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[OB] Gloryspren are the splinters of Honor


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At the Battle of Thaylenah, when Dalinar accesses Honor's perpendicularity, Gloryspren surged all around him, letting him ascend. So we know for ascension, even temporary ascension, it requires large amounts of investiture, which came partially from having access to Honor's investiture in the spiritual realm through the Stormfather and perpendicularity. But that does not explain why Gloryspren surrounded him and made a pillar of light.

The Gloryspren appeared before when he used his powers to repair Thaylenah:


The stone lintel in his hands lifted and settled into place. Light filled the cracks in the stones and knit them back together, and gloryspren burst around Dalinar’s head.

Sanderson, Brandon. Oathbringer: Book Three of the Stormlight Archive (p. 597). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition.

The gloryspren saved him from falling to Odium:


So alone. It hurt to breathe, to think. But something stirred inside his fist. He opened bleeding fingers. The most … the most important … Inside his fist, he somehow found a golden sphere. A solitary gloryspren.

Sanderson, Brandon. Oathbringer: Book Three of the Stormlight Archive (p. 1133). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition.

The Gloryspren are the splinters of Honor. In the above quote the gloryspren wasn't attracted to glory because Dalinar had no glory, but it was still attracted to  Dalinar because he had access Honor's perpendicularity and Honor's shadow, the Stormfather. Honor's power is the ability to create bonds, so its only natural that the splinters of Honor would want to come back together when a significant portion, Honor's perpendicularity and shadow,  are already connected to each other.

Edit: I mean that the Gloryspren are the splinters of Honor that formed Honor before Odium shattered him. So Odium shattered Honor, and then those splinters became gloryspren.


Edited by MountainKing
To clarify theory and fix grammar
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Just now, CrazyRioter said:

I think all spren are splinters of Honor, Cultivation, or a mix of the two.

Yep.  Either that or spren made from Adonalsium.



So, at the Forbidden Planet signing you said that when Adonalsium was Shattered, all Investiture in the cosmere was associated to one of the Shards... So, what happened with Adonalsium's spren on Roshar? Were those associated to Honor and Cultivation? What happened with them?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

So they were very-- They were already associated to certain parts of Adonalsium and they went with those associations. There's a lot of Cultivation in all of the spren, particularly the natural spren.

Footnote: Chaos is referencing this exchange.





Brandon Sanderson

Yes that is common.




Brandon Sanderson

 Will there be a what spren?



Brandon Sanderson

Oh, yeah yeah yeah. So most of the spren are involved in either-- are kind of involved in all three. And so it's mostly Honor and Cultivation. But some lean one direction or the other: you'll see that lifespren will pop up more commonly around Wyndle then they will around <Sylphrena>.



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1 hour ago, MountainKing said:

What I was trying ot write was that the splinters of Honor that came from his shattering are the gloryspren.

I wondered if this was what you meant when I ran across this yesterday. It's an interesting idea. Not sure how long gloryspren have been around though. It seems like each order has a certain type of lesser spren associated with them. Windrunners have windspren, Bondsmiths seem to have gloryspren. So it's hard to tell if they were a "new" kind of spren following Honor's death or not. 

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Yeah, I came here to say what Andy said. The thread in question is here. I believe that this is what is happening here. I don't believe that there were any 'new' Spren following Tanavast's death, though that's not a requisite for splintering. The Divine Breaths of the Returned are Splinters of Endowment, if I remember correctly..

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4 hours ago, recneps said:

Yeah, I came here to say what Andy said. The thread in question is here. I believe that this is what is happening here. I don't believe that there were any 'new' Spren following Tanavast's death, though that's not a requisite for splintering. The Divine Breaths of the Returned are Splinters of Endowment, if I remember correctly..

If the theory on the thread is correct it doesn't matter because plate is earned on the fourth ideal and That was Dalinar's third.

Also I'm not saying that gloryspren are the only splinters of honor, but they are splinters that came post shattering, and the others are splinters pre shattering.

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No, it would matter. Plate is earned on the Fourth Ideal, except Kaladin drew Windspren long before that. Just like he had Sylphrena bonded way before he could wield her as a Shardweapon.. The idea is that they're Subspren associated with the bond, and upon achieving the Fourth Ideal they can be 'equipped.'

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