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Emoticons - Books + Hoid/Syl


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Glad you like them! 
Not really. Over on MBI, I've got them all in my sig, so I can just rightclick->copy image url, then just ctrl+v inside img tags. I'm hoping that they'll (the unpictured mustache emotes) get added for general use over on MBI (one of the admins over there said they were going to do it eventually). [EDIT: I tend to use the source editor. Otherwise, i can directly copy paste the pic into the rich text editor, but point still stands]. I guess its not ideal, but if the admins look favorably on them...

I'll probably redo Hoid with a flute and a campfire. What I had above was my first attempt at an animated emote. 
Also, here's the rest of the emotes:

(Edited out a whole bunch of mustachicons that used to be here before photobucket broke. Not important enough to warrant reattaching to the shard)


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So subtle it defies interpretation...at least for me. Care to elaborate? 


Hoid tells the tale of the Wandersail in The Way of Kings, a ship that sailed to a rather interesting place. Lightweaving (the illusions Hoid does) take dust (or soot from a fire) so that part of the image was a nice little addition too.

Edited by Moogle
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These are cool! I will add these emoticons into the system sometime next week, probably after the Words of Radiance release. I really like them.

I'll also add the dice roll one, but not the moustaches I don't think ;)

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These are cool! I will add these emoticons into the system sometime next week, probably after the Words of Radiance release. I really like them.

I'll also add the dice roll one, but not the moustaches I don't think ;)

The mustache's were for the sake of Mozy over on MBI, mostly just cos I could :)


I might polish Hoid a bit though - extend the period the sand is suspended in the air, make the boat pause slightly, before sailing off, and make the hand look better, if that's at all possible.

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Okay, I updated Hoid - Hoid-1.gif

Let me know what you think


I also did a few more book ones:

Elantris - Elantris.gif

Warbreaker - Warbreaker.gif

Alloy of LawAoL.gif



I don't think they turned out as good as the first three, mainly cos their covers are as particularly notable (unlike the Michael Whelan SA covers)

Edited by Haelbarde
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