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What a r e the most important words a man can speak?


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First post + no native speaker = please be easy on me. ;)

I wondered since I finished WoR about the most important words.

The Oaths? So, can anyone who just speaks the ideals/oaths become a radiant? (And some orders don't require special wording).

I don't think so. Gavilar couldn't know, Dalinar was/going to become a KR. Or is it important that the oaths are spoken by everyone, as a means of protection against the desolation?

Is it "man" as opposed to "woman", or meaning (human) being?

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"Sadaes... if only you lived longer I finally figured out what my brother wanted me to know. Don't eat yellow snow. Its so obvious!"


Joking of course. Given that the Parshendi were worried that it'd bring back the Desolation I suspect it would the be voidbinding reflection of the radiants. Perhaps Odium has his own oaths?

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"The most important words... a man can say... are... 'look both ways before crossing the chasm.'"

In all seriousness though, I like Darkarma's suggestion. WoR spoilers below:

He also was in cahoots with Amaram before he died. Considering Amaram wants to bring back the Hierocracy, we can theorize that "the most important words a man can say" have something to do with Vorinism. Does anyone remember any oaths or words associated with traditional Vorinism?

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I think the words are the oaths. It isn't Voidbinding because of what Nalan/Darkness said to Lift about "Dabbling in arts that could return the Desolations to the world." This fits because I think Gavilar was a Radiant.


Maybe not of course, but entirely possible. 




Dalinar did speak an oath


It fits for me anyway.

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I'm not convinced. Dalinar is almost obsessed with his brother('s death). He changed his whole life, lives according to the principles of tWoK, fights this war, doesn't take the throne etc. The last message from his dying brother was "find the words", and when he found them, he wouldn't think about his brother? That he succeeded, that he did find the words (and spoke them)?


edit: I don't think, Gavilar was a Radiant. He had a super-duper life. He wasn't broken.

Edited by Nahema
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Not sure anymore but I too always thought ideals were what Gavilar meant but it's too easy at this point :| Maybe he will find those words in his own book...

Gavilar wasn't Radiant, wouldn't he show his abilities before death? He would be more prepared for Szeth if he was on whole KR business and he would've survived the fall. It is still possible that he had Spren but I doubt it...

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Mindless speculation!


I suspect that, by the time the first arc ends, Dalinar will have found what Gavilar was referring to and be affronted by them- leading to him (or another KR) finding different words which they consider more important.


(It could also happen in reverse, with them finding Words, only for Amaram to pop up and say "No, bro, he meant these")

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WoR convinced me that Galivar was trying to bring back the KR to stop the coming Desolations. King T in his interlude mentions that Galivar had visions and T's actions are to stop the Desolations that G saw in his visions. I assume the visions to be the same as Dalinar's. Unite them, reform the Knights, etc.

Galivar was killed because he divulged this in front of the Parshendi, who interpreted it as Galivar bringing back their gods.

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Hmm 1.Personal: The Name of his wife

2.The oath he made at the end of WOR


by the way i think syl only meant that the windrunners were all broken because they wanted to protect everyone and always fail because ist not possible (What is by the way their purpose. you remember the Vision of Dalinar in tWoK with the knights radient falling from the sky to protect the People from These evil creatures he met in his Vision I think These are Windrunners. But thats another Topic. Just for Nahema.


3. Maybe something philosophical thats said at the end pointing at the Reader. (Think of the Trust theme in Mistborn)


4. Maybe with words he does not mean only one sentence or oath but a complete speechlike Thing that could unite Alethkar and help to stop the desolation. Find the right words to say to convince them.


5.And Leuthie is maybe right maybe its that easy: unite them.

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There was a quote from the back cover: 



It is the nature of the magic. A broken soul has cracks into which something else can be fit.  Surgebindings, the powers of creation themselves.  They can brace a broken soul; but they can also widen its fissures.



It's not only the Windrunners; all the Radiants.  Except, maybe, the "Skybreakers" without nahel bonds. 

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