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[OB] Compiled Radiant Oaths


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1st: Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination

Spoken during his time with Bridge 4

2nd: I will protect those who cannot protect themselves

Spoken at the Battle of the Tower

3rd: I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right

Spoken while facing Graves and Moash protecting Elhokar


1st: Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination


2nd: I will remember those who have been forgotton

Spoken when healing Gawx

3rd: I will listen to those who have been ignored

Spoken when confronting Nale


1st: Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination


2nd: I killed my father (Something like that)


3rd: I killed my mother (Something like that)



1st: Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination


2nd: I will unit instead of divide, Stormfather. I will bring men together

Spoken at Urithiru at the end of WoR

3rd: I will take responsibility for what I have done. If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man.

Spoken while confronting Odium


Szeth: I'm lazy

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Its suspected that Shallan is on her fourth oath, that being she killed her mother. Her 2nd and 3rd oaths are unknown and appear to have been said during childhood. Killing her Father may be her third oath, but I'm not so sure because it doesn't have the same effect on her as the 4th does. 

A WoB states that at the end of WoR Shallan was one level higher than Kalladin, and Kal was on his third oath. 

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At a signing in Madison last year, I asked Brandon if he had the oaths all planned out.  I don’t remember word for word, but he said that not all the characters would say the oaths in the same way, that different Radiants of the same order might say their oaths differently, except the first oath.

I don’t know if that would affect your project, though.

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The oaths can be said differently, but based on Teft and Kaladin, as well as the names of the Skybreaker's oaths, its likely that each oath step will be similar and represent the same idea, just in the context of the specific person. Aka Kaladin hates the king and Teft hates himself, but they'll still protect so long as its right to do so.

Edited by Wandering Investor
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