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QuizUp Category Suggestion for the Cosmere Novels

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QuizUp is a new social trivia game released for Android and iOS. It's actually a pretty fun game and they have a lot of categories including The Dresden Files and A Song of Ice and Fire. But no Brandon! I thought to myself, "Surely the cosmere novels would make a great trivia category!"


Luckily, it seems that they accept user suggestion for categories, but they have a voting system to determine the most popular categories. I created a suggestion for Brandon's cosmere novels here: http://suggestions.quizup.com/forums/242990-topic-suggestions/suggestions/5661218-cosmere-novels-from-brandon-sanderson


Help vote it up to the top so we can challenge each other with cosmere trivia for bragging rights! :lol:

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Good idea! I'll try posting it to /r/fantasy and others.


Edit: I created a post to /r/stormlight_archive which seemed to be the most active Brandon-related subreddit and also x-posted to /r/fantasy here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/20zz7b/quizup_fantasy_category_suggestions_xpost_from/


Upvote for visibility!

Edited by shdwfeather
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