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I joined back in January of 2016 and was active for little less than a month before going inactive. Just coming back and, as a result, I have absolutely no idea what the heck is going on. The DA grew? The inactivity plague? I have a lot of catching up to do. Can anyone link me to stuff I can read so I can reintegrate myself into the community?

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2 hours ago, Hydra said:

...The DA grew? The inactivity plague? I have a lot of catching up to do. Can anyone link me to stuff I can read so I can reintegrate myself into the community?

The DA may have gotten a little bigger...

Last I checked, its membership includes 18th Shard, A Budgie, Adamlewis, Alomantisist, Anujun, Aon tEhe, Apollyon, Assassin in Burgundy, Averyp1017, Blad3mast3r, Breaker, BreathTaker, Cheese United, ChickenPlague, Clockwork, Cloudjumper, Cluny the Scourge, Dants, Darkness_, Darkness Ascendant, Drake Marshall, Ecthelion III, EddyJ, Edgedancer, Elenion, ElephantEarwax, Farnsworth, Fatebreaker, FeatherWriter, FrodoUnderhill, Hemalurgic_Headshot, Hydra, Hunt2man, iBambam, Inner Delysium, Iron_Ape, JackSteelheart1, Jedal, JerleShannara, Kaazi, Kadrok, Kalinovsky, Kenod, Kidpen, Killersquirrel59, Kipper, King of nowhere, Lantern2814, Left, Lightsworn Panda, LittleGreyDragon, LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian, Lord_of_Awesome, MacThorstenson, Mallano, Maelstrom, Magestar, Manukos, Master Elodin, Mailliw73, Mail-mi, Morzathoth, Nerd3.14159265358979, Niteshado, Darkwalker, Nohadon, Olenska, Ookla the Altruist, Ostrichofevil, Oversleep, Quiver, Queen Elsa Steelheart, Quickbronze, Quitecontrary, Rage, Redbird, Redbird3000, Roadwalker, Sami, Sazedezas, Screwloose, Secrets, Shadowmancer, Slowswift, SmurfAquamarineBodies, Snoopy, SoulcastJam, Staphylococcus, Straw, StrikerEZ, Swimmingly, ThatTinyStrawMan, The Forgetful Archivist, The Gecko, The Gleeman, TheRoyalDingus, ThirdGen, Traceria, Tyn, Voidus, WayneSpren, Winter Cloud, Winter devotion, Yitzi2, Zathoth, Zellyia, and Zennix. 

The Alleyverse link TFA gave you would be a good way to reintegrate. There's some new guilds you'll want to check out like TUBA (link in sig) and the Ghostbloods (talk to TFA). And Alleyverse people have RP characters now!: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/profile/24125-archer/?tab=field_core_pfield_12

Edited by Archer
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On 6/14/2018 at 5:03 PM, Archer said:

@Randi There's a public roleplay called the Alleyverse that I'm involved in. It's free form, so it's loosely structured. If you're interested, check out our current topic, 'Divided we Fall' or some of our older episodes, CBTSThe Slice, or TotH. The participants are members of some of the guilds in the SGCG subforum, for example TUBA. You can see the characters we've created for ourselves on my About Me page. Feel free to PM me if you've got questions

Besides the Alleyverse, there are other RPs including EBWI (which like many RPs is done in private messages), D&Ds and whatever Mistborn the Inquisition is, available as well. Check out the Role Playing subforum if you're interested. You may also be interested in Sanderson Elimination, but I don't know much about that.

^ This info is still current. If you're interested, PM me and I can provide more info

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