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[OB] First time poster, fustrating question no one can answer?


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Hey guys, first time posting here. I asked a question on the stormlight archive reddit and no one seemed to know the answer? either that or they didn't know what I was asking. Or they were just trolling me. anyways, I'm an audiobook listener so I might've missed something. Where is the "cleaver like" shardblade dalinar bonded? I'm in the chapter where he returns to the Warcamps looking for taln after realizing he might in-fact be a herald. he tries to summon his shard blade to open a door but "nothing happens". is it in the tower? did he give it to someone else? Is it RAFO material? 

As you can see the reddit spoiled some parts for me but its fine I can live with it just don't spoil anymore please :) . maybe I phrased it wrong idk.

(if I broke any rules please let me know and I'm sorry.)


Edited by Emperor_Alexxx
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4 minutes ago, Emperor_Alexxx said:

Someone just told me that when he unbonded it, it "disappeared into mist" presumably back into shadesmar. can someone confirm?

This is the exact scene from Words of Radiance regarding the Shardblade that isn't Taln's Honorblade:

The Blade clanged to the ground.  Unbonding a Shardblade was supposed to be a difficult process, requiring concentration and touching its stone.  Yet this one was severed from him in an instant.  He could feel it.

This Blade isn't mentioned in Oathbringer to my recollection.

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5 minutes ago, Emperor_Alexxx said:

Someone just told me that when he unbonded it, it "disappeared into mist" presumably back into shadesmar. can someone confirm?

I'm pretty sure that an unbonded Shardblade just drops on the ground as a normal blade, waiting to be bonded by someone else. I'm not sure what happened to this particular Shardblade, but I don't think blades disappear into Shadesmar when they're unbonded. They just remain in the Physical Realm like any other sword. 

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