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[OB] Unmade pranks


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So we know/think we know what some of the unmade gimmicks are (or at least the common consequences of them):

Re-Shepir- makes midnight essences

Moelach- death rattles

Sja-anat- thunderclasts (or something more broad with spren inhabiting inanimate objects?)

Ner-Gaoul- the Thrill


So what about the unmade we have yet to see it that we may have seen but not identified?

I invite your best theories on what some of the yet-to-be-seen Unmade do.

I believe that true to Rosharan symmetry, each unmade is a sick parody of a KR order. I know that leaves one order unaccounted for. I have no explanation for that. Anyway:

Re-Shepir seems to be the anti-lightweaver

Moelach- anti-truthwatcher

Sja-anat- anti-stoneward?

Ner gaoul- anti-skybreakers?

Dai-gonarthis- ???

I think that the anti-windrunner may be what turned the parshendi at Narak to stormform. It leads them, but by compulsion rather than compassion.

The anti-elsecaller might corrupt written records (we've seen this elsewhere in the cosmere) It would be interesting to know that an Unmade orchestrated the corruption of history that had been such a nuisance.

Is there any other mischief (read: horror and destruction) on Roshar that may be tied to Unmade?

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I made a topic yesterday with the same theme that no one responded to, so I'll copy paste here:

Since Shallan describes the Midnight Mother as a twisted creation spren, it seems worthwhile to find spren analogues for the other Unmade as well. This way they can also be linked to the different Radiant orders or the Heralds and their purposes. List of all possible Unmade is here.

Re-Shephir, the Midnight Mother, is of course connected to creationspren and the Lightweavers. She copies true things to create lies, where Lightweavers find truth among lies.

Yelig-nar, Blightwind, would seem to be linked to windspren, and so the Windrunners. Maybe, from the brief description, it gathers those it kills the way Windrunners gather squires In addition, maybe it kills those who should be protected like those scribes, in opposition to Windrunner oaths 

Moelach is the Unmade most powerful in regard to precognition, so the Truthwatchers. Is there a lesser spren theorized to be linked to that order? Do we know any of their oaths? It does creepily seem to imply that its purpose it to give untruths and so mislead, which doesn't bode well for Taravangian.

Sja-Anat corrupts spren and perhaps other things as well. Maybe related to cultivationspren, which seek to grow things and realize their potential, and so the Edgedancers. Yes, they are the Radiant spren as opposed to the lesser spren, but those seem to be connected in any case. This would also put it in opposition to Edgedancers oaths of finding those ignored/forgotten and presumably helping them.

Nergaoul creates the Thrill. This could be related to logicspren, possibly, in that is drives people beserk and corrupts their reason. Thus the Elsecallers.



Let me no longer hurt! Let me no longer weep! Dai-gonarthis! The Black Fisher holds my sorrow and consumes it! 

Not much to go on here. It seems to be related to consumption in some way, perhaps of emotions or more broadly. Could also be related to water, from Fisher and the god Dagon from which the name is inspired. Also possibly related to the Fisher King of Arthurian legend, which is used in WoT. Who knows?

The missing unmade is probably the Bondsmith analogue, considering they bond God spren with no lesser spren counterpart. Or it might be the Stoneward analogue if @Steeldancer's theory is correct.

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