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Naming The Unmade (spoilers)


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Sja-anat should be added as a contender.  Spoken of in chapter 4 (the Purelake vision), a likely unmade who can corrupt spren and the result being the seed of Thunderclasts and perhaps other beastly horrors.

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precognitive and past-cognitive (wordsmith!) visions


er... the word is "retrocognitive".


I like the way you think and my personal RAMPANT SPECULATION is fairly off from yours. I humbly posit my own thoughts, taking care to note that I'm basing it on even less information than you are.


First, as Shardlet says, Sja-anat. I'm going with Stonewards/Taln, for literally no reason than the Thunderclasts. (thunder, thunder, thunder, thunder, clasts! You get 80's points if you get the reference, and yes the theme song goes through my head every time I see the word mentioned)


Re-Shephir, for similar reasons, if she's associated with the Midnight Essences (which actually seems like a huge stretch, but it's the best we've got) I'm giving her Skybreakers/Nalan, the smoke essence.


Dai-gonarthis... no clue. Let's stick with your idea of the Willshapers.


Nergaoul. Here's where my speculation kicks up to 11. It seems that Knights Radiant all have some secondary ability that isn't expressly Surgebinding. Shallan creates a spiritual link to things she sees which allows (in fact, compels) her to draw them perfectly from memory. But Kaladin; he fights. The first time he picked up a spear, the time he demonstrated for Bridge 4 in the chasms, the duel. When he gets in combat, he simply knows what to do. I think The Thrill is a deliberate perversion, a corruption of that. So I put Nergaoul with the Windrunners/Jezrien.


Moelach. Death Rattles. Seeing the future. If we assume that Renarin's ability to see the future is his "added bonus" for being a Truthwatcher, the Death Rattles might be a corruption of that. I'm still not certain; Syl was pretty clear that foresight is of the Void, though Honor admitted that he did it and that Cultivation was even better, so who knows.

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Sja-anat should be added as a contender.  Spoken of in chapter 4 (the Purelake vision), a likely unmade who can corrupt spren and the result being the seed of Thunderclasts and perhaps other beastly horrors.

Yep, you're totally right. Added, especially considering how well Sja-anat may fit with Elsecallers.

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These are my own groupings.

Yelig-Nar=Jezerezeh/Windrunners. No-brainer, really.

Moelach= Pali/Truthwatchers. Again, pretty obvious.

Nergaoul=Talenel/Stonewards. Herald of War and Unmade of War. They match more than Nin, IMO.

Re-Shephir=Vedel/Edgedancers. With the attributes Loving and Healing, Vedel sounds very Mother-y, so RS makes sense as an evil counterpart to that. Also, Growth corrupted seems like it could be capable of making monsters.

Dai-Gonarthis=IDK. Anyone have the quote for where he's mentioned?

Sja-Anat=Battar/Elsecallers. Same reasons as you have.

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The Midnight Mother reminds too much of the Midnight form of the listeners. Even if Deadrattle is foretelling, it doesn't mean it will be the only voidish foretelling-related entity. Especially if the Unmade would have two anti-surges each like the Radiants. The Deadrattle seems to appear only in a specific situation, most likely brought by the infamous deathspren. While Odium would certainly need for his minions another way of prophecy, not necessarily once in a life, but on demand.

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I'm of the opinion that Yelig-nar might have the portfolio of plague, since Blightwind seems an appropriate name for that role and Jasnah remarks that the Unmade seemed to be regarded as personifications of certain types of destruction. Plus there's been a plague outbreak in the Purelake that Dalinar heard of after the Everstorm began, and I for one am not inclined to attribute that to coincidence.


I'm also not entirely sure Nergaoul and Moelach are distinct Unmade, since they lack the dashes. Specifically, I think Moelach might be another name for Yelig-nar, because the Death Rattles seem to fit the bill for the wails of those he's consumed.

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Suddenly the name strikes me as ambiguous. I have been thinking of "unmade" in the sense of retrograde development, i.e. something was made but you just took it apart, un-making it. However, it occurs to me that something could also be "unmade" in the sense of arising spontaneously, i.e. not created because it was already there.


How have the rest of you been interpreting the title?

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Suddenly the name strikes me as ambiguous. I have been thinking of "unmade" in the sense of retrograde development, i.e. something was made but you just took it apart, un-making it. However, it occurs to me that something could also be "unmade" in the sense of arising spontaneously, i.e. not created because it was already there.


How have the rest of you been interpreting the title?


Well I suspect that they were the Parshendi Gods. Made (by Cultivation), then Unmade by Odium.

Originators of the "native" and, later, Voidbringer Parsh forms. 

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Or "unmade" closer to the meaning of how spren go dead. After all the Unmade are suposed to be kind of Odium's spren. Very hihg-ranking but still. It would correspond to Shen's words abotu Parshendi's gods. And in this case the Unmade are not simply dead but "undead", eh?

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Suddenly the name strikes me as ambiguous. I have been thinking of "unmade" in the sense of retrograde development, i.e. something was made but you just took it apart, un-making it. However, it occurs to me that something could also be "unmade" in the sense of arising spontaneously, i.e. not created because it was already there.


How have the rest of you been interpreting the title?


My current favorite theory is that they were listeners, but they gave themselves up to Odium and he cracked and shattered their souls and filled the cracks with his power. What was left over wasn't anything like what went in. The listeners were unmade, but they got power in exchange. The spren betraying them must have really been a big deal...

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Suddenly the name strikes me as ambiguous. I have been thinking of "unmade" in the sense of retrograde development, i.e. something was made but you just took it apart, un-making it. However, it occurs to me that something could also be "unmade" in the sense of arising spontaneously, i.e. not created because it was already there.

I took it as being a Vorin term; The Almighty created everything but he didn't create the Unmade.

Edited by name_here
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I'm of the opinion that Yelig-nar might have the portfolio of plague, since Blightwind seems an appropriate name for that role and Jasnah remarks that the Unmade seemed to be regarded as personifications of certain types of destruction. Plus there's been a plague outbreak in the Purelake that Dalinar heard of after the Everstorm began, and I for one am not inclined to attribute that to coincidence.


I'm also not entirely sure Nergaoul and Moelach are distinct Unmade, since they lack the dashes. Specifically, I think Moelach might be another name for Yelig-nar, because the Death Rattles seem to fit the bill for the wails of those he's consumed.


I also interpreted Yelig-nar as being a bringer of disease, and that Nohadon's wordsmith's were wiped out by plague. That interpretation might suggest that he's Vedeledev's counterpart, rather than Jezerien's. I also picked up on the plage in the Purelake, and assumed that that was there as a hint to Yelig-nar's location.


I'd be surprised if Yelig-nar is Moelach, however. Articulate descriptions of omens doesn't seem equivalent to wails to me, and they come from people dying in all sorts of different ways, mostly violent ones.

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I love what you have done linking these guys up to orders of KR. Its also just nice to have a compendium of what we know about them.

As mentioned in the OP, we have very little concrete data so, theories can blossom unrestrained. We know Blightwind is able to consume souls, perhaps they all consume souls? I have been playing with the idea that the Unmade are not individuals, but rather a patchwork Frankenstein made out of the dead Souls that Odium shreds. As such, they would be more like a battalion of undead with shared consciousness. They clearly have access to Voidspren which may be similar to the Nahel bond, though I'd guess they need to bond a physical vessel to make the surges work. Thunderclasts would fit that bill, and we have also heard references that Voidbringers can possess people and force them to do evil acts. Perhaps the Unmade can create Voidbringers by taking over a susceptible human, consuming his soul and occupying the now vacant body. Sounds... Terrifying.

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One thing I've been pondering as I've been reading is that I feel that the Unmade we know to be active at present (Moelach and Nergaoul) seem a tad... innocuous? Don't get me wrong, I get how Nergaoul is bad with the The Thrill and all, but Moelach- as already stated- seems a bit 'whatever'. Even if Moelach was, I dunno, say, causing people who would otherwise live from near-fatal wounds to simply die instead, it all seems a bit odd when compared to what we know of Yelig-Nar, and, I would argue, Re-Shephir.


We know Yelig-Nar apparently consumes souls, has killed specifically on his own, and uses the souls of the dead to wail in some capacity. Re-Shephir, it stands to reason, makes Midnight Essence which we've seen to be some sort of soldier for Odium. Seems incomparable to Moelach and Nergaoul.


I'm of the opinion that perhaps we're seeing the Unmade in somewhat of a dormant state, malevolent but not at full capacity. Perhaps once a desolation starts in earnest, Nergaoul would whip people into a frenzy and cause them to turn on each other? No idea what Moelach would do. Perhaps drive people insane.


Just a thought.

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Lerson, I think that we're seeing the Unmade in the 'dormant state' you speak of because they haven't Bonded with anyone.  (I can't find the WoB saying that they could be Bonded, but I'd swear I've read it before.)


It sure seemed to me like Sadeas was being groomed to Bond with Nergaoul, up until some inconsiderate jerk stabbed him in the eye.  We saw POV from Sadeas for the first time, and each time he mentions the Thrill, how fleeting it is now, and how seeking to be filled with it is a large part of what is driving him to be his nasty self.    


Also, while I was searching for specific Sadeas chapters to quote (and getting distracted and forgetting that's what I was after), there's a place besides the Unmade where we see names like Tai-na (the greatshell gods of the Reshi Isles) and Relu-na (the name of the greatshell Rysn visits).  The suffix in both cases is obviously -na, which is awfully close to -nar.  I'm not saying that the Unmade are greatshells, but I think that there's probably a clue in the naming conventions.  


The gods of the Purelake are Nu Ralik and Vun Makak.  The sounds that these names make are also very close to most of the names of the Unmade we know/think exist.  I'm thinking that maybe the Unmade were tied more to a country or people, rather than the Radiant Orders or Heralds.  


Nergaoul seems custom-made to target the Alethi, both now and in the past.  I'm not sure if the Thrill that affects Dalinar in one of his visions (Way of Kings, Chapter 19: Starfall) is due to him being in the past, or the present, but he specifically says that "...everything seemed to become clearer, crisper.  His muscles moved easily; he breathed more deeply.  He came alive."  At the end of that vision, when he is talking to woman Radiant, he asks if she's from Alethela.  She responds by saying, "One kingdom to study the arts of war so that the others might have peace.  We die so that you may live.  It has ever been our place."  The Thrill seems to be a drug that addicts those who fight, and the Alethi have always been those who fight.  Also, the Alethi prize names that are nearly symmetrical, as being holy--Nergaoul is about as close to the opposite of that as you can get.


I, well, I've got nothing for how they might relate to anything else.  I just think that the Unmade are fascinating--partially because we know so little, and yet the hints make them seem so huge.  

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Lerson, I think that we're seeing the Unmade in the 'dormant state' you speak of because they haven't Bonded with anyone.  (I can't find the WoB saying that they could be Bonded, but I'd swear I've read it before.)


It sure seemed to me like Sadeas was being groomed to Bond with Nergaoul, up until some inconsiderate jerk stabbed him in the eye.  We saw POV from Sadeas for the first time, and each time he mentions the Thrill, how fleeting it is now, and how seeking to be filled with it is a large part of what is driving him to be his nasty self.    


Also, while I was searching for specific Sadeas chapters to quote (and getting distracted and forgetting that's what I was after), there's a place besides the Unmade where we see names like Tai-na (the greatshell gods of the Reshi Isles) and Relu-na (the name of the greatshell Rysn visits).  The suffix in both cases is obviously -na, which is awfully close to -nar.  I'm not saying that the Unmade are greatshells, but I think that there's probably a clue in the naming conventions.  


The gods of the Purelake are Nu Ralik and Vun Makak.  The sounds that these names make are also very close to most of the names of the Unmade we know/think exist.  I'm thinking that maybe the Unmade were tied more to a country or people, rather than the Radiant Orders or Heralds.  


Nergaoul seems custom-made to target the Alethi, both now and in the past.  I'm not sure if the Thrill that affects Dalinar in one of his visions (Way of Kings, Chapter 19: Starfall) is due to him being in the past, or the present, but he specifically says that "...everything seemed to become clearer, crisper.  His muscles moved easily; he breathed more deeply.  He came alive."  At the end of that vision, when he is talking to woman Radiant, he asks if she's from Alethela.  She responds by saying, "One kingdom to study the arts of war so that the others might have peace.  We die so that you may live.  It has ever been our place."  The Thrill seems to be a drug that addicts those who fight, and the Alethi have always been those who fight.  Also, the Alethi prize names that are nearly symmetrical, as being holy--Nergaoul is about as close to the opposite of that as you can get.


I, well, I've got nothing for how they might relate to anything else.  I just think that the Unmade are fascinating--partially because we know so little, and yet the hints make them seem so huge.


I don't think the Unmade are country-tied. After all, there were ten Silver Kingdoms, and we know there weren't ten Unmade. Besides, I think that if they were meant to combat a specific country, they'd have more of a tendency to stay put.

Interesting connection with -na and -nar. It might be just a coincidence, or it could be some sort of spren naming convention. After all, the spren in the islands must be pretty big and important, so they might qualify for the same kind of big, powerful name as one of the Unmade.

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I don't think the Unmade are country-tied. After all, there were ten Silver Kingdoms, and we know there weren't ten Unmade. Besides, I think that if they were meant to combat a specific country, they'd have more of a tendency to stay put.

Interesting connection with -na and -nar. It might be just a coincidence, or it could be some sort of spren naming convention. After all, the spren in the islands must be pretty big and important, so they might qualify for the same kind of big, powerful name as one of the Unmade.


Drat...I forgot that there were ten Silver Kingdoms.  Oh well.

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I don't think the Unmade are country-tied. After all, there were ten Silver Kingdoms, and we know there weren't ten Unmade. Besides, I think that if they were meant to combat a specific country, they'd have more of a tendency to stay put.

Interesting connection with -na and -nar. It might be just a coincidence, or it could be some sort of spren naming convention. After all, the spren in the islands must be pretty big and important, so they might qualify for the same kind of big, powerful name as one of the Unmade.

It doesn't seem impossible to me that the Unmade are matched to specific societies even though there's less (or more) than 10 Unmade, and 10 Silver Kingdoms. Seems that each Unmade could be placed in an area capable of exploiting heavily the prevailing social mores of said areas- ergo, Nergaoul gets placed in Alethkar and sort of meanders about in it to exploit their war-based society.


I think the idea of Unmade having weaker effects until they are bonded is interesting. It seems likely to me that they're at least capable of being bonded purely because it would be awesome for a reader to experience that. Since there's no precedent against it until he makes it, I imagine Brandon would want to jump on that. Now, having every one be bonded? Hard to say.

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If diagonarthis feeds on emotion, then I wonder if Nalan is an emotional void because he has an unmade following him around and leeching his emotions. If this is the case, then I further wonder if each one has attached itself to a former herald...like maybe the Honorblades they bore granted them immunity from the unmade messing with their heads. Just a thought.

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The Thrill seemed to cut out rather suddenly for Adolin. I think they were dormant and projecting an aura related to their primary power, but the Everstorm woke them up and they drew their power back in under their active control. Eshonai still felt the Thrill, but that could be from Nergaoul projecting it over the Parshendi mental link instead of in an aura.

Moelach was projecting a far more helpful effect, but it did require the death of humans to use, so it's definitely not entirely a good thing even if the messages are helpful.

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