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Erai Sedai

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I too have only just come across Brandon Sandersons stuff. Absolutely incredible. After I finish WoR I'm gonna go onto Mistborn. I've heard great things.

I haven't been this into a book in a while!
It's truly a breath of fresh air.


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  • 2 months later...

so far I've read:
The way of kings
Words of radiance
Mistborn: The final empire
currently reading the well of ascension

That's how far i am in the cosmere. Obviously hero of ages will be next.

But then what?? in your opinions

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do you think it's a good idea to go straight from hero of ages to alloy? or maybe read another book in between?

I wanna read all the cosmere stuff first though before i go onto his other works :)

That depends if immediately after Hero of Ages you're dying for more Mistborn. If so, read Alloy. If you feel you want a break from the world, then wait. I don't think it makes a ton of difference, just depends if you feel Mistborn burnt out (no pun intended :P) by the end of HoA.


Edit: I'm unclear whether you're unclear - Alloy is a Cosmere book too.

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I need to start sigging this... Warbreaker, to my mind, is the best Cosmere novel currently published. It might have it's problems, but it's also my favourite. It's a great follow-up to Mistborn, since it feels both similar and distinct to it, like Mistborns broken reflection.

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I need to start sigging this... Warbreaker, to my mind, is the best Cosmere novel currently published. It might have it's problems, but it's also my favourite. It's a great follow-up to Mistborn, since it feels both similar and distinct to it, like Mistborns broken reflection.


I know exactly what you mean. Warbreaker is my second favorite Cosmere novel, second only to The Way of Kings. I even like it better than Words of Radiance. It really is that awesome.

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Legion isn't Cosmere novel. I've seen some people recommending it as a Cosmere novel here in a lot of threads but it can really ruin expectations if it's not Cosmere related. Just saying...

Warbreaker is great, I wouldn't go as far as to say that it's my favorite or that it's Brandons best work but it's a must if you're getting into Cosmere and it has all the great things we love in Sandersons other books so you'll most likely enjoy it. I would recommend reading this before WoR though. The Emperor's Soul is best read before Stormlight Archive as well.

I wouldn't go into Alloy after trilogy. There are lots of references and its kinda same world, but it has totally different story/pacing/atmosphere. It's better to take some time and get over HoA first :)

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I am aware that alloy is cosmere.

Okay i think Warbreaker is next then i might go onto alloy. I'll leave the shorter works until after that. Can't really leave emperors soul before WoK since i've already read WoK but thanks anyway! :)

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Honestly, you can read it out of order as long as you don't read books for major plot twists. It's vague enough that you might even find it more enjoyable seeing how the world got to where it is in Alloy through Mistborn. The style is definitely a lot lighter - it reads somewhere between the fantasy, mystery, western, and superhero genres.

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Have you read Steelheart or Elantris yet? They are both great books.

I've read Elantris, i thought it was good :) especially for one of Brandons first releases. It actually surprised me, I was impressed. Haven't read steelheart yet. Gonna be a good read do you think?

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It'll be good. Remember that it's much more of a teen read than the cosmere stuff. Its written really well, and stuff, but it does feel different. So just keep that in the back of your head. My first read through of Steelheart was kind of ruined because I was expecting something that just wasn't going to be there.

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It'll be good. Remember that it's much more of a teen read than the cosmere stuff. Its written really well, and stuff, but it does feel different. So just keep that in the back of your head. My first read through of Steelheart was kind of ruined because I was expecting something that just wasn't going to be there.

Ahk yep yep, that makes sense. I'll go into with that frame of mind then. I'm pretty excited to read warbreaker. A lot of people have called that a favourite.

I currently have about 200 pages to go in the well of ascension. Mistborn has been great so far :)

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, so now I've read:
- The Way of Kings + Words of radiance
- Elantris
- The Hope of Elantris
- Mistborn Trilogy
- The Alloy of Law
- The Emperors Soul
- Legion (I know it's not cosmere but it came in the same book as The Emperors soul)
- Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell

And I've just started Warbreaker today which will be my final Cosmere novel until new ones are released.

This has been an epic journey so far! and Hopefully Warbreaker ends it with a bang! For now anyway :)
I also absolutely can't wait to re-read WoK and WoR! Mistborn will also be a trilogy i can see myself going back to.

Are there any other stories I'm missing?? Besides Sixth of the Dusk?

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