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Thath Glyph


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I've been obsessing over the glyphs page and I want to bring attention to the fact that Isaac Stewart and the Black Piper kind of officially released the Thath glyph, though I'm sure most people are aware. Also, is there doubt to how official it is? The rest of them apparently come from the books, so if clarification is needed, will it still be on the Coppermind page? If so, I'd like to bring attention to it... because I haven't figured out how to extract it from the picture, and the empty spot on the table is bothering me. Thanks! :D 

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On 12/25/2017 at 9:55 PM, PandACT said:

haven't figured out how to extract it from the picture, and the empty spot on the table is bothering me.

I'm on it, I have some other stuff I need to do but I should have the necessary resources and time next Tuesday. I too am not sure how official it is where did you find the picture?

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Thank you for working on it! (Though, as it isn't urgent and is unnecessarily complicated, there's no need to delay more important things) The photo is from the Kaladin Album release party update on The Black Piper's Kickstarter. It seems to be official based on how it was one of the goals they promised and, as the caption reads, 


We got to release the THATH glyph by Isaac Stewart!!! (He even signed it for us!)

That's the only picture I could find, but it seems to be legit.

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