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[OB] James Spader as Odium


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I should preface this by saying that I wasn't picturing James Spader when I was reading the book. I guess I pictured Odium as your average square-jawed Josh Brolin or Jon Hamm or something. But as I was thinking about how wonderfully off-putting his seemingly genuine interest in Dalinar was, the way he'd pat you on the shoulder and cheerfully inform you that he could squash the whole world like an annoying little bug, I couldn't help but think of James Spader in the Blacklist. I know he isn't necessarily angel of light material, but the way he can switch on a dime from chatting about the delightful wine he had at that chateau and then murder three people in cold blood, I think he could totally embody Odium. Really this is just an excuse to talk about how refreshing it is to have a villain who is neither mustache-twirling nor bag full of cats crazy. I just loved how godlike he seemed. Come, I'll take away your pain, I'll take away your guilt, I'll take away your soul. He's scary in the same way that a riptide or a tornado or a black hole is scary. But all the time smiling and acting like at any moment he might just give you a hug. It was great.

Also, as a sidenote, if they ever make a movie, they need to get Michael Pena for Lopen. He would nail it.

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