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[OB] What's happening just off screen


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So we know we're getting flashback books in the back five from characters that are currently active. Now those flashbacks don't have to be concurrent with the current narrative, but say they are. What crazy stuff is happening right now that we won't find out about for another ten or fifteen years?

My money's on May Aladar having a torrid affair with Renarin and/or Jasnah that ends with her being killed to stop her from activating a doomsday fabrial at the moment of Shallan and Adolin's wedding.

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1 minute ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Mraize hides aluminum guns from Scadrial in his slippers, and murders the real Ash with these. The "Ash" we think we know is WalDo, the worldhopping Kandra, currently aligned with the Ghostbloods. We learn this in Ashs flashback book, of course.

That's what I'm talking about!

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Renarin, in one of his visions of the future sees what the real reason for the Recreance was, because he sees Dalinar going down the same path as Tanavast.

We're all well aware that the Stormfather is the grouchiest of all spren, but he's just a mere splinter of Honor.

Honor's true intent was Griping! As Dalinar amasses more and more of Honor's power, Renarin sees him changing in his visions of the future. No longer the man of action that he once was, he sees him puttering around in his bathrobe, complaining about teenagers, and how the modern heatrials aren't as good as the fires from the old days, etc.

And Renarin sees that just like during the Recreance of the past, all of the Knights Radiants and their Spren are being driven completely bonkers by Dalinar's incessant backwards looking rants and complaints, and so the spren willingly kill themselves and the Knights Radiants abandon their oaths just to get away from the ceaseless raving inanities of Dalinar.

Sorry if this spoiled the back 5 for you all, but this is totally how this is going to play out...

Edited by hoiditthroughthegrapevine
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4 hours ago, digitalbusker said:

It will be revealed that Jasnah can use Transportation and Transformation to create remotely operated simulacra, and every time a darkeyes sass-talks Dalinar or Shallan, it was actually Jasnah.

Ah so what you're saying is that Kaladin is just a creation of Jasnah that she used to annoy Shallan while she was off playing dead?

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15 minutes ago, thegatorgirl00 said:

It turns out that Lift has eaten Vax, the dawnshards, Unity, dragonsteel (the material), and the REAL reason for the Recreance. 

Hahahahaha, and she's still hungry!

But it turns out that after eating Vax, she discovered another heavily invested shard-world, Invested by the shard of Antacid. After devouring Tums, Lift takes a brief break and enjoys the temporary relief from the pains of her unusual diet. Thankfully she was fully able to convert the Dawnshards, Vax, Unity and Dragonsteel to investiture, but since the Recreance is more of a concept than an amalgam of Investiture, she has to work out the alimentary details of processing a concept. But don't worry, she has a lot of Mistborn Era 2 broadsheets to read while she "works out" these details.

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