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Spook, Ruin, and Hemalurgy Confusion



So I’m new to this site but have been a long time fan. Although I finished Hero of Ages a while ago, one thing has bothered me about it recently. When Spook was given his Hemalurgic spike and began to see visions of Kell thanks to Ruin, their communicating together shouldn’t really work, should it? It was said that Harmony can converse with those with spikes because he combines the powers of Preservation and Ruin to both listen and speak. But at the time, Ruin should be only been able to speak to Spook without hearing him in return, right? I was thinking this was possible in that he could have given Spook basic instructions without any need for two-way communication, except I remembered when Spook told “Kell” that the metal in the vial wasn’t tin and Ruin responded, telling him that the owner of the house was a Thug. 

TL;DR: How did Spook and Ruin communicate via Hemalurgy if Ruin shouldn’t have been able to hear him?

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Ruin has no ability to read the minds of people. As long as Spook spoke aloud there's no issue. 

Preservation can read your thoughts but you can't hear him. Ruin can send things into your mind, like Reen's voice with Vin, but can't listen to your mind. 

Spoken words are fair game. Though. 

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