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Unfortunately, due to illness, the new thread will be up in just over 22 hours, at 10pm GMT on the 6th February.

Edit: I've since been hospitalised. I'll give a time for the new cycle as soon as I have enough information to make a judgement.

Edited by Orlok Tsubodai
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Sherrah sat on the edge of the mountain, watching the fires march every closer. They burned bright against the cool evening sky, a mix of bloody crimsons and blazing yellows and dark violets.

“Once upon a time, a village called Rennan stood on a mountain,” she whispered, beginning the story that had passed down from the lips of generation after generation. She could barely hear herself over the crackling and popping of the fire. “The world had fallen, and yet that one light remained, surrounded by the growing darkness.”

The stories had gotten that wrong. The fires surrounding Rennan burned brighter than anything around else, overpowering the soft Stormlight that illuminated the village. Sherrah could almost find it beautiful, if not for the destruction it heralded. 

They’d killed Axolotl today. Another villager, dead. Another innocent, dead.

“And even within the town itself, darkness began to stir...”

That too was wrong. The darkness had been there all along, inside the faces of friends and family, neighbors and lovers, people she had known since birth. Now, Odium’s Sympathisers walked openly in the streets, uncaring of who saw them perform their murderous deeds. Anyone who would have had the nerve to take them down was already dead. Even Sherrah averted her face when they passed her way, knowing that she could buy the townspeople some more time if she attacked, yet too frightened to so much as shake a fist at them.

“The darkness grew and grew,” Sherrah continued. “As the villagers fought, day after day, their hope faded, and with it, their strength…” Her voice faltered. She knew how the story was supposed to go; she’d said it thousands of times before the crowds of children that used to flock around her. So why couldn’t she describe the valiant heroes that had risen up and beaten the Voidbringers back?

“Out of the ashes,” she forced out, “valiant heroes rose to do battle.”

A spark landed on the ground next to Sherrah. She flinched and jumped back, frozen in fear. The spark latched onto the dry grass below it and burst into flame, hungrily consuming at the fuel below.

“Fire!” Sherrah yelled. “Fire on the mountainside. Help!”

She turned and ran, leaving forever unsaid the ending where the heroes had triumphed over the forces of darkness. She couldn’t bring herself to lie, again.

All credit to Mint Heron for the writeup.

Violet Axolotl was lynched. They were a Villager

Vote Count:

Violet Axolotl (4): Amethyst Scorpion, Azure Mouse, Mauve Crocodile, Sage Kangaroo, Sapphire Elephant
Azure Mouse (2): Ivory Dragonfly, Mint Heron, Sunburst Toucan, Violet Axolotl
Amethyst Scorpion (1): Fuchsia Ostrich

Night 8 has begun. It will end in just under 24 hours, at 10pm GMT on the 7th February.



Player List

1. Amethyst Scorpion

2. Azure Mouse

3. Amber Vulture - Villager

4. Charcoal Hyena - Cannoc - Villager

5. Chartreuse Penguin - Villager

6. Coral Swan - Elyle - Village Lightweaver

7. Cream Tuatara - Villager

8. Emerald Falcon - Aldrick - Villager

9. Fuschia Ostrich

10. Indigo Weasel - Village Elsecaller

11. Ivory Dragonfly - Nolan

12. Magenta Albatross

13. Mauve Crocodile

14. Melon Dingo - Quentisan - Village Edgedancer

15. Mint Heron

16. Onyx Flamingo - Squawk - Village Lightweaver

17. Opal Lion - Villager

18. Oxblood Beagle - Jai - Village Willshaper

19. Pearl Chameleon

20. Plum Rhinoceros - Villager

21. Quartz Zebra

22. Saffron Iguana - Emalia - Village Lightweaver

23. Sage Kangaroo

24. Salmon Meerkat - Village Bondsmith

25. Sapphire Elephant

26. Scarlet Octopus - Village Edgedancer

27. Sunburst Toucan - Vanna

28. Taupe Gecko - Villager

29. Turquoise Gorilla - Village Dustbringer

30. Violet Axolotl - Villager


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...Soddit. Two votes taken off of Mouse, one taken off of Axolotl. Short of divine intervention, we're not going to be able to muster up the votes to stop a village lynch. The game might as well be over tonight.

@Sage Kangaroo, @Sapphire Elephant, @Magenta Albatross, would you mind telling us how many turns we have left, so I'll know how much time I have to get closing RP up?

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Well, everyone I trusted in PMs was Elim. Heron, in front of all these witnesses, I express my sorrow at not trusting you about PM safety. I had contacted all these people in PMs, and trusted them. Especially Kangaroo, the Elsecaller. Yeah, no shame at revealing that now that I know he’s Elim. 

Shoot, Elims have two Bondsmiths? That’s crazy. I removed Crocodile’s vote, if you’re curious. Pretty sure everyone on Axolotl lynch was Elim except Scorpion, maybe. Though he could be Elim as well. 

Well played to the Elims. You had me fooled. Toucan, feel free to say “I told you so” about Albatross. 

I am asking for village protection tonight. While I doubt any exists, the Elims likely having all the Skybreakers and Windrunners, I’m asking as a final, desperate plea to save the village. My vote manip is the only way the village can lynch people they want, and the Elims will remove that if they can.  If there’s no protection, enjoy my writeup I made for my death. It’ll likely conclude the game.

Again, well played to the Elims! This was a really fun game, even if we totally lost, and I’m thrilled to have such a game be my intro into SE! 

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@Mint Heron, that depends an awful lot on how things go. I've checked all of the angles I could see, and I don't think there's a way we could lose without making an obvious mistake (like hitting your elsecaller with our kill - but that would be stupid, because we know who they are). But just how many cycles the village has left depends on how the village uses its actions. There are very specific ways you could prolong the inevitable. The earliest we could win is the end of tonight. If you guys pick the exact right course of action, you could conceivably force the game to go for a few more full turns.

But hey, who knows? Maybe you folks will find a scenario we missed?

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Big problem, Elephant: two villagers, Chameleon and Zebra, are nearly inactive. Making it really hard to coordinate actions. Especially Zebra, who I haven’t seen for a week. @Orlok Tsubodai, has he gotten a pinch hitter, or have we run out of those?

The Elims clearly have a Skybreaker who has scanned every living player, so I advise all villagers to claim in chat. It’ll make it a lot easier to coordinate, even if most of the coordination is mental since PMs are down. Elephant, I hope your Worldhopper draws Edgedancer. On Alvron’s behalf, I will beseech the Gods of Luck and Chance to grant us this reprieve.

And, on second thought...if we have a Windrunner, don’t auto-protect me, as that’s a free Elim kill on another target. Just win a round of IKYK. 

I’d like our Elsecaller to claim, if they can, so they don’t draw Windrunner protection by accident.

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40 minutes ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

Well, everyone I trusted in PMs was Elim. Heron, in front of all these witnesses, I express my sorrow at not trusting you about PM safety. I had contacted all these people in PMs, and trusted them. Especially Kangaroo, the Elsecaller. Yeah, no shame at revealing that now that I know he’s Elim. 

Lol.  If I was really an Elim, would I have told you my real role? :P It's far more likely that I'm a worldhopper who pulled Elsecaller for a cycle, and, lacking a spark of originality, just gave you what was, at that moment, true.  

40 minutes ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

I am asking for village protection tonight. While I doubt any exists, the Elims likely having all the Skybreakers and Windrunners, I’m asking as a final, desperate plea to save the village. My vote manip is the only way the village can lynch people they want, and the Elims will remove that if they can.  If there’s no protection, enjoy my writeup I made for my death. It’ll likely conclude the game.

I'll protect you! :D I've been protecting you one way or another this whole game, actually.  Couldn't have our most helpful, most vocal player dying on us, could we now?  ztzQR3LFjycSqVGXmKa-CsaFPHeKVe5sWzv_ebHfT9uiGSVCkuytV0pkLyXA3TNLI-fEHlQPVOzrd0KuuVr07RPPG6kT6IbFRmhCDtM4AaefpvzbEhN4tN4UbYAd-tVOXJ7Gr2bj

This was, in many ways, the inevitable outcome.  I'll have you know that I have access to knowledge beyond your wildest dreams;  I have seen the future, and this was the only possibility.

1 hour ago, Mint Heron said:

@Sage Kangaroo, @Sapphire Elephant, @Magenta Albatross, would you mind telling us how many turns we have left, so I'll know how much time I have to get closing RP up?

Like I've said, I've seen the future, if through a hazy and distorted lens.  I was pretty close.  Don't you remember?  evilbiggrin.png 

Day 14 -Coming storms ever rage, heralding divine fury.

Divine heralds raging, Everstorm comes - 14 days.

That should tell you all you need to know.  ztzQR3LFjycSqVGXmKa-CsaFPHeKVe5sWzv_ebHfT9uiGSVCkuytV0pkLyXA3TNLI-fEHlQPVOzrd0KuuVr07RPPG6kT6IbFRmhCDtM4AaefpvzbEhN4tN4UbYAd-tVOXJ7Gr2bj

These are your final days, Philosopher.  Use them wisely.

10 minutes ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

The Elims clearly have a Skybreaker who has scanned every living player, so I advise all villagers to claim in chat. It’ll make it a lot easier to coordinate, even if most of the coordination is mental since PMs are down. Elephant, I hope your Worldhopper draws Edgedancer. On Alvron’s behalf, I will beseech the Gods of Luck and Chance to grant us this reprieve.

No, please don't claim.  Give me this one wish, this last vestige of difficulty in this game that was, in many ways, all too easy.  ztzQR3LFjycSqVGXmKa-CsaFPHeKVe5sWzv_ebHfT9uiGSVCkuytV0pkLyXA3TNLI-fEHlQPVOzrd0KuuVr07RPPG6kT6IbFRmhCDtM4AaefpvzbEhN4tN4UbYAd-tVOXJ7Gr2bj

On another note, has anyone guessed my true name?   Knowing such things can have the possibility of giving you power over a person...

Edited by Sage Kangaroo
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I actually thought the fake-claimer was Elephant. Regular villager rang alarm bells to me. Of course, he has a real role too, I’m sure. And yes, you very effectively took advantage of my inexperience. As I said, well played. 

If you’re our Worldhopper, mind drawing Edgedancer again? I love reading your keteks. I want more!

...can you just write some now, without needing to wait until you draw Edgedancer again? Because seriously, those keteks were great.

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Hmm. Thanks, Chameleon. I don’t know if we want any other villagers claiming, though. Looking at Elephant’s post again, he may be bluffing, and as long as we’re not double-protecting someone that’s not getting killed anyways, we probably shouldn’t give too much away. Unless, of course, you’re like me, and stupidly claim to others via PM. In that case, feel free, as the Elims likely know by now.

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56 minutes ago, Sage Kangaroo said:

These are your final days, Philosophery Student.  Use them wisely.

FTFW, I'm still too young to open myself up to attacks from visiting faculty that way...>>

Edited for formatting, cause OCD.

Edited by Mint Heron
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1 minute ago, Azure Mouse said:

Hmm. So people complained about me hiding my experience. But I don't recall Axolotl coming across as an experienced player either. Which Alv most definitely is. And obviously, Axolotl was a villager.

@Mint Heron That reminds me - there's no way that your animal wasn't handpicked for you :P

Nah, I got assigned as a pinch-hitter, so it probably wasn't deliberate. It did confirm some theories I held about the state of the universe though ;)

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