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Devaan's Training ground


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Saraha goes up to the rack. She inspects them all and finds herself frustrated.

So many weapons... So much killing... How will I know which ones to take. What about this one...

Saraha picked up two sais, they felt comfortable in her hand, they felt powerful. She also notices another blade.

Another knife, one with a twisting blade what cou--

"They're called tri daggers", Devaan said absently as he interrupted her thoughts. Saraha picked up six tridaggers and got sleeves and stuck 3 on each leg. She then got two sleeves for each sai blade and stored them on her back.

"I'm ready... I want to modify them, I'll do it after I learn the weapons however."


Edited by MinatoRising
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Mejin let out a string of curses.

She'd tried, but that hadn't been enough. Her hand reached into her pocket to grab her way to TUBA headquarters, but she stopped herself. Now was not the time for a security breach in addition to everything. 

Something moved in the corner of her eye. It was the mistbeaver scuttling off. She let it be and turned to Li TaiRu. Based on the limited knowledge she had of Hemalurgy, he was alive. The spikes somehow didn't kill people. That much was a relief.

Oh, rusts. she thought, finally realizing that she had actually arrived. Hope the girl didn't hear that profanity.

"Well," she said, the humor of the situation sinking in, "Next time someone sends out an invite, we'd better be prepared for incoming catastrophe since that appears to becoming a theme."

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"Ok. Focus on throwing them first." Devaan showed Saraha how to throw the Tri-dagger, hitting each of the five lined up target dummies, Head, chest, leg, neck and wrist.

"Focus on being able to hit individual body parts. When you've learnt that, I'll make it harder."

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How old is he even? It looks like he knows every single thing out there!

Stubbornly Saraha attempted throwing a Tri-dagger and somehow threw it behind her, was that even possible?

I wont give up so easily, and besides, even though I'm missing all of my shots, every time I throw a dagger I feel this eerie satisfaction forcing me to keep going.

Saraha kept going at this for full days, Aon Ene helping her stay active. Eventually something in her clicked.

Whoah, did I just land that head shot? Awesome. I'm somehow getting this easier than I should be.

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Mejin would have stuck around longer, but time was precious. Shaking her head, she pulled out a sheet of paper.

Remember, if you ever decide to rethink your loyalties, don't hesitate to reach out. Fisherman at harbor will know what to do.

She stuck it near her companion and left.


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Devaan watched as Saraha finally hit the target's head.

"Congratulations. Now hit all of their heads at the same time" He told her.

"What! I got it right!" She replied.

"Practice till you don't get it wrong"


BTW @Silva and @Arlin, where did you two come from? I'm a little lost


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Devaan held one of the daggers in between his index finger and thumb, and held another with his middle and ring finger, when he threw them he twisted his wrist slightly, keeping them flying true despite the award way he held them. They hit the target simultaneosly.

"That's how. Stick with throwing one at a time for now" He told her, walking away to practice his own fighting style.

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Saraha practiced for a while. Using her stormlight to fuel her Aon Ene improved her accuracy drastically. She felt like she was ready with 2 daggers and started practicing.

Remember, hold one between your index and thumb, and the other with your middle and ring finger, then as you throw you twi-- ugh holding one each is easier, but this will be more efficient so I have to press on.

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Devaan noticed an improvement in Saraha's skill. He arranged the target dummies, the ones on the left were closer to Sahara, the ones on the  right were furthest away, they now also had armour

"Pretend these are attacking you head-on" He said

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"Ok!" Saraha said. She sounded determined.

I will improve!

She took a notepad and wrote down a long equation, worth 2 hours of time.

Ok so after constant trial and error this should give an extremely amplified version of Aon Ene for a day while only using little stormlight to fuel it.

She finally wrote out the Aonic equation and infused a little stormlight.

Oh god, I feel, my brain feels. Ok I better not waste it, I spent an hour on this and have a day until it runs out. I have to learn!

Instead of standing still and trying to aim the targets, she constantly moved around. Yes it harder, but she had her Aon Ene to compensate for that.

*one day later*

Wow my improvement is rapid.

Saraha ran towards all 4 enemies. 2 Tri-Daggers in one hand and 2 in the other. The 2 right hand daggers hit the face and chest as planned, the left hand dagger hit a target in the chest, and the one for the face missed just barely.

It was time for another duel with Devaan, but before that, she had a show to watch.

I hope the Aon Tia is correct.

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On 18/10/2018 at 7:19 PM, Arlin said:

The Ghostblood ball sort of had to escape mistbeavers somewhat unsuccessfully.

So Li is lying around and bleeding all over my training grounds? 

Devaan saw Saraha come back from watching the duel

"You ready to spar?" Devaan smiled at her. He was excited to try a new style of fighting.

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Saraha was ready. She would at least do a little better now than last time. She had her book on her with premade Aons. She had to do better.

"I am definitely ready". Saraha said after she activated some of the Aon Ene on herself and Aon Ien, regenerating her body about half as fast as stormlight for 30 minutes. She held one tridagger in each hand, holding a stance for attacking with them, however also prepared to throw.

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Long distanced fights huh, he's really putting my progress to the test.

She quickly whipped out her book and activated the aon on the page she activated the aon on the page, creating a powerful barrier encasing the book right as the dagger hit it. She then immediately put the book away and picked the dagger up and threw it towards his kneecap.


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Saraha suddenly saw three cards fly towards her.

That took way too much time, he took advantage of it didn't he, his aim is amazing.'

Saraha had to think, her Aon Ene, helping with that. She tapped her fingers and the two barriers formed around her hands, trying to push them just barely out of the way. One of the cards cut right across her cheek. She had to play on the defensive, she had a new strategy and she held her left hand behind her back.


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