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[OB] Caloric Investiture

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What do we think the purpose of Lift is for Cultivation? Personally, I think Cultivation is experimenting with fueling the Radiants herself. With Honour murderized, and the Stormfather prone to crying and feeling scared, it makes sense that Cultivation would need to see about fueling her Soldiers using a different form of investiture. This is risky buisiness because fueling Radiants will probably weaken Cultivation is some way, and who knows how much investiture she's splintered off of herself so far.

ANother thing to consider is that the Stormfather seemed mighty peeved that Lift even existed, so maybe Cultivation had been held back from doing this while Honour was still kicking around? The Stormfather raged "She goes too far this time", as if this was stepping on the toes of Honour's purview. 

Do you think Lit is a one-off hail-marry for Cultivation, or do you think Cultivation plans to make/breed more Caloric Radiants? Should we expect and army of Chodwda Fighters, or is Lift the one and only secret weapon?

Edited by teknopathetic
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This is an interesting idea, but I for one am still unsure as to what Cultivation's level of intervention actually is.  People often speculate that Cultivation is manipulating Taravangian, Dalinar, Lift, the Aimians and other characters in order to accomplish her designs, but we don't really don't know her motives or if her actions are part of a coordinated scheme.  Was the boon given to Lift just random, or was it a crucial part in Cultivation's sprawling plans?  Here's a WoB that might help:



So the character Lift, for her powers, why does she have to eat food instead of sucking in--

Brandon Sanderson

So why does Lift have to eat food instead of sucking in Stormlight. So Lift is a really weird one, she visited the Old Magic and asked something very strange. And the Old Magic didn't know how to treat that and answered with something equally strange. So you will eventually see what happened with Lift and things like that but suffice it to say some really weird things are going on with Lift.

Brandon basically says here that Lift's boon was a "strange response" to a "strange question."  That doesn't sound like the intentional manipulation of Cultivation, but rather a random boon given by the Nightwatcher that doesn't really fit into the larger picture.  In the scene you referenced, the Stormfather seems to blame Cultivation for Lift's powers and he is annoyed that Cultivation is overstepping her boundaries.  So based on that scene, I think it's possible that Cultivation might be thinking up new ways to form an army of Knights Radiant (Lift being the first) without relying so heavily on Stormlight, but because of the fact that we still know so little about Cultivation, and because of the WoB I posted where Brandon says that Lift's boon was a "strange response," I'm skeptical that it fits into Cultivaton's larger plan at all.  

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Lift's ability seems a side effect of her be' more in the Cognitive than any others humans being.

We know She asked to remain the same over time and many believe the NW struck her Cognitivelly instead than physical... It would be' weird in Arc2 if It is the case. Having a 20-30 years old girl thinking as a 10 years old one

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15 minutes ago, Xtafa said:

It would be the opposite, a 10 year old thinking like a 20-30 year old. Never ends well. 

Uh, no it would not.

Her Physical Self (her body) would change, while her Cognitive Self would stay the same.

I doubt she'll remain a child mentally though.

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I guess, especially if theres shard intervention as she has.. I just find it hard to believe the mind wouldn't expand and grow. I understand keeping her perspective as a child, full of wonder, excitement BUT, shes going to gain knowledge, wisdom, she is going to grow regardless. 

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On 5/7/2018 at 10:37 PM, Llarimar said:

Brandon basically says here that Lift's boon was a "strange response" to a "strange question."  That doesn't sound like the intentional manipulation of Cultivation, but rather a random boon given by the Nightwatcher that doesn't really fit into the larger picture.  In the scene you referenced, the Stormfather seems to blame Cultivation for Lift's powers and he is annoyed that Cultivation is overstepping her boundaries.  So based on that scene, I think it's possible that Cultivation might be thinking up new ways to form an army of Knights Radiant (Lift being the first) without relying so heavily on Stormlight, but because of the fact that we still know so little about Cultivation, and because of the WoB I posted where Brandon says that Lift's boon was a "strange response," I'm skeptical that it fits into Cultivaton's larger plan at all.  

From what we know of Lift and the Nightwatcher, it is my suspicion that Lift went and asked to 'not change,' after which the Nightwatcher tried to turn Lift into one of the other sentient, but never changing, entities on Roshar, a Spren. This explains why she can metabolize Stormlight (we see one of the Honorspren court doing exactly that with Rock's offering), and potentially explains why she can convert food into Stormlight (she was human, now is part Spren. Humans eat food to survive, Spren need Stormlight. Converting from one easily accessible source into the more difficult could well be a side effect). It could also explain why she can touch other Spren - because she is partially one of them anyways.

Anyways, I know I'm probably wrong, but it's a thought.

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4 hours ago, Bort said:

From what we know of Lift and the Nightwatcher, it is my suspicion that Lift went and asked to 'not change,' after which the Nightwatcher tried to turn Lift into one of the other sentient, but never changing, entities on Roshar, a Spren. This explains why she can metabolize Stormlight (we see one of the Honorspren court doing exactly that with Rock's offering), and potentially explains why she can convert food into Stormlight (she was human, now is part Spren. Humans eat food to survive, Spren need Stormlight. Converting from one easily accessible source into the more difficult could well be a side effect). It could also explain why she can touch other Spren - because she is partially one of them anyways.

Anyways, I know I'm probably wrong, but it's a thought.

Interesting idea that she may be part-spren and may, perhaps, be something like a pre-dead cognitive shadow.

I do think that Lift is changing mentally and growing more mature. If you read Lift's first appearance, and then read Lift's novella, there is a clear difference. But, if Lift is part-spren-ish, it may be the Nahel bond that is allowing her to grow, sort of like what we see happening with the Stormfather. 

Edited by teknopathetic
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I totally read the title as ‘Heat Investiture’ because of Chemistry class in high school.


But, I do think Cultivaton is taking a long view of things. Even if Lift is an odd case because of an odd request, there is a plan.

I think Lift is and will stay unique, but there will be a situation where her uniqueness will be absolutely vital.

Edited by IllNsickly
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Laryyl (paraphrased)

[Can Lift] get Stormlight from spheres like normal or if it's just from food for her.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

She can only get it from food.

Laryyl (paraphrased)

Which [is it] related to her boon or her curse?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)



I like the spren theory. One thing that occurred to me as I was browsing the WoBs for Lift . . I wonder what she looks like in the SR when she is present in the PR. It doesn't look like anyone has asked yet.

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