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Stormlight and coldness


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I think that fabrials’ use of Stormlight don’t make coldness (otherwise heating fabrials wouldn’t work and Soulcasters would cause instant frostbite), though Surgebinding does. This is supported by that one theory thread that involved a heckton of calculations—that Stormlight is an intravenous gas.

Before remembering that thread, I thought for a second that Stormlight decreasing temperature when used is an allusion by Brandon to the fact that tropical storms take (both ‘need’ and ‘remove/consume’) heat to operate, and thus Stormlight usage results in a reduction of heat.

Any thoughts on why it cools stuff down? (Not because Stormlight is awesome and thus cool; other puns are acceptable though)

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Shardblades have condensation upon summoning, right? Maybe that's a related phenomenon. Maybe moving investiture between realms is just an endothermic process.

(it's possible that fabrials do cause coldness, just not that much. Or maybe, since Brandon classifies fabrials as a separate magic system, the process works differently there. Maybe fabrials cause coldness in Shadesmar, but not the physical realm.)

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Hadn't thought about this before, but Soulcaster fabrials and plate (and assumedly other fabrials as well) crack/shatter gemstones if they pull Stormlight out too quickly. 

I wonder if this is a temperature differential issue. 

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48 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

There was a WoB about this, but I don't think it was a very clear one. 

Yeah the WoB states the cold is a result of the energy trasfer...Like an Endothermic process in our real world

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I always believed "Due to some convenient wording", that DeadSpren blades were living Spren that once were bonded, now "Dead" living in Shadesmar. When summoned they would have no recollection of why and how they have been forced into the physical realm "Why they scream, They've been Kidnapped!". But I do think that it is an endothermic process as has been stated. Rapidly displacing air, the process of summoning causes an Oscillation of air particles as they are rapidly displaced. I'm no master Scientist, and I don't know what principles to base that assumption on. It's just what I think happens. I think the spren are terrified of a sudden existence then are returned to "Peace" forgetting it all. I wonder if there is a community of former "ShardSpren", that exist solely in an inner-community of Shadesmar that receive support, or are even cast out, since they basically spend quite a bit of time "In some cases" being used to kill things. But what about the phenomena of the Windrunner glyph that appeared to my knowledge twice in WoR? Anyone remember those parts? Once was when Kal said the 3rd Oath, It crystallized behind him when his body was absorbing Stormlight I got the impression he was practically crystallized himself from the massive absorption and use of Investiture, then again, when he landed on the shattered plains a few minutes later after Lashing Dalinar back to the ground softly. When he landed a Glyph of stormlight puffed out "If I remember correctly".

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