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3 types of investiture based of the 3 realms


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So as I read more Sanderson books I've seem to notice a trend. Each world has seem to split their investiture into 3 "powers" for the world. I was theorising that each of these powers is based of the 3 realms. The real world (not sure it's actual name), cognitive and spiritual.

I've tried to list each worlds power based of the realm i feel it fits best. I'd like to know if you think this works or am I reading to much into it.

Scadrial-Allomancy real world

Feurchemy-cognitive (put into metal)

Hemalurgy- spiritual

Nalthisis-breath real world

Nightblood-cognitive world

Spiritual world not yet shown? Or the Gods reborn

Sel-dar kor real world

 Aon dor-cognitive (a splinter object)

Forgery-Spiritual (messing with the soul of an item/person)

Roshar- surgebindings


Spiritual-shard blades

Roshar I had some trouble with. I haven't read ars arcanum yet so don't have the smaller worlds.

Edited by Thude
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I actually posted this on the original topic, then saw that you started a new one. Good idea.

Scadrial has three systems due to having two Shards. Not all alomancy is physical;  i.e. Gold has a spiritual effect.

Nalthis has one system. Using breath involves both cognitive and physical; there are almost certainly Spiritual aspects as well. Breath is Spiritual in nature. Nightblood was created with the same system as every other awakened object. Probably.

Sel has one system. It may have had three once, because things have changed since Odium interfered. The Dor is Cognitive, as the power is stuck there. ALL Selish magic uses the same system. We know of several variants.

Roshar... is confusing since it should have between 4 and 7 systems. We've seen two and have heard of a third. (Four is if Odium is counted separately, with H and C having three between them.) But this doesn't appear to be the case. Surgbinding can count as ten systems or one. Some Rosharan magic predates the shattering. Some Spren predate the Shattering. Some Spren are splinters of H,C and O. Roshar is weird.

Taldain has one Shard and one system, but also has at least two variants. The magic there - wait. The comics haven't gotten there yet. So we can only talk about what is already known: Sand Mastery. Which seems to be mainly physical from what is shown in the comic (I checked to make sure.)

We officially know nothing of Vax yet, except that it exists. We also know nothing of Aethers... except that they exist and all unofficial knowledge is almost certainly outdated.

Does any of this help?

Edited by Kingsdaughter613
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1 hour ago, Brightlord Maelstrom said:

Um, don't we have a WoB saying that breath exists in the physical realm, which is why you can't spike it? Divine Breath, however, would make sense as a Spiritual element. 

It’s part of the soul of Nalthians, which would indicate it’s spiritual. Where did we hear that you can’t spike it?

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1 hour ago, Brightlord Maelstrom said:

Um, don't we have a WoB saying that breath exists in the physical realm, which is why you can't spike it? Divine Breath, however, would make sense as a Spiritual element. 

4 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

It’s part of the soul of Nalthians, which would indicate it’s spiritual. Where did we hear that you can’t spike it?

We still have contradictory WoB's on Spiking Breath.

On 7/31/2017 at 4:19 PM, The One Who Connects said:

It's not theoretical, it's contradictory. Brandon has said that you can, and that you can't. We haven't gotten a clarification yet, so it's still up for grabs.


I asked a couple of questions about Hemalurgy - firstly whether a Hemalurgic spike could steal Surges, and secondly, Breath. I can't remember his exact wording (it was a LONG time ago!) but it was definitely a yes in both cases. It sounded like he'd thought through its use with surges quite thoroughly - as if it was something he'd like to explore in the future. He said that stealing Breath was possible, but that it was a bit inconvenient and not that useful as there are far easier (and much less violent!) ways to transfer Breath.



Questioner: With spikes, would you be able to actually transfer Breaths when they get to the other planets?

Brandon: So, spikes rip off pieces of the soul, and so Breaths are not going to be part of the soul.  You could maybe get a divine Breath, but I haven’t really decided on regular Breaths, they’re kind of stuck there in the Physical Realm, which is not something the spikes are dealing with.  Divine Breath potentially, because that’s like something that’s actually melding on to your soul

The second is more recent, but they are only 6 months apart, from April and October of 2015.

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In the annotations for Warbreaker 22, Brandon says it is a part of the soul


Vivenna at the Safe House

Vivenna is right about what happens to a person when they lose their Breath. It is a part of your soul, and without one, you are more prone to depression, you get sick much more easily, and you’re generally more irritable.


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Is it possible each shard has a power that manifests itself differently based on what realm is affecting it.

All worlds seem to have investiture that is used internally, externally or bringing a inanimate objects to life. Am i missing any other ways investiture is being used.

If I had to put a realm to each type of investiture.

External-normal realm

Cognitive-internal use

Spiritual-bring life to objects.

Taladain I know the least about so not sure if the above theory holds true.

Roshar seems to turn this theory on its head.

Though shardblades are described to have a soul by a adolin in WoR (can't find the quote)

Stormlight is the real world power

And the surgebindings are used by ingesting(best word I could think of) stormlight

Maybe the realms aren't connected at all and its just that each investiture has 3 modalities. 

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13 hours ago, Thude said:

If I had to put a realm to each type of investiture.

External-normal realm

Cognitive-internal use

Spiritual-bring life to objects.

This statement is mainly false, the only two magic systems that are deeply Spiritual in Nature (Forgery and Hemalurgy) has nothing to do with bring stuff to life.

Awakening affects stuff mainly in the Cognitive realms, imprinting the object with a poor Awakener's Cognitive Replica. So probably if there is a link between the Realms and the magic's purpose...The cognitive has more to do with bringing stuff to life (but still this is a poor explaination as other Cognitive effects has nothing to do with life

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18 hours ago, Yata said:

This statement is mainly false, the only two magic systems that are deeply Spiritual in Nature (Forgery and Hemalurgy) has nothing to do with bring stuff to life.

Awakening affects stuff mainly in the Cognitive realms, imprinting the object with a poor Awakener's Cognitive Replica. So probably if there is a link between the Realms and the magic's purpose...The cognitive has more to do with bringing stuff to life (but still this is a poor explaination as other Cognitive effects has nothing to do with life

Shardblades are spiritual as the sever a soul.

the cognitive realm is where an object such as a table has pride in being a table, but its not where the table gets life. (I beleive this is right) So i believe your assesment is on point.

Though, after thinking about it more I believe i was trying to make a connection where there was none.


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27 minutes ago, Thude said:

Shardblades are spiritual as the sever a soul.

Yes, I simply didn't considerate the Shardblade as a magic system but yeah the Roshar's Shardblades affect the Soul and the physical.

28 minutes ago, Thude said:

the cognitive realm is where an object such as a table has pride in being a table, but its not where the table gets life. (I beleive this is right) So i believe your assesment is on point.

The Cognitive is where the Mind is and it's a reflection of how the stuff views the world and itself and how the other view it.

The Soul is instead a bunch of Connections to other stuff.


Both this stuff are not strictly related to "be alive" of their own, simply Investiture is linked to sentience. So to be "alive" you have to have at least an X amount of Investiture, to be "sentient" an Y amount (with Y>X) and to be "sapient" an Z (with Z>Y) but those are just requirements and it doesn't mean that an Z amount---> The stuff is Sapient, just that could potentially be sapient.

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