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Stormlight editions


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Hi All,


  I went into the book shop today and was disappointed to find that WoR is bigger than WoK is (as in the size of the cover).  It's the same size as Steelheart and The Emperor's Soul/Legion; where as WoK is the same size as the rest of the cosmere books.  Does anyone know if WoR will be reprinted in the smaller size?  I'd much rather have copies that match.

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Gollancz has put out all of the books in two different sizes of paperbacks. The trade paperback (larger size) comes out first, and then mass market paperback (smaller size) comes out around a year later. Way of Kings had a single-volume trade paperback, and the mass market paperback was split into two books. The same thing is likely to happen with Words of Radiance, unless they split it into three books for the mass market paperback, which works better for the story.

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Hi Peter, I'm from India & I already have the ebook from google play, but I wanted a hard copy. The thing is flipkart has two hard cover editions, one from Tor & other from Gollancz (both are said to be imported). My question is, is there any other difference between the two apart from the front cover? (say for e.g illustrations or art work inside.)

edit: how long till paperback? I have a WoK paperback (Tor published), would rather wait for WoR paperback too if it comes out in a month or so.

Edited by harry31j97
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