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[OB] Nightblood question... wth?


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I am listening on Audible, so admittedly i may have zoned out for a few hundred pages, but, last i knew Dalinar had Szeth's Honorblade (Nightblood), but then Szeth ends up with it when he is "Reborn" (Mostly).   Nightblood references Vasher, so i am confident it is the same sword he lost back when Kaladin "killed" him. 


What did i miss here between Uretheru when Dalinar hid the blade and page 865 (hardcover) Ch.90 "Reborn" (yes, i also have the book). 


Sorry if this question has been asked already. 

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Nightblood isn’t an Honorblade and isn’t the sword he’d been wielding up to the end of WoR.  NB also doesn’t grant surges. 

The honorblade Szeth had been wielding was Jezrien’s and predated NB by several millennia. Kaladin recovered that one and gave it to Dalinar.

Nale resurrected Szeth and gave him NB in the same scene at the end of WoR.

Edited by RShara
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49 minutes ago, RShara said:

Nale resurrected Szeth and gave him NB in the same scene at the end of WoR.

Did we ever find out how Nale can do that? Or even how he got Nightblood? From what I’ve seen so far only a Shard has been able to create Returned and the Nightwatcher has Nightblood

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1 minute ago, Heretic said:

Did we ever find out how Nale can do that? Or even how he got Nightblood? From what I’ve seen so far only a Shard has been able to create Returned and the Nightwatcher has Nightblood

He's not a Returned.  Nale apparently has a Regrowth fabrial that managed to Heal Szeth before his soul was completely gone (although it was close, as you can tell from the afterimage he leaves behind).

We don't know yet how he got Nightblood.  There are some conflicting WoBs that say Vasher lost Nightblood before/after he got to Roshar, so it's unclear.  We'll hopefully get some answers in Nightblood the book, and Brandon has promised that we'll find out what happened someday.

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