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Fullmetal Alchemist and Stormlight Archive


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These 2 are my favourites when it comes to plot ! I love the unique magic systems and I always imagined Dalinar's military uniform as that of the Amestris' military. And alchemy is a lot like Soulcasting, though I don't know if 'equivalent exchange' applies to it or not ;)

just a random thought...

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Well, I haven't watched the last part of the Brotherhood Anime, but if it stays to the same as the ending of the Manga, I dunno. I was just a little disappointed by a few things.

FMA Spoilers:

Like, I just heavily disagree with the Ultimate Evil plan happening -- 50 million people killed of just like that, instantly -- and then getting reversed the very next chapter. Obviously it was shocking, to see the entire country killed like that. It was huge! I was legitimately surprised. But then they just revived everybody pretty much right away. That was really my biggest problem. I just didn't see the point of all of that, besides for the 'one week of shock' we had before the next chapter came out and undid it.

I guess I was mostly biased against it, since right before I finished up the FMA Manga, I stopped watching Naruto because during the Pain Arc, the exact same thing happened. Pain came in, invaded and f'ed up the leaf village, killing like 90% of them. But then Naruto goes and has one conversation with him, and Pain just magically reverses his actions and revives everybody. So admittedly, going from that right into FMA doing basically the same thing kind of just annoyed me.

With that said, I have only watched up to Part 4 of the Brotherhood anime. I DO want to finish and watch it, the fights coming up are obviously some of the best. I just enjoyed the rising action of FMA more than the ending. I dunno. I'm weird like that, I guess. :lol: 

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FMA Brotherhood story was amazing. Shame they didnt do the story right in the first series, it would have been better than Deathnote. Though I think Stormlight archive storyline is on course to surpass everything else in fantasy. Unless Rofthus can pull his finger out, or the next 2 mistborn trilogies are pretty epic.

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... sentient shardplate? :D Alphonse was always my favorite.


I'm only familiar with the manga/brotherhood, so I can't compare it to the first anime, but overall I was very happy with how FMA ended.

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one of the best things about FMAB was Edward. It's one of those few animes which show that the protagonist is not always the strongest or smartest, but he is still a hero. And I agree that the reviving thing was a bit weird, but it wasn't bad either.

... sentient shardplate? :D Alphonse was always my favorite.

:) think of Alphonse as a shardplate with a spren inside it :-)

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Right now I'm on episode 52 of FMA:B and I'm not liking it nearly as much as FMA. I hope the ending does it for me. The filler episodes that I see people trashing were what developed the characters enough for me to enjoy. Right now it feels like there are far to many characters with nearly no purpose.


The little Shing girl, for instance, just seems to be tacked on as a body that goes places. She knows that other type of Alchemy that I can't spell, but so far there has been almost no progress their other than the idea that they might use it to get their bodies back.

The biggest distraction right now is how little sense some of their decision making has been. One of the most obvious examples occurred just a few episodes for me. When they finally trap Pride inside of that little dome thing there are multiple issues. Why would Al let Pride hold onto his head? When is it ever just Ok to go without your head and let the enemy play around with it? But the biggest problem is this: once Pride is locked up, that is your chance to start destroying the tunnel that makes the circle! But nobody cares! My first move would have been to have gotten in that car and driven around destroying as much of it as they could. Nothing will delay their plans like that, I assume.

But that is pretty negative for a show that I'm not even done with. I'll post again when I'm finished, which should be soon. Really loved FMA including the movie at the end, so I have hope for the last dozen episodes of this one. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right now I'm on episode 52 of FMA:B and I'm not liking it nearly as much as FMA. I hope the ending does it for me. The filler episodes that I see people trashing were what developed the characters enough for me to enjoy. Right now it feels like there are far to many characters with nearly no purpose.


The little Shing girl, for instance, just seems to be tacked on as a body that goes places. She knows that other type of Alchemy that I can't spell, but so far there has been almost no progress their other than the idea that they might use it to get their bodies back.

The biggest distraction right now is how little sense some of their decision making has been. One of the most obvious examples occurred just a few episodes for me. When they finally trap Pride inside of that little dome thing there are multiple issues. Why would Al let Pride hold onto his head? When is it ever just Ok to go without your head and let the enemy play around with it? But the biggest problem is this: once Pride is locked up, that is your chance to start destroying the tunnel that makes the circle! But nobody cares! My first move would have been to have gotten in that car and driven around destroying as much of it as they could. Nothing will delay their plans like that, I assume.

But that is pretty negative for a show that I'm not even done with. I'll post again when I'm finished, which should be soon. Really loved FMA including the movie at the end, so I have hope for the last dozen episodes of this one. 


Ok, I finished. I stand by this post. The ending pieces of FMA:B made up a lot for some of the middle of the series, but there were still a lot of really questionable scenes. The series still gets a good overall review, but my mind hasn't changed on the disappointment in the decision making or the uselessness of some characters. In fact, the ending was even worse on the character point. It felt like their were WAY too many supporting characters by the end. The Elrics seemed incredibly unimportant for about 8 episodes, until the point when Ed fights that final part (which everyone else stands around watching instead of helping?).

Anyway, the single point that makes up for all of it is that Ed and Winry do end up getting together. It was obviously the direction they were headed and I was surprised it didn't happen in FMA. She is also clearly one of the personal favorite characters of whoever writes that show. Yeah, the ending was solid.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Problem with you guys who don't like the Ending of FMAB is that you're attempting to Compare it to Brandon Sanderson and SA. Nothing Can Compare. (Except maybe Rothfus or Jordan. Or Butcher)


Not true at all. I finished the FMA years ago when it first ended, way before I ever even heard of Brandon Sanderson or read the Wheel of Time, even. I didn't compare the manga to anything else when I decided I didn't like the ending that much. I just didn't like it that much. I don't like 'one chapter shock factors', where some crazy thing happens one chapter, just to immediately be reversed the next chapter. *Unless it has a point for future plot use.

I still do not see the point of killing off 50 million people just to immediately revive them the very next chapter. The only point of that was to make us go "oh my god" for one week. Plot-wise, they could have activated the reverse seal at the exact same time, getting the same exact results. I understand the country-wide seal needed to be activated, just so it could be reversed, granting the Elrics and everyone else unlimited powers for their Alchemy. I realize that's what needed to happen, they just didn't need to kill everybody  off for shock factor while doing it. That was pure pandering for ratings on a dying manga

I know this comes off sounding harsh, but I really did love the building of the series and all the rising action. The characters are mostly great, the magic is superb, even the world is pretty fun and cool. But the ending to me, it just seemed - after their like 9th year or so, you could tell they were just trying to get it done and over with. FMAB really still is one of my favorite animes, and I'll still watch it every now and then. But I do not judge FMA in comparison to shows or forms of media, especially fantasy novels since those are completely different beasts entirely.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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