgeman, 10 Seconds Pre-Death [Note: News of Highprince Dalinar's visions arrived on this day]

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"The words! You must obey the words! The world will rise or fall according to them."


- Veden Merchant, 24 Seconds Pre-Death. Special emphasis was placed on "words".


(I want to see who figures this one out)

Edited by TheArcanist
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"The one with Color walks here where he should not be. The words he speaks are foreign to me, and the voice he once heard has long since left him. Oh Almighty, why did he lose such evil?"


- An Alethi Soldier of Highprince Aladar's camp, 12 Seconds Pre-Death. Subject was suffering from the Iriali Wasting Sickness. Subject held a long history of drinking and paranoia of foreigners. 

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"On my tongue, a lullaby. In my hands, a gift. His blood wets my hands. Oh, Stormfather, what have I done?"

-a Veden soapmaker, famed for her scented soaps, 8 seconds pre-death.

Edited by Kasimir
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"The thousand-faced enemy breaks through, and the armor of my soul collapses. Four giants of steel and flame break apart one by one, but the final layer must withstand. I deny you with the power of those who will come after and those who have gone before!"


And, maybe...


"His silver light is healing and love and defiance and life. Finally, Death has seen our sun and evaporated."

Edited by Zerovirus
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"You can not stop a storm from blowing by blowing even harder! Almighty! Why have you cursed us so?" -Subject was a lighteyed surgeon of some renown. Recorded 3 seconds post death. Interesting, Moelach can use the dead as his tongue.


"Destroyer of evil and faller from winds, the truth beckons and Death shies away; Justice robs Mercy and yet the Desolation comes! The light bearers are cut off and the darkness of storms descends!"

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"I see them! Two whitespines, fighting over a days-old corpse, with the world in the balance. But who is that, there? He hungers! He hungers to devour the world!" --Subject was a darkeyed Alethi merchant of the second nahn.

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