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Lord Meeker


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So you mean if like Marsh or Demoux burned atium for its Allomantic property, and charged one of those "Allomantic grenade cubes" that absorb Allomancy and releases it later?

[EDIT: Which is a spoiler for Era 2 in general and The Bands of Mourning in particular... This should probably get moved to the Mistborn forum?]



The question boils down to, what happens to internal Allomantic effects with that technology? I don't know that we know that for sure.

We see that when Wax, Wayne, or Marasi charged it with their Allomantic power, it projected from the cube as if it were the Allomancer itself - the Steelpush "bubble" or the time bubble centered around it.

But those are powers with external effects. If a Seeker or Tineye charged the cube and then set it off, I don't think it would cause people in its radius of effect to gain the internal allomantic effect, that seems counterintuitive to me. But we don't really know for sure.

(Somewhere in the Mistborn forum, I once jokingly speculated on what it would be like for a cube to be charged with A-gold, would it see a parallel version of itself where it got charged with a useful power to use in a cube like A-bendalloy and be jealous of it, while also sensing the alternate version of itself regarding the A-gold charged cube with disdain. LOL. In which case, charging a cube with A-atium would be like lighting money on fire.)

The only clue we have is that we saw a Leecher (Irich, most likely spiked for it) who was able to charge the cube, throw it, and drain Wax's metal reserves that way, even without Wax touching the cube, where a human Leecher would have required touching him to do the same. So there is something special about the cubes. Whether that can "externalize" internal Allomantic effects remains to be seen.



Edited by robardin
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12 hours ago, Mraize said:

So I was thinking on the God metals of the Scadrian Magic system and the following question occurred to me. What would happen if one used Ettmetal to delay Atium burning? Do we know what would happen?

Do we know for sure? No. But, it ought to be something simple and intuitive, as we aren't really talking about crossing magic systems here where things get weird quick.

My speculation: it would project atium shadows for anyone in the etmetals radius of effect and grant the mental power to use them. That's the only explanation I can think of that wouldn't be useless or inconsistent with observation. Nothing happening would be lame, so I'd like to think that won't be the case...

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On 4/30/2018 at 10:18 AM, Mraize said:

Ettmetal takes the allomantic or feruchemic abilities as reproduces them.

I feel like this is a common misconception. I think all we know so far is that etmetal can be used to reproduce allomantic abilities when used in conjunction with as of yet unknown mechanical (or electro-mechanical) components, like the switches of the southern grenades. All we've seen raw etmetal due is power some apparently fluorescent tubes in the temple housing the BoM, and that still involved external non-allomantic hardware. Storing powers is probably only a single specific way that etmetal can be used. Much like how a battery in real life can power a light bulb, or power a fan, or explode when shorted across it's terminals.

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