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Hey everyone! I'm new to the forums (not new the Sanderson's works and the podcast). 

I have been listening to some of the Shardcast podcasts and all of the discussions about Nightblood gave me an idea. 

I don't know if anyone had brought it up or not but I'll write me thoughts on the subject. 

What if Vasher and Shahara went to Roshar after the Recreance, and saw the Shardblades there and wanted to create a more powerful tool that will be a better fit to their world. They came right after the Recreance happened and there was still talk about the fact that Shardblades used to be spren. 

They took one of the Shardblades with them to their world and Awakened it. Now what I'm thinking is that when they tried to Awake the Shardblade it had the effect of almost reviving the dead spren of the Shardblade. 

They already used a Shardblade which is Invested to some degree and use Awakening on it which added additional Investiture to the mix. And that created the "corruption" of the Shardblade and made it one of the most Invested objects in the Cosmere. Because we don't really know how Invested are Shardblades but I'd say a lot! It can shear through someone's soul. Add a certain amount or a 1000 breathes of the Returned and you an amazing amount of Investiture. 

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Welcome to the Shard!

We've discussed this a few times and come to the conclusion that no, this isn't the case. It's not the most obvious thing to find because searching for 'Nightblood' will return a lot of threads, but here are the highlights:

- Investiture resists Investiture, so it would be much much harder to Awaken than metal is by itself. Brandon has told us that Awakening Shardlate is probably impossible because of how Invested it already is, and a Shardblade effectively can't be Awakened because it already is, in a sense.

- Brandon has stated that Vasher and Shashara didn't need to visit Roshar personally, just to know of Shardblades to do what they did. He's been back and forth on whether they actually did go there personally and his most recent answers indicate that they have, but if they didn't need to then Nightblood can't be an Awakened Shardblade.

- The threat of Yesteel making more Awakened weapons like Nightblood only makes sense if it's something that could be produced locally. This means that Awakening a Shardblade or Awakening some other Shard's godmetal doesn't make sense.

- Vasher (who knows Nightblood better than we do) says repeatedly that it was Awakened from steel.

Edited by Weltall
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I did not know all those facts thanks for clearing that up. 

Another thing I thought about after listening to the podcast "The visit to the Valley" was what if Vasher and Shashara created Nightblood using Cultivation's Perpendicularity or in some way using her magic and that is why she suggests Nightblood to Dalinar. She has some sort of control over him because he was created by her magic. 

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