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(Era 1 spoilers) What’s your ranking of the Mistborn original trilogy?


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How would you rank the first Mistborn trilogy?

My personal ranking would be The Final Empire > Well of Ascension > Hero of Ages

The Final Empire was a great book about loss, triumph and friendship. Vin progressed from a timid girl to a powerful Mistborn and Kelsier was absolutely incredible. There are many interesting characters, and the book is tight and intense. Kelsier’s death was incredibly powerful and the Lord Ruler intimidating. The book ended in a beautifully satisfying way, while still leaving story threads open for the next book.

The Well of Ascension was a good book. The characters continued to be good, and many developed further from the first book in exciting ways. But the lack of Kelsier was tragic. Still, the plot was good and there was a real desperation and tension. However, this book was paced badly and for a long time it seems to drag along. The ending managed to bring back the previous book’s fast pace though and imo redeemed the book.

The Hero of Ages was... alright, I guess. The characters (except for Spook and Sazed) weren’t quite as compelling as in previous books, and I didn’t enjoy the villain as much as the previous ones. I didn’t enjoy the Kandra plot line and the book’s avalanche was the least emotional of Sanderson’s. I felt nothing when Elend died, and when Vin died I was a bit disheartened but not distraught as I would expect. 

So that’s my ranking. What’s yours?

Edited by ICanDream
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The Final Empire > The Hero of Ages > The Well of Ascension

Final Empire is a future classic.  It works really well just by itself if that's the only book you've read, the Ocean's Eleven vibe I got from reading it, Vin's character progression.  This is still my favorite Mistborn book to date.  

I actually really loved Hero of Ages.  I loved all the plot threads that you found out were laid well in advance and how they came together.  I thought the avalanche was really good, and I absolutely LOVE the ending when everyone comes out of the cave into the new world.  I did think the Kandra plot line took a while to get going.  

Well of Ascension... pacing is my biggest issue.  Characters, great.  Sense of despair at all times... check.  Plot twists... excellent.  But the whole book seemed to drag in some sections where I wanted to get to the next section and get the plot going again.  

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The Hero of Ages has one of the best (probably the best indeed) closure you can find in a book series. 

So many questions answered, everything falling into place, ending unpredictable but not too far fetched. 

I would never rate it last in the series. 

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On 2/4/2018 at 11:33 AM, LevenThumps said:

The Final Empire > The Hero of Ages > The Well of Ascension

Final Empire is a future classic.  It works really well just by itself if that's the only book you've read, the Ocean's Eleven vibe I got from reading it, Vin's character progression.  This is still my favorite Mistborn book to date.  

I actually really loved Hero of Ages.  I loved all the plot threads that you found out were laid well in advance and how they came together.  I thought the avalanche was really good, and I absolutely LOVE the ending when everyone comes out of the cave into the new world.  I did think the Kandra plot line took a while to get going.  

Well of Ascension... pacing is my biggest issue.  Characters, great.  Sense of despair at all times... check.  Plot twists... excellent.  But the whole book seemed to drag in some sections where I wanted to get to the next section and get the plot going again.  

This is exactly what I feel. I loved the other two books, but WoA just went a little bit ploddingly.

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The Hero of Ages> The Well of Ascension> The Final Empire

This is my favorite trilogy of all time, so choosing which is best is a tough decision. The Final Empire is a fantastic first book and a great way to introduce people to the Cosmere. The Well of Ascension is, in my humble opinion, just as good as The Final Empire and even slightly better because of the awesome fights and the incredible twist at the end. I have never understood why people have such a low view of this part of the trilogy. I think it's because of the romance. And finally, The Hero of Ages, which I think is just amazing. The opening, the middle, and especially the ending make this one of the greatest final books in a trilogy that I have ever read.

P.S. I also really enjoy the Wax and Wayne series. Eagerly awaiting the fourth book.

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This is a hard pick...

I personally loved the ending of Hero of Ages. Final Empire has a nostalgia factor and is just a really great introduction, but I feel bad putting Well of Ascension last because I really enjoyed it. They were all good books and it’s hard to put any one of them “last”.

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