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[OB] What Mysteries Does Oathbringer Solve

Bridge Boy

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So after reading Oathbringer; I have decided to do a reread of the entire Stormlight Archive.

In doing so I noticed something right of the bat in reading the following paragraph from the prelude:

"Many of the bodies around him were human; many were not. Blood mixed. Red. Orange. Violet. Though none of the bodies around him stirred, an indistinct haze of sounds hung in the air. Moans of pain, cries of grief. They did not seem like the sounds of victory. Smoke curled from the occasional patches of growth or heaps of burning corpses. Even some sections of rock smoldered. The Dustbringers had done their work well."

We already know red blood for humans, and orange blood for Listeners/Singers/Parshmen. But where does the violet blood come from? My first thought would be Great Shells, but I don't recall reading any way in which they could be controlled in battle to contribute to the fighting at Aharietiem. Does this mean that we have a future situation where we will see Fused Voidbinding Great Shells? What do you all think?

Further more; we all know that there is a steep learning curve to S.A., with that understood, what other mysteries that we have glossed over in the passed have become relevant after reading Oathbringer?

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I believe I've seen a WoB floating around that the two types of Aimeans there are have different colours of blood, which could be where the violet blood comes from. As for other mysteries, I find the similarity between the strata in Urithiru and those in Kholinar interesting.

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We now have confirmation that the Oathpact was intended to seal away both Odium and the Parshendi Voidbringers, and that the Heralds traveled in mind and spirit to and from Roshar at the start and end of a Desolation.

We have confirmation that the Nightwatcher is a spren of Cultivation. 

We now know that Taln is in fact a Herald and that his Honorblade is missing in action.

We now know that Nale has bonded a Highspren and is dual wielding Shardblades, which answers at least one question from a long while ago about whether or not the Heralds could even bond a spren.

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In one of the Last Desolation visions, Dalinar notices a stacked pile of dead cremlings, which is almost certainly a Sleepless corpse; that could be where the violet blood comes from. 

Another mystery solved is the Unmade, but we still have three unaccounted for. 

We also finally see what Cohesion does!

We learn the whereabouts of some of the Heralds and that Ishar is Tasha the god-king.

Oh, and we learn what the Stormlight Archive actually is. I hope that there's more, detailed lore recorded than what we saw in the epigraphs. Surely the Elsecallers or Truthwatchers would have made an Idiot's Guide to Urithiru or something...

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“With so many legs down, the beast’s other legs couldn’t hold its weight, particularly when it was trying so hard to crush Dalinar. The remaining legs on its right side snapped with a sickening crunch, spraying out violet ichor, and the beast toppled to the side.”

Excerpt From: Sanderson, Brandon. “The Way of Kings.”

At least some greatshells apparently have violet ichor for blood, and we already saw hints in WoR that voidspren can at least influence them.

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“Balat hesitated. To the side, one axehound bit deeply into the leg of the other. Blood sprayed the ground, deep violet.”

Excerpt From: Brandon Sanderson. “Stormlight 2: Words of Radiance.”

Axehounds also have violet blood.

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