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Writer's Group - Any takers?


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I'm working on the time zones. I'll probably have something worked out by the end of today.

EDIT: I've got something. Though, Delightful? Where in Australia are you? I'm not sure if it will work for you.

Possible times:

Saturday: 2:15 pm PST/ 4:15 pm Central/ 5:15 pm EST/ 10:15 pm GMT/9:15 am Sydney time Sunday

Sunday: 8-10 am PST/10 am-12 pm Central/11am-1pm EST/4-6pm GMT/3-5 am Sydney time Monday (maybe not)

Sunday: 2pm PST/4pm Central/5 pm EST/10 pm GMT/9 am Sydney time Monday

Let me know if any of these times don't work for you. It's a little weird for UK and Australia times, so if this gets big enough for two groups, then we would probably be fine if we split those two into the separate groups.

Edited by Limelleth
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I've added Delightful so we're currently up to five people.  Thanks Lime for working out the times, all those timeszones make my head spin.  I'm thinking we continue this thread until the end of the week and see where our numbers are, not that it precludes people from forming their own afterwards.  I just want to get this highstorm a'rollin'. 


If we need to, we can defintiely split into two groups.

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Hi Hawke, go ahead and shoot me an IM and I'll add you.


We're currently up to seven members now which is great, going to keep this thread going until the end of the week.  Depending on how many we get, we might want to split into two groups based on compatiable time zones.  But we can revisit that later.  Right now, I think, more the merrier.

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Should we review each piece separately (either via video or text) and in separate groups and then set up a weekly sort of entire group writing discussion where we talk about certain topics (this will require a weekly group discussion leader)? That way, if you can't make the hangout, you can still watch it later, and nobody loses any input on their writing.


In my experience Sunday evening general works for most people. It can start around 7 and go til question mark, so even if you aren't around at 7 you can still join later.

Edited by hawkedup
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The problem with Sunday evening is that it's around one in the morning for our UK person and morning on Monday for our Australian. Does 3:15 on Saturday work for you?

EDIT: I actually did the math and 7 pm Sunday is 2 pm Monday in Australia time. It's 10 am Sunday for the UK, which is actually not that bad.

Edited by Limelleth
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Sorry it took me awhile to respond, it was a crazy weekend.  I apparently cannot hold my mead the way I used to.  The life of an aged dwarf.


Anyway, we have 7 total people for the group.  


I am still waiting for Hawke to shoot me a message with his gmail account so I can add him to Google Drive.


Lime - I appreciate you being the one to tackle the time zones.  That stuff always hurts me brain.


With Words of Radiance about to destroy our social lives for the next few days (okay week for those who like to take their time reading), do people want to start next week or the week after that?  I believe we were looking at a monday or tuesday submission day.  Word limit would be 500 to 1000 or perhaps at most 1,500 words?  I'd like to make it manageable as to not overload people with too much to read or critique.



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Yeah, I think with seven people we're officially closed on admitting any new members.  That shouldn't stop anyone from forming their own, however.  Of course, we may have room as we go forward, depending if people want to drop out for whatever reason.  I'd like to keep this group going for awhile because I know I could benefit from a writer's group.


As far as what stuff to submit...I'm still not sure yet.  I'm working on a book currently but its still in the rough draft phase and I'd like to finish it and let it sit before doing anything with it.  I have a couple other story ideas that I might use for the writing group and I can knock out 1k words or so in a couple hours so I should be good.  It'll be nice to have something to think about other than my novel.  But most likely, it'll be a story rather than a collection of little shorts.  I think I drove my friends and family nuts last year with all the little random bits i sent them.  They'd want more of a particular story and I had already moved on to something else.  What can I say?  Commitment is hard work ;)

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Hey everyone....


I sent out an email on Monday to your gmail accounts so please sound off and let me know that you're still alive ;)


Blackwood, sorry I haven't gotten back to you.  I keep forgetting to look at my messages but we're already at capacity.  But I'm waiting for roll call to make sure that number still stands.  If someone drops out for any reason, I'll let you know.

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Actually, it just occurred to me that with Blackwood, we'd have 8 so we could potentially split into two groups of 4 which would be easier on everyone.  I'm not sure how people break out into different time zones but that might be an idea.


Lime, do you have a chart of who is in what time zone?

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I'd be interested. But I definitely have weeks where I don't achieve anything. And my work timetable is... Predictable in its unpredictableness. (I work on a ten day schedule. (Would fit in with a Roshar week nicely).

Also, I am AEST... Australian Eastern Standard Time... So good luck fitting me in somewhere :D

Edited by Youngy
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