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[OB] Wit's Trustworthiness


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OK, guys. Here's the single MOST IMPORTANT thing that OB brought up. List told Gawx not to trust Dalinar because he has a good butt. Butt, (see what I did there?;)) Lift says (in Edgedancer) that she thought Wit was awesome. (As old Whitehead) So. That begs the question.

The question for the ages. A question we need to get WoB on. 

Does Wit have a nice butt?

The fate of Roshar - nay!- of the Cosmere itself rests on the answer to that burning question.

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Wait.  Does Lift think that he is awesome, or amazing?  THE WORD MATTERS! 

If she thinks he is awesome, then she thinks he's a Radiant, and since he clearly isn't at that point then everything she says should be discounted and mistrusted (although even liars and fools tell the truth sometimes, whether on purpose to trick us or on accident).

On the other hand, if she thinks that Hoid is SynonymOfAwesomeButNotThatSpecificWord, then it means that either he does not have a nice butt, or she was not able to see it, and her judgment on that specific matter may not be final.

When is the next signing?  We need an answer regarding this soon!

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  • Pagerunner changed the title to [OB] Wit's Trustworthiness

One more thing I have noticed. In all the confirmed Hoid/Wit/Whateveryouwannacallhim appearances, he never changes his bone structure. Hair color, age, etc, sure, but not his overall physical skeletal/structural appearance. This leads me to believe either has or has not a nice butt, and it, like his angular features, does not change.

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4 minutes ago, avus said:

This leads me to believe either has or has not a nice butt, and it, like his angular features, does not change.

I agree, and posit that he does have a nice butt, because if one thing is for certain it is that he is not to be trusted.

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8 minutes ago, avus said:

One more thing I have noticed. In all the confirmed Hoid/Wit/Whateveryouwannacallhim appearances, he never changes his bone structure. Hair color, age, etc, sure, but not his overall physical skeletal/structural appearance. This leads me to believe either has or has not a nice butt, and it, like his angular features, does not change.

Schrodinger's Butt?

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