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Theory: Events Behind Demoux and Aslydin becoming a Worldhoppers


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Ok, so I have no idea if someone else has already posted a similar theory before but well, here it goes:

After re-reading Mistborn: Secret History, I decided to read more of Hoid's known appearances on Scadrial and that's when I remembered that he spent much of WoA in the Terris Dominance. Given that he has been trying to gain access to more and more magic systems for some unknown purpose, I imagined that he was trying to somehow get Feruchemical powers from the Synod now that he also had access to Lerasium level Mistborn magic. However, as we know, Ruin sent the Inquisitors and the Koloss forces to wipe out the Keepers and steal all the Feruchemical abilities they could while at it.

Now, here is where the theory starts. We know that Aslydin was the daughter of one of the Elders, maybe even a full Feruchemist at that and that he was killed during that attack. Well, what if Hoid, in trying to get a spike with Feruchemical power ended up saved her using what was clearly another magic system and that spiked her curiosity enough to question him as much as she could while they were on the way to the pits with the other refugees, before Hoid parted ways with her? Then she could have shared that information with Demoux one day and eventually they learned how to worldhop. As for why Demoux might be looking for Hoid with help from the 17th Shard that has been opposing Hoid, well, maybe they eventually learned that the Feruchemical spike Hoid stole had the powers and lifeblood of Aslydin's father, which would make it personal, even if they have another reason.

That's where I have gotten so far. What do you think?

Edited by Mistbreaker
Fixing spelling/grammar mistake
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Isn't Demoux girlfriend (the pretty terriswoman at the end of HoA) was a worldhopper and part of the 17th shard ? I think she was the worldhopping terriswoman but i could be wrong.  So that could be his way into the worldhopping business

Also afaik Sazed was the last feruchemist during the final ascension even the child feruchemist got wiped by Inquisitors(along with Vin and Elend being the last Mistborn's near the end of Mistborn one).


Alright i found the WoB




In The Hero of Ages, Demoux gets together with a woman named Aslydin. He's then seen on Roshar in The Way of Kings. Knowing how loyal Demoux is, he wouldn't just leave Aslydin behind like that. Is she connected to his reasons for becoming a member of the Seventeenth Shard?

Brandon Sanderson

Aslydin is in the Seventeeth Shard, and had her own work to be about. I've given subtle clues about her before, but the ethnicity of the name should strike you.


Also another WoB but completely irrelevant just Demoux making sure he gets the girl


Brandon Sanderson

Chapter Twenty-One - Part One

Demoux Survives

Yes, Demoux lives. He'd have died, save for a promise I made. If you've read the other annotations, you'll know that he was named for my former roommate Micah DeMoux. I always thought his name was cool, and wanted to use it for a character. He said I could, but made me promise two things. 1) His character had to get a girl eventually, and 2) His character had to survive to the end of the series.

So Demoux couldn't die here. He's protected by a magical shield known as the author's promise to his pal.



Edited by goody153
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12 hours ago, Mistbreaker said:

what if Hoid, in trying to get a spike with Feruchemical power

Hoid is anti-spikes. Being spiked opens the user up to Shardic influence, and Hoid doesn't want that.


Ruro272 (paraphrased)
Does Hoid have a Hemalurgically charged Nicrosil spike?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)
It's... unlikely. Hoid would not want to open himself to the influence of Shards so using Hemalurgy on himself is unlikely. Although Hemalurgy is the easiest way to get other powers, he'd more likely do things the hard way.

As for what Hoid was actually doing in Terris.... we don't know. I like the idea that he was searching for something about Feruchemy though.

3 hours ago, goody153 said:

I think she was the worldhopping terriswoman but i could be wrong.

Its not confirmed yet(that I'm aware of), we just know there is a Terriswoman in Warbreaker and that Asyldin is in the Seventeenth Shard, so people think that it's her.

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5 hours ago, goody153 said:

Also afaik Sazed was the last feruchemist during the final ascension even the child feruchemist got wiped by Inquisitors(along with Vin and Elend being the last Mistborn's near the end of Mistborn one).


Oh, I didn't mean to say that Aslydin would be a feruchemist, I meant that since one of her parents was an elder and they were killed in the attack maybe they could use feruchemy. Thanks for the quotes though. Can't say I remember someone that looked like a Terriswoman when I read Warbreaker though.

Edited by Mistbreaker
The order of quotes and my own text was wrong
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Hoid was originally in Terris looking for the Well of Ascension, as he was fooled by the Lord Ruler's story that the well was in the north. This was later retconned as Hoid was shown to have entered Scadrial through the Well of Ascension since Kelsier destroyed/damaged Ruin's perpendicularity. So he already knew where the well was.

It was never explained what he was doing instead, except for a vague "things to do there", so I'm not sure if Brandon ever created another reason for him to be there. 



Can you tell us a little bit about what Hoid was up to in Terris in The Well of Ascension?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

He was hunting for the Well of Ascension.


In the new continuity, he already knew where the Well was, because he used it to come back to--

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Right, we changed the continuity, didn't we. Yeah. Oh boy. We came up with an explanation of this, because when we wrote the book-- Yeah, why don't you send me an email on that one. Now that I have the conversation with Peter, he brought that one up when I finally got around to Secret History. That was one of our big casualties. What did I come up with? I think he was just really, really-- I will have to-- because I canonzied it to Peter. We're gonna have to go to Peter and say "What's in the wiki now?" Yeah, that was one of the big casualties, and the fact that I couldn't get Kelsier to one of the places where I had left foreshadowing for him to speak in someone's head, and I can't remember what that one was, either.


Oh, that one was Sazed, you said it was his imagination.

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Yeah, I had to make that his imagination. Because I just couldn't get people where they needed to go. This is the problem with writing an outline, then writing a book, and then writing another book so many years later. Certain things, we just can't work into the continuity. Write us an email, we'll get you the official continuity for that one. Because Peter did nail me down when we were working on the book.


Brandon Sanderson

Hey, all. Brandon here. With the release of this book, there have been some minor updates to continuity that I think some of you will find relevant.The big one has to do with Hoid's visit to Terris in The Well of Ascension. For those unfamiliar with the backstory, this little behind-the-scenes action has been a source of some consistent problems. The outline, and original draft, of Well had Vin and Elend traveling up to Terris, then into the mountains, to find the Well itself.

This was a huge momentum killer in the story. Having your cityscape-focused book suddenly turn into a traveling quest fantasy for a few chapters felt very out of place, and required too much strange time-jumping to make it work. In revisions, I set about finding a way to repair this, and to overlap the Well of Ascension discovery with Vin's return to Luthadel.

The end result worked much better, but I was forced to cut Hoid's cameo. (In the form of footsteps in the snow and frost leading to the Well, hinting that someone had been there just before her.) I knew where Hoid was, and added in the cameo of him with the Terris people—with the plan still being that he visited the Well sometime during the days after Vin's return to the city.

Well, in working on Secret History, I found that this had a problem with it. Hoid had to already know where the Well is, because after the destruction of the Pits, he'd need to use the Well to return to Scadrial after leaving in the middle of book one to attend to certain other events.If you've read the story, you know this is how I proceeded. Official continuity is that Hoid went up to Terris after visiting the Well, as he had things to do there. He did not go looking for the Well. This doesn't change continuity for any of the books, though it does render one of the annotations for Well obsolete.

Otherwise, I'm quite pleased about this novella. I wasn't certain how it would go, writing something using threads I'd left dangling ten years ago. (You should thank the beta readers, who are all Sharders I believe, for their continuity help. They made me aware pf several things I needed to make much more clear from the original draft, so that canon would be more crisp.)

I know there has been a lot of discussion regarding which times when someone appears to hear Kelsier's voice were actually Kelsier. The story offers the official canon for this as well.

It's nice to finally be able to give the answers to some longtime fan questions, such as what spooked Vin during her inspection of Hoid and what was up with Preservation and the Mist Spirit. It's entirely possible that, despite our efforts, we slipped up and made some continuity error here or there. If so, I'm terribly sorry! This one has been particularly challenging to do.



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