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[OB] Revolutionary plot twists of your choice


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If you had the decision to make a absolutely random plot twist to the story, what would you do? 

For me,

Kill Dalinar (and Navani) off. Or at least have a twist where Odium teleports them to a different dimension. Adolin to take their place with Shallan. Adolin as bondsmith....that I'd like to see. 


What would you like to see? I'm sure there would be many who like Adolin dead son the can see Shalladin links.... :-)


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  • Greywatch changed the title to [OB] Revolutionary plot twists of your choice

No, no Adolin death!  Adolin goes to Rira with Drehy, where Adolin figures out he is gay and meets a hot Iriali boy.  Flirtation and hijinks ensue, until they have a secret marriage in front of Cusicesh, whom Adolin subsequently bonds inventing a whole new type of bonded human/spren relationship.  Odium decides this is too adorable and leaves Adolin and his new husband alone.  The whole Iriali/Rira following Odium problem solved!

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The one saved by Elhokar wasn't Gavinor but this spren. It'll be the first "dead" spren who was revived.

Rathalas was nearly empty when it was destroyed - the people were brought to safety in Dawn's Shadow - including the children of Tanalan jun. 

Oh and don't ask, please:

Rial is the son of Sadeas from one of his encounters with one of the women from one of the conquered villages.

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1) The Dawncities are reversed underground cities of the cities of Roshar. The parts of cities we see now are tips of the iceberg. Things go crazy and the cities rise from the ground in their true form.

Kholinar collapses because Azure chopped away at all the support beams to soulcast.


2)  Lift is adopted by Bridge 4.  Rock smacks her hand when she steals the cooking and Lopen makes her a cousin.   Then they all die because SANDERSON and Lift is left to remember them. :(

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Shallan dies giving birth to a child and then Adolin has to raise the baby on his own, but really Uncle Renarin will be more awesome and help the kid.

Kaladin will become a hearld and protect everyone as his 5th ideal.  Thankfully we won’t have time to see him go crazy.

I really want to see Harmony come and kick Odium’s butt, but I doubt that will happen.

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Odium is the real hero of the Cosmere and has been following the original plan to shatter the Shards and thereby further disperse Adonalsium’s Investiture, which idea the 16 Vessels originally agreed to but have since betrayed because of their mandates/intents. Once Odium has shattered all the other Shards, his plan is to shatter himself a la Javert. 

Edited by EddyJ
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Autonomy decides Odium and Roshar are just to much trouble. Right as Odium is about to win and destroy all of Roshar, Autonomy/Bavadin takes advantage of the situation and wrecks him hardcore. Instead of being Roshar's savior however, Autonomy decides the planet is to dangerous (and also wants to get rid of Hoid) and proceeds to destroy the planet and Cultivation on his own. A portion of the population and our heroes manage to escape before the complete destruction and flee to another planet.

Its out there but it is fun to throw out some crazy ideas :D

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9 hours ago, Calderis said:

I think you've confused Sanderson with Martin. 

Mistborn Era 1 was rough on me. :P


Meanwhile, in another unexpected plot twist:

A massive hand rises from the ocean, followed by a horrific body.  It holds the bodies and souls of countless innocents. The called it the Hog.

Within it's bay, Cusicesh "the Protector" rises up from the waves, trembling.  It has waited for this day.

The nightmare monster of the ocean sucks in a deep breath.

"DINNER'S READY" it hollers.

Baby Cusicesh squees and floods over the Iri islands, drowning thousands.

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On 3/18/2018 at 8:52 PM, Willshaping Crasher said:

Lift is Hoid's daughter (she was told he was dead by her mother).  Insanity at it's finest.

This seems the place to ask. Do we have a Son as to whether Hoid can/has Fathered Children?

I know thos is a joke thread but I am genuinely curious.

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23 hours ago, Song said:

This seems the place to ask. Do we have a Son as to whether Hoid can/has Fathered Children?

I know thos is a joke thread but I am genuinely curious.

None of "hoid father" (a question where it would be asked if he was a father), "hoid son" and "hoid daughter" seem to give any related results in the Arcanum (looking for the second term with ctrl+f didn't give me anything on the first page), so I think this question might not have been asked. I suspect the answer to "does he have children" will be no.

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