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Something old, something new

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Hi all,

I've been lurking here off and on (mostly off) for some time now.  Back in the day I wrote a few posts on the old Timewaster's Guide, but I refrained from creating an account on this 'new' site until now.  (I tried to link to my TWG profile, but that seems to have triggered the forum's antispam guardian.  Strangely enough, it will let me insert the raw url: twg.17thshard.com/index.php?action=profile;u=1687)

Apart from White Sand I've read all the published cosmere works (along with the annotations etc. on brandonsanderson.com), but not yet much of the non-cosmere stuff (just Snapshot and some short stories).  I expect to read some more of the latter later this year.

My post count will probably remain low, but it is now non-zero.

Edited by daschaich
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Thanks for the welcomes.  For many years Mistborn (The Final Empire) was my favorite---I quite like its worldbuilding and cast of characters.  Nowadays I would rank Words of Radiance above it, and Oathbringer is also in the running.  However, I only finished Oathbringer a few weeks ago, and I suspect my perspective may be skewed.

Despite praising the cast of characters in Mistborn, I'll go with Vasher as my favourite---at least for now.

(The profile pic is also old---almost twelve years old.  I haven't looked like that for a long time, but the more recent photo I now tend to use is a bit too big for this system to accept.  Rather than shrink it I just grabbed this smaller file.)

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