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Hi there, it's me. I should probably say something already.


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I am an aspiring writer (who isn't?) who discovered Brandon Sanderson's work the way many of us did: through reading his completion of WoT and loving it. Yes, even Mat. Maybe especially Mat.

After that, I immediately launched myself headfirst into Mistborn, then Elantris, then every shred of anything Sanderson I could find. I experienced a sweeping revival of my love of fantasy thanks to these books. I barely understood or appreciated worldbuilding before my career as a cosmerenaut, but I haven't looked back since.

Other than that, my claim to fame is that Brandon Sanderson once told me I looked familiar for some reason at a signing for "The Alloy of Law."



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Great to see another Sharder! I'm probably not the best one to reply to you, as you can see by my post count.

What's your favorite book by Brandon--All, cosmere-only, or non-cosmere?

Have you read any books that are similar in style to the Cosmere (other than WoT)?

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@Walin  My favorite is probably still WoK, even though I adored WoR. Maybe it's because Roshar was a brand new Shardworld for my mind to play in, but probably because I really loved the subtext about the responsibilities and facets of leadership.

I usually like cosmere-related stuff over non-cosmere, but The Rithmatist was really, really good.

@Rebecca Thanks! Counting the days until Oathbringer like everyone else!

Edited by Arithered
Named wrong book
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