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Perhaps... But what about whoever it is that is guarding Blades in Shinovar? After all, they said to Szeth "There are no radiants left. Only us." - which may mean that they thought that there were no Radiants, or that they were the last ones, and I highly doubt they were Skybreakers.

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I kind of like this theory. So far from all the information we have seen nalan seems to be the only herald actively doing anything related to surgebinding. And we now know  the shin only have 7 of the honorblades. I can def see the skybreakers refusing to disband, therefore nalan going back for his honorblade

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Windrunner, that looks good. Very good.


Although I was questioning whether the Azish man with the light crescent (birthmark) really is Nalan or some impostor.


Where is the rest of the Heralds

(Amaram's men of Honor??)



The other point is: Szeth would need a spren to bond - it would not just be given to him (in form of the black shardblade), would it?


Nalan as a Herald has abondoned the Oathpact together with the other 8 Heralds  (Prologue Way of Kings) - Why would his Order of Radiants not do the same?


Despite these questions I think you are right.

The strongest argument is Jasnah visiting the Highspren (which are very likely associated with the Skybreakers). Had all of them been "dead", none could have remembered anything.

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I kind of like this theory. So far from all the information we have seen nalan seems to be the only herald actively doing anything related to surgebinding. And we now know  the shin only have 7 of the honorblades. I can def see the skybreakers refusing to disband, therefore nalan going back for his honorblade


Upholding the Oathpact would have meant returning to whereever the Herolds went after a desolation (Braize??). Just taking back the Honorblade wouldn't have done it. None the less, Nalan's Honorblade could have been taken be a Knight Radiant of the Skybreakers before the rest was protected by the shamans of Shinovar.

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Words of Radiance: Chapter 54 Epigraph said

This act of great villainy went beyond the impudence which had hitherto been ascribed to the orders; as the fighting was particularly intense at this time, many attributed this act to a sense of inherent betrayal; and after they withdrew, about two thousand made assault upon them, destroying much of the membership; but this was only nine of the ten, as one said they would not abandon their arms and fl ee, but instead entertained great subterfuge at the expense of the other nine



I read this as some group killing of the radiants that gave up their shards but who did it? the church? sky breakers? or maybe the future stone shamans?

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Considering Nalan's sheathed black shardsword - it has been identified as Nightblood (from Warbreaker). That could give a hint to the identity of Nalan. Is he Vasher worldhopping? As I remember Vasher, he would be quite off-character.

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Are we sure it's actually Nightblood, and not just another Type IV with a "destroy evil" command? Does it actually matter?


What confuses me is - Nightblood is clearly not a Shardblade, just that the Rosharan knowledge of magic swords would cause people on Roshar to think he is one. I need to know what the timeframe is between WoR and Nightblood (the book).

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About Nightblood .. In TWoK we saw Hoid walking around with a metal-sheated sword ( as far as I remember ). Maybe in the time of his absence he lost his sword ( Nightblood ) to Nalan. It's obvious that a herald wouldn't replace his Honorblade with an awakened Sword, because he would lose his ability to surgebind. So why not give it to someone who can be manipulated .. creating a useful tool ?

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I feel it's important to mention that Darkness is likely a Skybreaker as well, if not Nalan.  Think about the emphasis on Laws. This feels like a major conflict brewing for the next book.  Szeth is now being given Judge Jury and Executioner privelage by the people hunting down Radiants...

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hmm i felt realy odd.


im not sure if this Nalan is realy who he said he is. reading it, felt evil, wrong.

i would put this one up as one of Odiums.


would be nice if it was different =) realy would like Szeth to get some revenge.

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I love this theory, Windrunner! Thank you for taking the time to put it together.


To address some points brought up by respondent:

  • Nightblood leaked inky smoke when slightly unsheathed on Nalthis, and is likely not related to stormlight or shardblades.
  • Hoid's sword has been confirmed to not be Nightblood.
  • Vasher is likely not Nalan, but someone else on Roshar (listen to the diction, colors, Cosmere references).


I'm with Aminar in his assertion that Justice without mercy feels very, very wrong.

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His immediate awareness of Kaladin's approach.  Lifesense.

Complaints about language.  No decent metaphors.

His reminiscance about a voice in his head.  Spren are external, Nightblood isn't.

His discussion of Highstorms as something different, and his general Cosmere Awareness.  And his comments about his age.  Rereading the section while looking for signs he's Vasher certainly make it seems plausible, if not likely.

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Zahel is an Ardent.

Ardents do no have possesions. so he would need to hide the sword and the fabrical.

i think this is unlikely, but i agree that he is more then an Ardent.


i dont think Heralds can hide in longterm possitions, i dont think they age.

you would see if someone is not ageing for 5-10 years,

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Any immortal worth their age can get around the idea of not aging.  You can easily look similar in/ of indeterminate age for 20 years, if not longer.  We don't know how long he's been an Ardent, or how long he's been in one place.  Moreover he admits to losing the voice in his head(Nightblood) years ago.  He has no posessions he would need to hide.  

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