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[OB] Theory: Moashe as the eventual Odium Champion...


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I had a thought while listening to one of Moashe's story lines. Has anyone else thought of the possibility of him becoming the eventual champion for Odium?  I'm seeing him interact with the parshmen and for some reason I keep thinking... Admittedly I'm not all the way through Oathbringer yet. Things could happen to completely refute that. Thoughts?

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39 minutes ago, JotisMan said:

I had a thought while listening to one of Moashe's story lines. Has anyone else thought of the possibility of him becoming the eventual champion for Odium?  I'm seeing him interact with the parshmen and for some reason I keep thinking... Admittedly I'm not all the way through Oathbringer yet. Things could happen to completely refute that. Thoughts?

It makes a fair bit of sense. I kind of hope not, but I can absolutely see it. It would make a great conflict for Kaladin because his lack of will to control his friend/man under his command leads to great danger. 

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1 hour ago, JotisMan said:

I had a thought while listening to one of Moashe's story lines. Has anyone else thought of the possibility of him becoming the eventual champion for Odium?  I'm seeing him interact with the parshmen and for some reason I keep thinking... Admittedly I'm not all the way through Oathbringer yet. Things could happen to completely refute that. Thoughts?

You should get all the way through Oathbringer. There is an answer of sorts to this, but you'll have to finish the book to get it. However, this is the spoiler forum though, so you can get it spoiled for you if you really want.

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4 minutes ago, Salkara said:

You should get all the way through Oathbringer. There is an answer of sorts to this, but you'll have to finish the book to get it. However, this is the spoiler forum though, so you can get it spoiled for you if you really want.

Hahaha working on it! I'm fine with spoilers but for now I won't seek them out on this ;-)

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15 minutes ago, JotisMan said:

Hahaha working on it! I'm fine with spoilers but for now I won't seek them out on this ;-)

Well, it's kind of a last-chapter thing. Pretty spoilery. If you want it, it's page 1223 (top half) of the US hardcover. I'd suggest waiting though.

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