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Certain Hints from Sanderson

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Has anyone realized any portions of tWoK that basically give massive hints as to what happens in WoR, but most pay little attention to?

For example, in tWoK, there's a paragraph about if Shallan was accepted as a ward to Jasnah...

. ... Shallan would have married extremely well, likely to the son of a Highprince, and would have found new social circles open to her. ...

This is, quite ironically, exactly what is assumed and planned to happen.

Any other things like this?

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This was actually something that happened at the end of TWoKs, but it's not really in effect until WoR.



Captain Kaladin that we haven’t forgotten how to do this.” “‘ Captain’ Kaladin?” Kaladin asked as the men lined up. “Sure, gancho,” Lopen said from beside him, speaking with that quick accent that seemed so at odds with his nonchalant attitude. “They tried to make Rock bridgeleader, sure, but we just started calling you ‘captain’ and him ‘squadleader.’ Made Gaz angry.” Lopen grinned.

Sanderson, Brandon (2010-08-31). The Way of Kings (Stormlight Archive, The) (pp. 569-570). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition.


In WoR even Dalinar think of him as Captain Kaladin.

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Well, to be fair, Brandon is not entirely happy with this - his foreshadowing is much more obvious and upfront than Robert Jordan's (whose skill in subtlety Brandon reportedly admires). I personally like Brandon's better, probably because it makes me feel better - read smarter - as a reader, being able to spot all those things and all. But then, I am not a bestselling author :P

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