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Nicrobursting Cadmium


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What do you think would happen if a Nicroburst used their power on a Cadmium misting? What about two at the same time? How much farther would this allow you to stretch time? If cadmium's burn rate depends on the time inside a bubble, this could easily be used to slow down time insanely, but how much?

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As far as I'm aware, the time that passes within a cadmium bubble is directly proportional to the amount of metal burned. The variance would be in the rate of dilation, and the perceived time spent inside the bubble. 

Duralumin should push that dilation close to the maximum, in which the "bubble" exists for a minimal amount of time, and the time just jumps. 

In contrast, you'd probably never want to do this with Bendalloy, because you're bubble would exist for only a short time and perceptively no time would pass on the outside. Not exactly optimal use there. 

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I expect with just one cadmium-burner time compressed would not change, but what about two? If, for instance, two cadmium-burners both compressed time in a bubble, I think it might be possible that the objective burn rate of cadmium would increase, but the subjective burn rate would stay the same (that is to say, it burns for longer for those outside, but exactly the same for those inside). This would be able to get you quite far, but imagine if instead they were nicrobursted. The time compression would be significantly greater, and therefore not only will the bubble slow time down more, but it will last for longer as well. All this is, of course, pretty pointless if cadmium burn rate is objective. If it was subjective, however, how far do you think this could get?

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7 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

I expect with just one cadmium-burner time compressed would not change, but what about two? If, for instance, two cadmium-burners both compressed time in a bubble, I think it might be possible that the objective burn rate of cadmium would increase, but the subjective burn rate would stay the same (that is to say, it burns for longer for those outside, but exactly the same for those inside). This would be able to get you quite far, but imagine if instead they were nicrobursted. The time compression would be significantly greater, and therefore not only will the bubble slow time down more, but it will last for longer as well. All this is, of course, pretty pointless if cadmium burn rate is objective. If it was subjective, however, how far do you think this could get?

The burn rate would not change, but the time compression in the overlap would be multiplicative. 






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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/19/2018 at 9:01 PM, Unlicensed Hemalurgist said:

I think you just introduced suspended animation into the Cosmere.

Funny you should put it that way. I was re-reading "The Alloy of Law" recently and had the same thought about Marasi's ability - it could be used in a similar fashion to the way people in Orson Scott Car's "Worthing Saga" could skim through time by "sleeping" significant portions of their life with technology. Marasi admitted to having used her Allomantic ability to skip past boring stretches of time to reach an anticipated event sooner. So imagine if one Pulsed away an entire day, every other day! You'd function fairly normally in society - you'd be in touch with current events, cultural developments, etc., - but you'd effectively live twice as long, with all the benefits (long term inve$tment$!) and drawbacks thereof (your non-Pulser friends and family would age and die twice as quickly, with respect to you).

Actually it'd be pretty tough for an allomancer to Pulse away an entire day at a time, even if Marasi says that cadmium burns "at a much slower rate and with larger bubbles" than bendalloy, as we do get a precise description of the limits of Slider allomancy: "with one nugget [of bendalloy] worth about five hundred notes, Wayne can compress about two minutes (of burning time) into fifteen external seconds", which is an 8:1 ratio.

It stands to reason that even if it burned more slowly, it'd still affect time at an 8:1 ratio - so that her trap for Miles at the end of Alloy of Law resulted in the 4 minutes or so of time it took for Wax to have a one-sided fistfight and monologue prompting session with him resulted in 32 minutes outside the bubble, for Wayne to go find and bring the posse to the Vanishers' secret location. To Pulse away 24 hours would require burning for 3 hours straight while sitting in your own bubble.

Now, what about nicrobursting (or some way to use duralumin - either a Mistborn or a Pulser with a spike for A-duralumin)? I'm going to guess that that brings us to the absolute maximum of a 16:1 ratio, just because that 8:1 ratio looks very suspicious from what we know of Allomancy. So a Pulser with enough cadmium to burn for 90 minutes straight, with a nicroboost and a flare, might be able to leap forward a day in time in one blast.


On 3/22/2018 at 1:05 AM, Calderis said:

The burn rate would not change, but the time compression in the overlap would be multiplicative. 

Holy moly. Nesting time bubbles would compound? I guess that makes sense, from a relativistic POV, but that has the potential for some serious mayhem.

The first example that comes to mind is that Marasi's trap for Miles at the end of Alloy of Law could be devastatingly effective on another Pulser. It'd be kind of like the "Limbo" thing in the movie Inception. Or a reverse Weeping Angel thing from Doctor Who, if you know what that is.

Fill a few of the the allomantic "grenades" we see in Bands of Mourning with Pulsing, and you could set off a chain of 3 or 4 of these Pulser bombs and effectively exile someone far into the future. Bye!

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Actually, giving Wayne an allomantic grenade would mean he could square his time bubble, right? Rust and Ruin, but that'd be amazing.

And imagine a Steelrunner inside a Wayne-squared speedup bubble!

Edited by robardin
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  • 2 weeks later...

I hadn't considered Allomantic grenades. I wonder, can you nicroburst an Allomantic grenade? Also, how long do those sorts of bubbles last? In addition, does the grenade drain your own energy? (Probably no, on the last one. If I remember correctly, power comes from the ettmetal/harmonium inside the grenade).

On 3/31/2018 at 10:28 AM, robardin said:

Fill a few of the the allomantic "grenades" we see in Bands of Mourning with Pulsing, and you could set off a chain of 3 or 4 of these Pulser bombs and effectively exile someone far into the future. Bye!

If someone could charge up four grenades at once, plus a nicroburst grenade, and threw them at someone....

I wonder, how far into the future would they get?

Now, people on this thread seem to be confused about time bubble burning ratios. Now, I think that the burn rate will almost certainly stay the same. However, keep in mind that rate includes time. If the time is outside time, then there really isn't any bonus, beyond the stacking of bubbles: the only difference will be how fast it is on the inside. However, if the time is bubble time, the multiple Pulsers/a-grenades would get a huge boost if they were nicrobursted (the rest of the post will assume this idea). Now the way I see it, with just one Pulser/a-grenade, flaring or nicrobursting would increase the burn rate proportional to the increase in time rate. I don't know any facts on nicrobursting, but for now, let's assume that a nicroburst can compress 30 minutes of burn into three seconds. If power is conserved, that should give 30*60/3=900 times the power.

900 times? 

And that isn't even counting the 8 to 1 time compression. Is that happening with every duralumin/nicrosil blast? Some power is surely being lost here. I'm going to assume this is the case for now, but it probably isn't this effective.

With one of these, you get 3 seconds on the inside for four hours outside. If you do this again, it's still three seconds on the inside, but you have to multiply by the nicrosil rate times the compression factor again. With what we assume, that's 7200. Meaning, if you nicrobust two Pulsers/a-grenades, you get 3 seconds for 28800 hours. That's 3.28 years. Add 2 more and you multiply by 7200 squared. That's 170 milllion years! In 3 seconds! With 2 hours of cadmiumWith that much effective power, bursting through a day could be done with maybe a few atoms.

(If someone thinks I'm wrong here, please correct me) 

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Real time 4096hrs (Pulser 4 512hrs(Pulser 3 64hrs(Pulser 2 8hrs(Pulser 1 1hr))))

This is assuming that each pulser is making a bubble that doesn't include the outter bubbles. But what if Pulser 3 in this scenario were to catch pulser 4 in his bubble? Is it possible that it would create a cycle, where when pulser 3 puts up a bubble, it increases the relative 'slowage' of  pulser 4 and his (already made) bubble, which would then have the same effect on pulser 3? Or would a bubble that has already been put up be unaffected if it's pulser's relative time was slowed down?

I probably make no sense.

Edited by cheezyguy6
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