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Cultivation and the champion


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This is a theory on the champion that is based entirely on very little factual evidence. In the WoR the Storm father tells Dalinar to have Odium to use the ancient rules and use a champion. I was wondering if it was possible that the home team’s champion would be chosen by Cultivation seeing as she is the shard that is still alive and unshattered. This would mean the champion would probably be someone on the cultivation half such as Lift or Renarin rather than Kaladin or Dalinar. 

Edited by Smokeform
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That's a really good theory. I was kind of oblivious to the fact that if Odium had to choose a champion, then Cultivation and Honor would have to as well. I'm thinking that Odium would have to put enough Investiture into a person to make them his champion that it would give Spiritual signals, and Cultivation could then choose someone with the proper skillset to take that person down. (Kind of like Gary in Red and Blue, or FireRed and LeafGreen)

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11 hours ago, Walin said:

I'm thinking that Odium would have to put enough Investiture into a person to make them his champion that it would give Spiritual signals,

I disagree based on Shardic Intents.

A Mistborn or Misting is only "Invested" when burning Metals. I'd consider a KR to be the same, only Invested when holding Stormlight. A Shard can choose to directly power their champion, but due to the risks, they'd probably only do that when their champion needed it. So I'd imagine that their respective Champions will only be heavily invested during that final confrontation.

The "hyper-invested ness" would be a last minute thing, but I don't think Cultivation or Odium would choose a Champion last minute. Ruin might, but Ruin works in the here and now. Odium and Cultivation have more.. long-term Intents. I'd imagine they would have a Champion lined up already.

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14 hours ago, The One Who Connects said:

A Mistborn or Misting is only "Invested" when burning Metals. I'd consider a KR to be the same, only Invested when holding Stormlight. 

I know It's tangential to the point, but I disagree with this. A KR has a Splinter-worth amount of Investiture fused with his own Soul. I strongly believe a KR would be High Invested also without Kinetic Investiture avaliable.

Anyway I agree with all' the rest of the post. Odium would probably super-charge his Champion only in moment of Need....of course until we don't see Voidbinding , It's hard to gamble on the Champion's nature

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On 10/17/2017 at 11:18 PM, Yata said:

I know It's tangential to the point, but I disagree with this. A KR has a Splinter-worth amount of Investiture fused with his own Soul. I strongly believe a KR would be High Invested also without Kinetic Investiture available.

I guess we'll have to ask Brandon at some point if a Seeker like Marsh could detect a "Nahel Bond" specifically when the KR is just wandering around without Light or Blade.

This makes me curious if a Seeker could detect Stormlight leaking from Spheres and/or if Stormlight leaking from a Radiant would "sound" any different. hrmm... with Spheres and Spren all around, Roshar has the potential to wreak havoc with a Seeker's senses. Could make for an interesting perspective chapter if/when Era 4 takes to Space.

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15 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

I guess we'll have to ask Brandon at some point if a Seeker like Marsh could detect a "Nahel Bond" specifically when the KR is just wandering around without Light or Blade.

This makes me curious if a Seeker could detect Stormlight leaking from Spheres and/or if Stormlight leaking from a Radiant would "sound" any different. hrmm... with Spheres and Spren all around, Roshar has the potential to wreak havoc with a Seeker's senses. Could make for an interesting perspective chapter if/when Era 4 takes to Space.

Well a Seeker would be unable to detect a Nahel Bond also if the KR is high Invested....Seekers detects Kinetic Investiture and also if high Invested, the KR would be mainly filled with Innate Investiture. We have a WoB for example on a Seeker as able to detect only the Blade's summon/dismass and not the Blade for the whole time.

I am quite confindent (but not proofs) that a Seeker would be unable to detect the Spren aroung (unless they are performing surges. While for the Stormlight's leaking I think the Seeker would feel it and yes...it would be not really pleasant (without considerate "hearing an Hightstorm coming")

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1 minute ago, Yata said:

I am quite confident (but not proofs) that a Seeker would be unable to detect the Spren around.

I was thinking more along the lines of when Spren pop into existence around people (moments of fear, glory, anger, etc..). That seemed more like an... "action," for lack of a better word, so it felt like something that might qualify. I can see why it wouldn't, but I can also see a case for why it would count.

3 minutes ago, Yata said:

(without considering "hearing an Highstorm coming")

:o I hadn't even considered that. Brandon made a very wise decision making this an ability you can activate rather than having it be a passive trait.

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