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We know it's not Cosmere or Dark One or anything that Brandon has talked about writing before. Some people speculate that he is writing some stuff for Magic The Gathering as they have apparently been reaching out to fantasy writers. My personal hope is that it's something from the Wheel of Time universe based on the material that Robert Jordan left. RJ was planning on writing an outrigger trilogy post Memory of Light so there is a very slim chance that Brandon could write on it.

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1 hour ago, The Harlem Worldhoppers said:

We know it's not Cosmere or Dark One or anything that Brandon has talked about writing before. Some people speculate that he is writing some stuff for Magic The Gathering as they have apparently been reaching out to fantasy writers. My personal hope is that it's something from the Wheel of Time universe based on the material that Robert Jordan left. RJ was planning on writing an outrigger trilogy post Memory of Light so there is a very slim chance that Brandon could write on it.

He said he had no intention of doing so unless explicitly asked though.

Then again, if that's the case I'm not going to complain.

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11 minutes ago, Leyrann said:

He said he had no intention of doing so unless explicitly asked though.

Then again, if that's the case I'm not going to complain.

Oh I would be very happy if it were the case. I thought Brandon would not touch the wheel of time source material again but it is a third party that he is working with on the project which means there is a tiny possibility that he has been asked to return. It's more likely that it is an M:TG project but that won't stop me from irrationally getting my hopes up.

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I was secretly hoping for the ending of the Mistborn Era 2... and still am, tbh.

M:TG is news to me.. 

As for the Wheel of Time universe, I think he should let it go altogether. 

As the Secret Project bar stays the way it is now, I'll keep checking the website on a regular basis.


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On 7/4/2018 at 7:50 AM, Hemalurgic Headshot said:

I think that because he can't talk about it because of contractual reasons solidifies the case for it being part of the Magic the Gathering story. Wheel of Time is less possible.

I agree. For there to be contractual obligations there must be a third-party IP he is working with. Tor doesn't swear him to secrecy on his projects in worlds he came up with. 

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In the end it's something entirely else, like a school book, or a romance novel (ok unlikely as he says he finds it difficult to write good romance plots). But in the end most of us will read it and we will like it...

More seriously: I didn't know they they were looking for authors for Magic the Gathering, so that seems like a plausible possibility.

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@SoranaI think they have been doing that already for a long time as there are numerous books in the MTG universe written by different authors. Sadly most aren't good. It is a lot like the DSA books. Most are written really badly but sometimes you can find real gems

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@Rhapsody I know that there are books and I've read a lot of them. E.g. I liked the Time Spiral Cycle. It was a fun read. Nothing I would recommend, as I've definitly read better ones (Sanderson, Lightbringer, Powder Mage, Codex alera,...) But good enough to spend some nice hours reading. And yes, you're right a lot them aren't that good...

What I didn't know is that they are actively looking for new authors...

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Over on dragonmount forums they said Jordan had only written a sentence for the Mat trilogy so I don't think anyone could write more based on notes. The prequels maybe but now that Brandon is well established in his own universe, I highly doubt he'd go near that one again.

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