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[Full Book Spoilers] Unknown Surge


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We have learned from the Ars Arcanum that the last Surge is Cohesion. It is strongly related to Tension.


Cohesion: The Surge of Strong Axial Interconnection

Tension: The Surge of Soft Axial Interconnection


Tension, as described by Brandon, allows you to make bendy things stiff and stiff things bendy (paraphrased). So you could make a piece of paper hard as steel.


Cohesion, then, allows you to deform and shape a material I think. Imagine taking a block of metal, and pressing down onto it and stretching it into a sword. You could take stone and draw it up from the ground, allowing you to make fortifications and the like (rather crappy ones since stretched stone can't be very strong...).


Basically, I'm thinking this has connections to topology, if anyone has studied the field of mathematics.


I don't think it's just limited to shaping materials. Imagine taking the air, and making it... solid. Undeformable. You could make a forcefield, sort of. This is more speculative. I think shaping materials is quite likely to be correct however. This is incredibly appropriate for Kalak, the Herald of Foil (metal). If he can shape metal, then it makes things all the easier in a primitive society without forges.


Now, we have a Radiant Order with both Cohesion and Transportation. Order 8. I am hereby predicting it is the Willshapers. They can shape things at a distance with their minds. It works rather well with their Attributes, too (Resolute/Builder), though I find the Attribute argument unpersuasive. (Incidentally, this would make Bondsmiths #10 and Truthwatchers #5.)


This Order seems pretty awesome.


And Stonewards... Stonewards would be able to build fortifications. An issue with Cohesion is that you 'stretch' things by deforming them. It makes them weak. But with Tension, which Stonewards have, they could also make the things they stretch strong as steel. They could pull up pillars of stone from the ground and harden them into unbreakable fortifications.


Anyone have thoughts? Comments?

Edited by Moogle
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I like to think of Cohesion ("strong" axial connection) as relating to molecular physics.  In other words, Cohesion allows the Radiant to manipulate atoms/electrons and alter the form that an element or compound is in.  This is very close, if not identical, to what Moogle hypothesized.  I picture Radiants with this Surge being able to "melt" things, or like Moogle said, taking a gas (the air) or a liquid (water) and making it "hard" by manipulating the atoms and bringing them "closer together."    So in theory, Cohesion could be used to make a "force field" or used to create a big ditch/hole to hide in or take shelter from a highstorm. 

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I have another comment for Moogle that I forgot to include in my previous post.  A lot of the examples you mention for Cohension involve stretching a material.  I think one of the more useful tools of Cohesion would be the opposite - making things more dense or compact.  So with Cohesion, you could make the air so dense around you that nothing could get through it.  Better than shardplate maybe.

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Where do you find that Kalak is the Herald of Foil? Is this WOB?


The Ars Arcanum lines up Order 8/Amethyst with the essence of Foil, and Kalak's icon matches up with Order 8 on the Surgebinding chart. Also, Taln in his PoV says that Kalak will teach everyone how to work metal, which is probably where the association comes from.

Edited by Moogle
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The Ars Arcanum lines up Order 8/Amethyst with the essence of Foil, and Kalak's icon matches up with Order 8 on the Surgebinding chart. Also, Taln in his PoV says that Kalak will teach everyone how to work metal, which is probably where the association comes from.


thanks for the clarification- I was working on the Herald Specialisations and I guessed Herald of Building. though I suspect I am missing the more apt designation that Brandon has already chosen. I agree with your reasoning, I just don't think "Herald of Foil" matches up with "Herald of Beauty" or "Herald of Luck". It'll be another term. 

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