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[OB] Dalinar Referred to Szeth as Szeth-son-son-Vallano


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Spoiler for Part 5/5 of OB


In chapter 119 (also known as "Unity"), Dalinar rallies his Radiants and gives them orders. When Szeth says "I serve Dalinar Kholin," he is referred to as "Szeth-son-son-Vallano, despite the fact that Szeth is no longer Szeth-son-anything. This scene is from Dalinar's perspective, so Szeth would be referred to by I don't think Dalinar knew Szeth's name before now, and if he gleaned information about Szeth's identity through the Spiritual realm that he just grabbed, he would have called the assassin Szeth, as Nale said that all of Szeth's Connections were severed upon his death. Why did Dalinar call him Szeth-son-son-Vallano?

Well, never mind.


At the end of WoR, Szeth introduces himself to Dalinar as Szeth-son-son-Vallano.


Edited by NiceBleach
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I think there's still a question here: Why does Szeth think of himself as son-son-Vallano, and not son-Neturo? In Words of Radiance, when talking to Taravangian, he tells him not to call him son-Neturo, as he - being Truthless - is not worthy of that.. In the ends of WoR, he was absolved of his Truthlessness, when he confirmed Kaladin as Radiant. Why would he still feel unworthy to be called son-Neturo?

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  • Pagerunner changed the title to [OB] Dalinar Referred to Szeth as Szeth-son-son-Vallano

There's a lot of oddities between Szeth and Dalinar. Neither really have a good enough reason to ally up so quickly. From Dalinar's perspective Szeth killed his brother, murdered his way across Roshar, tried to kill him twice, and killed many of his guards, allies and even another highprince in the latest murder attempt. At the end of WoR Dalinar looks at Szeth seething through his teeth and realizes he's insane. Yet somehow one conversation with Taravingian makes Dalinar forget all that and Szeth becomes his new personal bodyguard.

From Szeth's perspective, well there's not much. We see from his chapters that he doesn't know much about eastern Rosharan history. He probably doesn't know about the vicious Blackthorn, but he probably doesn't know much about the new Dalinar either. He's been busy ever since Gavilar's death either trouping about with lowlifes or murdering at Taravingian's command. He met Dalinar twice in his entire life and they didn't speak for more than ten lines total. Yet somehow Szeth decides that he's going to cure his craziness and grow attached to Dalinar over the course of about three perspective chapters in which he doesn't see Dalinar once! How? Why? I could maybe understand swearing to Kaladin or Adolin (because Adolin stood up to him on the Shattered Plains) but Dalinar? Does Dalinar actually have some mystical Bondsmith power that makes Radiants swear to him? It hasn't worked on Malata yet.

I really do like Szeth as a character and I'm looking forward to his perspective book. I even enjoyed his sparse interactions with the main cast we got in WoR. His usage at the end of OB really leaves a lot to be desired.

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On 7/23/2018 at 1:49 PM, recneps said:

I think there's still a question here: Why does Szeth think of himself as son-son-Vallano, and not son-Neturo? In Words of Radiance, when talking to Taravangian, he tells him not to call him son-Neturo, as he - being Truthless - is not worthy of that.. In the ends of WoR, he was absolved of his Truthlessness, when he confirmed Kaladin as Radiant. Why would he still feel unworthy to be called son-Neturo?

He learned that the Stone Shamans were wrong to have named him Truthless but that doesn't change that as far as Shin society is concerned, he still is Truthless and his father would be shamed by association. This might change at some point in the future, depending on whether and how Szeth carries out his stated Fourth Ideal. But for now, he keeps calling himself that for the same reason he did throughout the first two books.

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